2H vs Sword/Shield Tanking

Because not all healers suck. Theres also this thing called ooc ( out of combat ) drinking. This doesn’t mean you wait until combat breaks, then finish spamming heals, to open yourbag and find a water to click and drink.

You should be sitting the very moment combat breaks, all others should be doing the same ( or eating in the case of melee ), when the tank then pulls, you should be ready to stand but waiting until you need to.

If you need to sit for the entire duration of your drink, you need to look at what YOU are doing wrong. It could be a lack of spirit, it might be the water you’re using, it could be the expectation you place on others for them to wait while you get your stuff together.

I do groups with multiple warriors, quite often without a shield in sight. My guilds healers love it because mobs die faster, threat generation is superior and people have FUN, which is whole point to playing a game.

If you are having trouble with this in 5 man groups, you’re in for some harsh realities when you go on a 40 man raid.

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If your tanks are dying in 2-3 seconds, there’s more going wrong than 2H tanking.

Call me weird, but I don’t check tanks specs and whether they are 2H or sword and board before starting an instance. As long as the mobs are dying and I can heal through the damage with some buffer in case of things going pear shaped, it’s all good by me.

Rage-based tanks need incoming damage, and if they are well geared than sometimes they need to cut back on mitigation so they can generate enough threat to raise the dps ceiling. That’s the way it is. Shouldn’t be a problem unless the tank is poorly geared and is just being reckless.

I find that if you have a predefined notion in your head, you are going to find evidence to support that notion. You sound like someone who has decided that a tank should always wear a shield, so every time you run without one you are looking for those reasons and ignoring everything else.

People use 2handers, especially while leveling, because it has better threat gen and mobs die a LOT faster. Faster clears, more runs, more loot, more xp. Yes, they take more damage… but it’s not a lot.


P.S. I assume your ‘2-3 seconds’ is exaggeration, but in case your healer is a priest at least, may I suggest the following so you are not spending so much time drinking.

  • Stack spirit. While you are levelling, this is your primary stat.
  • Invest in meditation.
  • Heal in bursts as much as possible so you can maximise your time outside the 5-second rule.
  • If you do need to take a drink, don’t feel you must top up to 100%, but by the same token, you should feel free if you want to let the tank pull while you are still drinking and only interrupt when you need to cast your first heal. You should be holding your first heal off for a couple of seconds to let the tank establish aggro first, right?

Well its kinda sad that so many people got offended by the anti 2h tank post that they have to act so defensive in ways of mocking the op.

I mean i don’t see how his experience is hitting a nerve with some of you.

But what ever the case is if your tank is taking so much damage that one renewal isn’t enough to keep him up then hes probably not pulling right or tanking right. Healer drinking a lot is usually a sign of either not good mana management or bad tank/dps threat management.


Literally the most predictable reply possible.

By way of counterpoint, consider the following:

Enough with the 2H Tanking!

2-Hander tanks. Why?

2H Tanks, when did this become a thing?

Entitled dual-wielding/2H “tanks”

What 2H “tanks” haven’t figured out yet, but will eventually

That’s literally just the first 5 I saw searching for “2H tank”

Then again, I literally haven’t been in a group that understood that you have to wait at least 0.5 seconds before nuking, or that you have to focus dps, or a million other things. So I can only guess that either 1) a lot of people are new, 2) retail plays different and is causing confusion with classic or 3) people haven’t somehow gotten worse over time. No idea really.

Edit: actually what I think is happening is that no one actually wants to tank, and that they only do it begrudgingly because they need to for groups. Like mages with water. So they do it, but only on their terms, which often translates into doing it poorly.


I have to confess, I am in this boat, but not quite the way you think.

I was a Tank throughout my entire play history prior to Classic, from early '05 through to Cataclysm, after which i abandoned the game completely. In Classic I was also a tank from day 1, I lasted 2 months before i threw the towel in.

Between the craptastic healers, mages who begrudge giving water to healers and the general subtle hate directed towards Tanks over tank privilege, i gave in and went full fury DPS.

