2H Obliterate - complete the dream Blizz!

You make one of those number go up and/or the other go down.

Just because a formula exists, does not mean mean it cannot be changed.

And how do you change it? You would have to change the entire formula at this point, an entire redesign just to accomodate something that doesnt mesh well with the spec that people are trying to force.

You show me the formula, and I will show you how.


Right I like something can’t be done and to do it you would have to change the formula. And yes you just increase the chance using what was said you put it at a higher chance.

I mean, you can look it up and I also went over it in another thread. There are 3 things that go into making a proc chance for KM. PPM which is constant between both weapon sets, 60 seconds, and the base weapon speed which increases the proc chance the lower the base weapon speed.

So 2h has a 29.something % chance to proc, while 1h weapons have a around 22% chance per hit to proc.

You would have to redesign the formula to separate the 2h calculation and 1h calculation if you want to buff up 2h to DW levels.

See? Easy.

You say “redesign” the formula and I say change a variable.

Where is the formula though? There is no hope of me finding it by looking through your posts, you have half the posts of the entire DK forums at the moment.


Thats not easy, its a complete redesign. Its already included in the formula to differentiate between the 2 weapons, its just that haste and the shear amount of attacks that DW has pushes it way out in front. Not to mention it just has more chances to crit which means it has more chances to have this roll. So even if you did do this change, its a proc based on each auto crit you have and it still wouldnt be equalized or normalized.

Where is the formula?

There is google you know. Its the same way I found it.

but its PPM / (60s/weapon speed) = proc chance. The PPM is 5

Oh, and this is under the wowhead spell page for KM under the comments. 2.6 weapon has a 21.66% chance and a 3.6 weapon has a 29.99% chance. Someone asked if that meant that DW was obsolete and the answer was no. Now its that chance on top of a chance.

… Increase one of the numbers. Not trying to be snarky, just saying.


There is only 1 number in the formula that is exclusive to 2h and that is the base weapon speed.

And? Math is flexable. I am sure Bliz has more than enough people there who can change a simple math formula.


PPM is not what causes 4x the KM proc rate for DW. Because PPM is what normalizes the two proc chances.

Where is the rest of the formula?


Which requires splitting the calculation. OR, you do what is easier and nerf DW.

Yea. Whatever is making DW overide a simple PPM formula is what needs to change.

Or just remove it and make both weapons work off a basic PPM formula.


Do you know how KM works? Its a proc chance (what the formula shows) per auto crit. DW just flat out has more attacks that are able to crit so the end result will just be higher. There is nothing missing there.

Okay. Split the formula. Who cares?

Its not doing anything that it hasnt done for 11 years. You get a proc chance per auto, now its a proc chance per crit.

You have 2 weapons attacking, both weapons can crit, and both weapons can proc KM, that is what is doing it.