2H Obliterate - complete the dream Blizz!

Sorry, but I don’t like manipulative people doing this bad cop good cop routine.

Again with being presumptuous but alright. Best of luck with future endeavors.

No, you said I was a liar and tried to show where I was lying along with another things and then wasted time by calling me a liar again by saying I didn’t answer you then flipped your interaction when I told you to move on to this “I just want clarification buddy”.

That’s some manipulative stuff there.

Ok. Best of luck with future endeavors.

Pot meet kettle.


I’m surprised I read every word of half of this thread, but it was mesmerizing, like a glimpse into the future of what the Shaman forums would look like if Blizz ends up ever giving Enhancement 2H as an option back.

For what it’s worth, as a complete outsider, Kelliste sounds like a mechanic trying to explain the intricacies of car repair to non-mechanics, and the non-mechanics’ responses are mostly “So then just fix it, what’s the problem?”. When one side of the argument takes the time to outline issues, bring formulas, present numbers, etc., and the other side’s response is essentially “So then change it”, it’s very difficult to side with those who say Blizz should just change it and everything will be fine.

This whole thread is exactly why I hope 2H never comes back to Enhancement.

There. That’s more accurate.


Based on everything I read, I disagree. Unfortunately, this is representative of the sort of responses Kelliste is receiving.

I really hope you end up with a half assed spec that blizz wont put any effort until late xpac when theres nothing else left to fix in the game for wishing this “cosmetic” thing, instead of making frost not play like a two button spec and fixing all its flaws like BoS being mandatory.
Two hand frost should be left the way it is now and just cometic for the ppl that wanted role playing as arthas. “I WANT MAH BIG TWO HUNDER FOR MAH ROLE PLAYS BLIZZ PLIZZZZ I DONT CARE ABOUT BALANCE”, i guess all of you remenber that from all those 2 hand frost posts.

The irony of this is truly delicious.


And I hope all the unholy players that want dw get it.



Kelliste is less a car mechanic or visionary and more of a rambling, drunk delusional homeless man wandering the streets spitting on people and talking about government conspiracies.


Gotta say, I love reading all the back and forth on the forums.
But back on topic. Would changing km procs while holding a 2h to just be auto attack hits instead of crits help at all? I see so many suggestions on the forums and some of them sound really great.
I’m excited to see how things work out.
Also, if anyone wants some more in depth info, final boss tv on YouTube has some great 1st pass alpha videos on all 3 specs

It could help there are a lot if things that could be done. But think about thid would km procs be fun if they happened everytime you swung a 2h. At some point km will lose the impactful feeling it gave when you got it.

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It would, but that just splits the spec again with both weapons having different stat focuses. It would be a around 30% chance every 3.6 seconds before haste and crit would instantly be a worse stat unless crit would make things like Icecap flow better due to more abilities being able to lower its cd.

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Bery true
Whay about changing km to proc from abilities? Maybe FS ect have a chance to proc it? I dunno. Balancing 2h vs dw will be a tricky task.
I am curious to see how hard the km obl will hit for now that they will scale with mastery.

Since its a crit as well, which I have seen arms crit for 5k, lets use that number as just an example. So 2.5k baseline before armor armor on mobs is around 30-40% (if mob armor carries over from BFA) so that is 1.5k hits or 3k crits. With a rank 2 km, armor isnt factored in, and that would be then doubled so 5k crits before mastery. So if you had 40% mastery that is another 2k which puts it to 7k and then a fully stacked razorice debuff puts it to 8050 crit. Thats before Pillar which looks like it gives 20% str (10% baseline and 10% most for rank 2) Icecap, any soulbinds that might increase damage, legendary powers whatever those might be which I dont think a single one has been shown yet, set gear which might also push other builds ahead since I dont think we seen any of those either.

Changing it to proc from abilities would normalize the proc chance between 2h and DW since it would be button presses which would be the same at a base level, you can only do so many button presses due to the gcd no matter the weapon before haste.

I would rather them do something or say they arent going to do anything so that the spec can be looked at.

Like Icy Talons, if that was a haste buff instead of just a melee attack speed buff then it would instantly be a better talent.


I think they should just make Icy Citadel baseline at this point, considering it’s one of the main things allowing for the current Icecap build. It may even be better with the new KM combining with Obliteration now. Maybe all 3 can be somewhat equal.
Honestly KM allowing for Frost damage was one of the smartest changes they could do. I’m surprised it wasn’t done earlier.


All 2? Sure.
Cant wait to intant decline frost dk from groups in shadowlands, specialy when they are seen with a 2 hander.

Haha, honestly - In what context are you insta-declining anyone from a group? In a LFG/LFR premade where you have to initiate a vote?

The only context is when you can just randomly decline/kick someone from a group would be when you need help killing some random world elite, in which case, enjoy waiting even longer for some random lowbie to happen to walk by.

By the time Mythic ++ comes around, people are going to begin min/maxing. If 2h is balanced by then, you would be silly to kick just because of that.