so as of the other day or so i randomly recieved an email from blizz that my main acc got suspended til 434pm tomorrow for whats been labeled as ‘disruptive gameplay’ i have 0 idea what this even is, so naturally i opened an appeal ticket and got a canned response, US73840409 is ticket number.
how is one supposed to learn what not to do next time if they arent given specifics of what was even done wrong in the first place.
i remember years ago when you got reported for something the emails would list toon affected/or that you were on at time and an example of whatever the offense was, these days it seems you just get emailed with whatever the violation is an nothing else. so how does one learn how to not cause the same thing in future going forward if theres no explanation or example?
also i havent done much of anything this week other than a few dungeons on my warlock, 1 or 2 timewalking runs on my warr before the suspension hit, and nothing i said/did on either toon wouldve been remotely rule breaking in any way.
Blizzard wont go into full details on what players did so they can rule lawyer there way outa a suspension. If you still feel there wrong file another apeal ticket it goes to another GM.
This is a rather common misconception regarding account consequences. When you’re reported for something, it goes into a queue. That report could easily be a couple weeks or possibly even a month old, especially considering the situation of the world at present and game masters working from home. You aren’t instantly sanctioned for what you were reported for.
I’m not making any speculation for or against your case, just stating how their system works and additionally pointing out that response times are a little higher than normal because of the pandemic, which could very well include reports.
must be why im never seeing anything ever happen anytime i right click report people names that clearly violate RP name policies, on my alt servers, are these even enforced anymore? seems like even the blatant ones, that are real world impersonations, or phrases or something lewd even just go on like no one even cares.
The category provided is a little misleading, but seems to best fit because the violation isn’t a cheating/exploitation, a bad name, or exactly inappropriate language, though it certainly contains inappropriate language.
In this case, it appears you set up a profile in your RP addon that was very much considered inappropriate/vulgar.
The profiles are fairly visible in-game for the community that uses them. We worked with those addon creators so that they have log lines that we can verify.
You can report them through the ticket system: Report a Player > Harassment in addon text
And if you use TRP, it’s even easier: there’s a blue Blizz button in one of the corners that automatically redirects to the proper place without having to navigate the site or even leave the game, IIRC.
Blizzard didn’t have a way of logging this information until 8.0, so it’s a relatively new feature.
also question if you dont mind, would it be possible somehow to get the brewfest trophy toy the newest one they added to the event vendor, to be changed to being a users group only that it affects?
because on moonguard people will drop the trophy in the inn and make the entire in lag with it heavily because of the ffxglow setting caused by a toon being drunk for the 5 minute duration of the toys usage. previously people did similar with the moonkin trophy toy from valsharah in legion an then toys were changed to being their effects only affected those in party group with the person that used it. however the brewfest trophy toy affects everyone nearby whether they like it or not.
cant tell you how many times ive lagged or had my game lock up from someone dropping it. more often than not its just to grief people as a whole i feel like, but being that its a minor inconvenience i cant see that reporting them whoevers doing it would be worth the time.
That would be a design change, Pauly. CS has no involvement with the development of the game. If you want to see a change made to an item I’d recommend submitting a suggestion through the option in the in-game help menu or by posting in a relevant forum. General Discussion is the best for this.
yeah ive already suggested it once in game but im not sure how many more times if any are necessary, and i dont mind the toy itself i think the only reason people lock up from it is because of the number of accounts being inside the inn itself in goldshire, rather than the toy directly. but thank you for the informations vrak
50 characters just standing isn’t as much information load on individual computers as 50 characters swaying because they are inebriated. It’s an information lag on individual computers rather than the server lagging.