2H Obliterate - complete the dream Blizz!

It not being balanced is far from the worst thing happening. It could be they ultimately decided to not allow you to change covenants period. That’s the worst possibility. I’m not saying you can’t do it, I’m just saying it’s no way shape or form helpful or productive. All you’ve done is deny feedback being viable while offering no other solution than nerfing DW. I’m not going into covenant forums just saying “it’s not gonna be balanced don’t bother trying to invest in the system”. I’m letting the people who are thinking of ways of improving that system brainstorm and give feedback.

You’re moving the goalpost. You said it wasn’t possible to transmog originally, due to animations https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/we-did-it-2h-frost/488474/585?u=taelgaro-stormrage.
But you’re right people don’t a fast 2h. They want a slow hard hitting one. And that can be done without nerfing DW. Passive to add bonus crit chance to autos when using a 2h, making it closer to 80-40/50 instead of 80-20. Done. Bigger buffs to the 2h side of the Obliterate equation. Done. Buffing GA to allow for Razorice application, or just a general tweaking of that talent in general cause its garbage. Maybe add synergy to 2h in the equation, bonus crit damage or something. Done. Buff to Obliteration to further work with the heavier 2h Obliterate math, maybe taking notes from Gargoyle. Done. And nothing about DW was directly nerfed in the process. In fact it’ll probably still parse better. People get there big 2hs for all 3 specs and that feeling they want, and the DWs still get to smack stuff faster for more overall dps.

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