I do see how you tried to slip “diminished experience” in there as if it’s objective fact, and not, again, your subjective opinion
Great, I want to see this from anyone at all ever, this is what I’m asking for. Examples of some mechanic or gameplay system that may slip through the cracks and allow this significant, harmful advantage to those with early access.
Instead all I’m getting are posts about how it doesn’t feel right that people won’t all start together on launch day, or easily debunked ways in which people will gain an advantage (some of them from people who didn’t know that progression content will be turned off even!), or posts about corporate greed.
It’s harming WoW right now… Some people are unhappy, I decided not to buy the Xpac at all… It’s very slight but that harmed WOW and that is objective…
So, you’re saying this is an uncommon practice so there is no data which means all conversations surrounding the topic are subjective… Like I said. If you know that why ask for Objective proof? Seems like you are confused.
Wasn’t a slip, businesses are very happy to toot their own horn. If they discovered this actually provided a better player experience they would be celebrating it. At blizzcon they would of said it right there on stage to hear people cheer about it. But that didn’t happen, can you guess why?
Sometimes what isn’t said means a lot more then what is.
Conversely, why do you think they did announce it at Blizzcon if it only brought such a diminished experience? Do you think if it was truly a negative thing, they would have announced it?
No offense, but you not playing at launch because you think the sky is falling with them including early access doesn’t harm the game. The game will be just fine without you.
Did they announce it at blizzcon? I don’t remember hearing them talk about it. Personally didn’t notice it until I went to the purchase page and saw it. I can only assume if it was mentioned they did their best to move along as quickly as possible in hopes it wouldn’t be noticed and boo’d at.
It will go on yes, with slightly less revenue than it would have otherwise… Multiply that by the many or even the few that are like minded and WoW was in fact harmed… There was no mentioned of to what degree you required. Be more specific next time. Hard to please aren’t we…
So, because I’m retired and I have money and I choose to buy the Epic Edition because i wanted the pet, mount, transmog, toy, and, i’ll be 100% honest here, the guaranteed beta access because i haven’t taken part in a beta since MoP (the 30 days game time, and 3 days early access didnt even play into the equation) I made a “poor decision” with my money? Really?
I’d be willing to bet the increase in revenue from people getting the epic edition will more than make up for the people like you who wait a month and then buy the base edition anyway like they originally would have.
I’m also willing to bet there will not be enough people who actually quit over this in the long term.
This is my subjective opinion based on the fact that everybody offers early access and it’s never harmful enough to the game to drive people away.
No, but if because you “have money” you always opt to buy the most expensive version of everything then yes, you are making poor decisions… Most expensive is not always best nor is it always the most suited to your needs.
Don’t twist my intent… Congratz on your successful Retirment.
The sad reality is, people will think you make a bad choice because you are showing support for something they disagree with. The same arguments was made toward people that was purchasing Harry Potter games. It’s difficult for some individuals to realize that what you are purchasing isn’t the offending content, but rather the content you enjoy. Does this make it difficult to get business’s to stop doing harmful things? Yes. Is it your responsibility to hold business’s accountable? No, your only responsibility is to spend your money in a manner you see fit while taking care of yourself. If you meet those standards it’s nobody else’s business how you choose to spend your money.
Supposedly all you could do is just hit the level cap, everything else is supposedly locked out as in no higher dungeon difficulties, not even rares or anything else you could do. If we trust their word its literally 3 days early to level to 80 and thats it. I don’t know if I fully trust this though.
What part do you find subjective? It does make it difficult to make business’s to stop doing harmful things as so long as money shows a overall gain there is no reason to act on response. I’m not seeing the subjective part there.
It’s the part where “harmful things” is presented as fact, when by and large, most of the “harmful things” you’re referring to, like in this instance with early access, is actually still just an opinion.
They need to make payroll. While as well make the money off of players thatvare willing to spend money on cosmetics and extra start time. Everythingvis gated, so no advantage there.
Where do you get off to tell anyone else that their personal financial decisions are poor? I don’t recall reaching out to you to get your advice on what I should buy, or how I should spend my money. It’s none of your business and its ignorant of you to call anyone’s personal financial decisions poor. Do you always buy the cheap generic no name food at Walmart? Do you only get a base model used vehicle when purchase a new one? Did you buy a house that smallest one that would fit your family comfortably? Get out of here with the “making poor decisions” argument. Ugh…