I get to roll on whatever I want, I enjoy my dungeon time like never before, and i don’t get accused of exerting the power I have as a tank to form groups aka tank privilege.

As a sword and board tank, there was a place for healers who sucked, as they could get by thanks to my damage mitigation. As a fury dual wield I don’t have room in groups for bad healers, such is life.

Don’t hate the player, hate the game. Seems no matter what we tanks do, there is always someone ready to cuss us out. If im going to be abused for tanking, im not tanking, simple.

The player base has done this to itself.

p.s. - I’d be careful highlighting other duplicate posts in your own duplicate post, as it’s against the forum CoC.

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What about dual wield tanking ?

Is that allowed?

You clearly have zero idea about how threat works . If the tank is good he will switch to shield when healer gets behind in heals .

Shield tank cannot hold threat as good as a fury/prot tank either but you need good gear .

2h tank is probably arms and is using sweeping strikes . Good build for AE but it would struggle on single targets .

If you can hold threat vs warlock going balls to the wall you know your build is good.

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You can read my posts in a couple of those threads, dismantling the arguments presented by anti-meta complainers.

That is the moment where you go from “i hate 2hnd tanks” to “im just trolling”

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I can believe all of these gripes, including garbage healers. Sort of the converse of the situation I find myself in.

If you’re working twice as hard to make up for the shortfall in a group caused by a healer, it’s hard not to resent all the people who are skipping about blissfully ignorant who then blame you when things go wrong.

There’s no priest equivalent to fury/DW. I guess you can spec shadow and dps but I like healing (marginally competent groups).

No thanks.

If you say so. I can tell you’ve never been a healer who’s had multiple mobs peel off after heal #1, even after waiting a respectful amount of time after the pull.

“Tell me, why must you 2H tank?”
“Well, let me tell y–”
“No thanks.”

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This happens with shield tanks too when fighting multiple mobs.

Was the 2h tank in defence stance and did they have defiance 5/5 from protection?

Alot of tanks will argue you don’t need defiance but you will find those are the bad ones .

But then I would also argue shadow priests aren’t as good as holy/disc for healing

Incorrect. For max efficiency (and fun really) everyone should be using as much of their capability as possible. Why would you go through an entire instance gimping your warriors dps AND ignoring 90% of your healers kit/stats? Doesnt make any sense at all. If you gain 200 dps without sacrifing anything, youd be a fool not to.

Hence 2h/fury dps

2h/fury does massively more threat than prot, especially if they’re spec’d for it. Prot has very few talents that increase threat in vanilla and the only one that really matters is at tier 2.

Exactly. Charge, sweeping strikes, zerker stance, rage, whirlwind. Infinitely more instant aoe threat than any prot tank can put out short of TF.

Shields are primarily for blocking crushing blows… Thats really it… Also keep in mind a lot of mobs do magic damage in which case your shield does exactly nothing.

Do you hear that healers? It’s actually your fault for not working as hard as you possibly can. Spam harder, the tanks need to have more fun, really.


Not disagreeing with the rest of your post, but it’s much more than 10%.

“Read my posts”
<posts 1700 times in 2 months>
“No thanks”

Don’t let the truth interfere with 2H tanking.
You might not disagree with the rest of his post but I will. If your group needs more DPS, your DPS are doing a terrible job. If you can’t keep and hold aggro with a shield, you’re doing a terrible job


I exclusively tank with a sword and board. Since I don’t get to see others tank outside of a raid I’ve never had a chance to see a 2H tank in action at level 60. But there are people claiming they do it and it works. No reason not to believe them.

It seems like a risk versus return problem.
2H tanking = High risk (dying) high reward (faster run?)
Sword and board tanking = Low risk low reward (presumably a slower run)

Now I don’t know if it’s true that 2H tanking leads to faster runs. It could be the case that since the healer spends more mana healing the tank and drinks more it takes longer.

There will not be 2h tanking when they hit a boss that can do crushing blows and 1 shot them. This does not happen in a 5 man.