2h Frost (and Frostmourne) megathread

They are shards of Frostmourne, not the sword itself.

And yes, Apocalypse as a weapon is probably more accomplished for what it can do.

That said, I doubt Blizzard is going to give players such an iconic weapon.

Didn’t stop them from giving us Ashbringer, Doomhammer, and other iconic weapons. And even if the Twin Blades were made from the shards of Frostmourne, they STILL were said to have a bunch of Frostmourne’s original powers, and could be as strong as Frostmourne or more. We just got screwed out of Frostmourne cause they wanted to make Frost dual-wield.


Those 2 weapons can be weilded by anyone while whoever picks up Frostmourne gets its soul feasted upon instantly. Its the weapon of the Ner’zhul Lich King. It was a part of him, or he was a part of it. Arthas was its first victim.

duel wielding just dosnt really feel like a deathknight.
arthas didnt even touch a one hander and he was the OG frost deathknight.


Not this argument again
 2 of the other first death knights used one handers.

am i miss informed? i dont recall any tbh.


Yeah, but we won’t wanna be stuck as ONLY look-alike of those two! SO many more Death Knights use 2 handers! But if Frost’s count is gonna be so small like the number of DW Death Knights in-lore, then fine, have it your way

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Yes, you are. Mograine also used DW before, Falric and Marwyn who was part of his army in Northrend that helped destroy Lordaeron, one DW, and the other used a 1h and sword.

Apocalypse horribly corrupts the user though, and both the Twin Blades and Shadowmourne can steal both the welder’s soul, and the souls of others in their lore too. But that didn’t happen to us Death Knights. We’re ALREADY cursed when we first were risen anyway. And another thing, both of those guys in the Halls of Reflection just used ONE 1h sword, not TWO, and one of them had a shield as well! Also, Mograine didn’t use DW in-combat at all, just while he was in the Ebon Hold before he went to fight for real in ICC, at which point, he took up a 2 hander again.

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You are just completely wrong. The Twin Blades has no lore that says it can steal the wielders soul, nor shadowmourne since I looked them both up. Apocalypse just influences the user and those around it. The person that was hunting Aegwynn was seemingly fine after Apocalypse wasnt around him to the point where he was normal and had a family of his own.

Shadowmourne wasnt just for Death Knights, any 2h str user could use it and it did nothing of the sort. It was a mimick of Frostmourne.

And you are wrong about the Halls of Reflection people, one DW (Marwyn) and the other used a Sword and Board (Falric). You think you have something here with all of your exclamations and caps locked words, but you are wrong.

Mograine just stood around in ICC as well, so what is your point? He just stands around holding different weapon sets? ICC was Tirions campaign.

I just played Halls of Reflection though, and Marwyn was missing his other sword when I played that level. (Still no Battered Hilt also sadly enough.) And even though Mograine was standing around in ICC too, I never saw any quests or anything for him where he left the Ebon Hold up until ICC. And the Lich King himself says that when Shadowmourne is finished, we too would have a blade for a prison. And even if that part about Shadowmourne being used by other classes too is true, that still doesn’t change how all three Legion artifacts and Shadowmourne prove that Frostmourne stealing and corrupting souls wouldn’t be a problem for us Death Knights.

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Maw doesnt steal or corrupt souls, Apocalypse doesnt steal or corrupt souls, it just influences the user and those around it. Its in the story that it incites fear and hatred, spreads diseases, it makes people not want to fight or fight each other before the battle begins. Laith was perfectly fine once he stopped using Apocalypse. Shadowmourne just steals soul fragments and releases them as damage.

I also just looked up Marwyn and he uses 2 1h weapons. He used 2 weapons back when it was launched so if he isnt now then its a game bug or you just didnt pay attention. This was already discussed at length.

I don’t know why Marwyn is missing one of his swords now, but even though that part was true, Apocalypse STILL corrupts souls, even if it doesn’t steal them. In fact, it doesn’t need to steal a soul to corrupt it, and can effect more than one soul. But it doesn’t look like I’ll be able to convince you at all that the artifacts and Shadowmourne render getting Frostmourne reforged complications moot. Even if we’ll be wielding mere replicas of it, while the original deal isn’t in the players’ hands when it returns, but in the hands of a lore character.

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It just boggles my mind how in a game of elves, outright magic, space alien invasions, time traveling, etc, the idea of giving a freaking sword or a even a specific sword’s replica to characters is what’s deemed too impossible or too outlandish to even discuss

Like, really?


This is why it’ll never happen. Until there is a mechanics argument or lore argument to return frost to a full-on 2h class, this topic is nothing more than a transmog wish. And on this, blizz is highly unlikely to set up 2h transmog over dw.
Also, for everyone wanting frostmourne, you are not arthas nor will you never be him.

No where in its story does it say it corrupts souls or anything. It just influences people, drives them mad, makes them fear those around them. That is all within the mind, not the soul.

You just want Frostmourne back in the story, but Bolvar would not wield it due to his nature. Hes not even dead or a death knight right now, hes just a burned paladin. He really shouldnt have any powers since it looks like the Helm was giving him his LK powers which is now gone. The scourge is going to rampage and who knows after that. Maybe the scourge is destroyed so there is no longer a need for a Lich King.

There is no lore standpoint for it to come back or even get it as a replica. Like I said, its more likely it becomes a Halloween toy like the Arthas toy where you can look like the Lich King.

Because there are set rules in this universe. You want a replica then it will have to be a toy. Stop trying to tell Blizzard to ruin their lore more than they already have.

And? The problem with that is what exactly?

A replica does not touch lore in any way. Its a just a weapon that looks like it. that’s it. The real (imaginary) Frostmourne remains untouched. That is kind of the point.

It impossible that you cannot understand that. If you dont want people running around with weapons looking like the Frostmourne, then just say that. A replica of a weapon does not equal the weapon itself.


You have to get the item for it to show as a transmog option

Seems relevant to quote this.