2H Obliterate - complete the dream Blizz!

I was told plenty of times, by bringing up these very issues, that they didn’t care. They wanted to equip a 2h weapon even if it was behind and aesthetics mattered more. Even after it was announced some of those people just didn’t care.

These are not new issues either, it’s 11 year old issues I don’t understand why now of all times they would do anything.

Now we are at the time when it is back and the time to actually give feed back to make it work.

I am standing behind my prediction that come Shadowlands release, 2H will be the same or better than DW.

What do you think that Blizzard will do?

I don’t think they are going to do much of anything. Frost is also the only 1h DW str option so they probably aren’t going to do anything to disturb that uniqueness.

They have already given what people asked for. 2h option/choice, increase to obliterate damage, and making obliterate scale with mastery. Give an inch and people want to take a mile.

My money is on MoTFW or a similar passive making a last minute return - its the simplest and easiest band-aid at this point. Players won’t accept DW being miles ahead of 2H damage in end game content but if its only a couple of % difference most will be happy.

The argument Blizzard will throw this back on the players and say ‘hey we gave you what you wanted’ is suicidal from a marketing perspective considering the alternative of at least adding something to try and balance the two options out. It won’t just be DK’s that will be upset every class is looking at this scenario right now.

Only Blizzard knows what their plans are and the rest of us just speculate…any outcome is possible at this point.

So, you think they will let it go live as is?

With DW having double runes and 4x the KM procs?

That is what he/she has been arguing from the start. Its a legitimate possibility but highly unlucky if you ask me.

I find the scenario of Blizzard saying “We gave you what you wanted” knowing full well 2H isn’t viable extremely unlikely from a PR and Marketing perspective.

Far more likely for an executive to say “add back in MoTFW” get 2H as close as you can and if that isn’t enough so be it “at least the players will see we tried something”.

But hey, who really knows what is going to happen so all options are technically on the table.

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It has always had 2 runes and more KM procs so it’s nothing strange. And it’s not like they haven’t released things that are just flat out dps losses. Drain soul for the majority of BFA was a dps loss over not taking a talent, some azerite traits were dps losses over not having a trait at all.

Do I trust them to do anything? No. They have enough on their plate with balancing covenants which is a much bigger issue. It’s not like 2h being behind brings the spec down.

So, just say it: you think Blizzard will release 2H as is with all of its glaring issues.

Make a prediction.

Something you can quote yourself on when Shadowlands releases.

Why do you want a definitive quote? There is a possibility that they do try to do something, I just don’t have any faith that they will.

Just be realistic and look at the company in just the recent years. Did they deliver on WC3 Reforged? The big Diablo announcement? How about What they did to the Heroes of the Storm pro scene? BFA wasn’t so great either. I mean what was the expansion? And the old god threat?

“There’s no way they can release it in this state” yet they have, again, and again, and again, and again.

Otherwise you are arguing just for the sake of it. Trying to spoil what is a very exciting prospect for so many of us. Trying to find all the ways you can to ruin 2H for everyone before it has even happened.

If you truly believe that Blizzard will not fix anything and 2H will get nothing else to help it, then say it clearly and stand behind it.

EDIT: if you think so poorly of this company and everything they are doing, why are you even here?


That’s not at all what is happening. Again, just being realistic. It’s not my fault if people take what I said a different way.

Every single thread. Every one…

Regardless, only time will tell. Only Blizzard knows what their plans are.


Every single thread what?

What other way is there to take it?

What is your goal here if not to ruin the 2H parade?

Most of us here are looking for ways to make it work, and for some reason, you only seem to be looking for ways it won’t work.

I see you won’t make any predictions, I am assuming that is because you don’t ever want to be wrong. Everything you say is worded for an out later on it seems.


You haven’t seen me say a DW nerf, it’s just I don’t see why they would do that since it was intended in how it works. Or saying that they would have to split abilities because there is nothing within the formula that can be changed without it having an impact on the other weapon?

It’s almost like people see only what they want to see instead of what actually is.

Yeah I am looking to what 2H Frost can be and giving suggestions rather than obsessing over what 2H Frost is now, at this exact moment, or even back in WoD.


That is not what that quote was in reference to, which proves my point that people see only what they want to see and not what actually is.

I realize, it was intended as a play on words. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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All I see is how you are trying desperately to point out how 2H will not work.

And I am not sure why.


Because not all ideas can work out. Oh it’s just a simple change in numbers when it just doesn’t work that way.

And 2h technically works so if it’s just that you want it to work mission accomplished.