*2nd Update 8/8/19* Classic wow - BG Forum Fam


I’m still agonizing on what to play though… priest, pal or drood most likely but thinking about war/mage too… At least you helped me take shammah off the board :smiley:

I was never a fan BUT I can see why they did have a solid fan base and why they have succeeded the way they have.

Last concert I went to was the Slayer/Testament/Lamb of God/Anthrax one I went to last summer. I may be an emotional cripple and live a pro apathy lifestyle, but I was almost in tears knowing Slayer was retiring after the year and that I got to see them one their last journey.

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I can’t decide between a drood or priest :frowning: for my second char. I know healers will be a hot item but droods have that 1/29/21 build that lets you heal or tank and be an amazing fc in wsg. Priests are a more potent healer though and can always swap to shadow for pvp if there are more healers than anticipated. Plus you can mc people.

Decisions decisions.

I got invited to the stress test for today so hopefully I am in line to get a regular beta invite soon.


I’m kinda in the same boat. Love priests and druids. I’m also thinking about mage though. Can’t decide still.


I ended up maining a ud priest back in the day but I did go drood for bc specifically for the versatility. I am such a masochistic over thinker lol

Kinda leaning toward pally at the moment…


Do it!

I’m leaning more toward priest. MC is one of my favorite spells in the game. I guess I could watch some more youtube of vanilla players clicking their abilities.



Now we play the waiting game for the stress test and the praying game for the beta invite…

MC was awesome back in the day. MCing people off the ledge in EotS was funny.

Call me nuts, but Vanilla Mind Flay was my favorite. I didn’t care for the new one. I like the light blue laser beam it was before. That is, if you’re going Shadow…

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MC was a lot of fun back when. Las played a priest, me a paladin. It was fun freaking out baby horde while they were leveling. Las would MC them, and I would throw might or wis on them depending on class. They would stand there scared to death at first when the MC was removed and either flee in terror not understanding they had just been buffed, or take a min, have it sink in, then cheer and dance. Good times. :smile:


I loved everything priest in nilla, the shadow animations back then were so awesome at the time… That one raid spot for spriest was always taken but I always got whispers to heal even before hitting 60 lol

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Reminds me of my kids cats… they catch birds and mice all the time but they never hurt them lol

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Vanilla Vampiric Embrace too.

Hmm… now I’m torn

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Nah, I don’t like slaying some lvl 20 when I’m lvl capped. It makes for a sucky experience for them and a no fun experience for me. MCing and buffing was fun though. The range of freak-out from them was priceless lol.

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MCing hardcore elite mobs and using them to kill lowbies is fun though. That video of the guy at the AV queue spot killing people had me rollin.


Obviously not classic, but:

Back in mop I was running bgs with Goofin, Djani, Muffindiver, etc, and I mained goblin spriest.

In temple (assuming they fixed it now) I would Mc the enemy orb carrier and Dj would bop the orb off of them. Freaking hilarious.

Or randomly Mc a guy about to die, heal them up, and then start killing them again.


Pfft, hardcore elite mobs. Defias Pillagers in Westfall/Moonbrook is where it’s at, surviving through them is how you knew you would make it as Alliance.

Find me one other random NPC in the game that specifically got called out and nerfed in official Blizzard patch notes, not to mention in typical Blizzard timing around cataclysm.


Worst xpac ever.

And those fireball shooting mages were OFF THE CHAIN. :laughing:


I am particularly looking forward to real Westfall *and specifically Moonbrook. <3

I still have Old Blanchy’s feed pouch on one of my toons, lol. I won’t delete it. Can’t believe they offed poor old Blanchy.

Heck yeah.


Me too. As well as old Duskwood. Mistmantle (and his story) was srs biz back when. That curse lasted like an hour and you had to find a mage to get it off! No random insert worgen tanking him either for the fight. He was tough.


The Alliance leveling that I remember the most is the true triple threat. The Westfall —> Redridge Mountains —> Duskwood combination is the equivalent of getting punched in the mouth for 15-20 levels.