Again, I said demon, you keep bringing Nathrezim into it. Frankly, the notion that you think the idea that a Nathrezim can’t trick us into doing something for their ends in a game where there is LITERALLY magic being used everywhere, a giant sword sticking out of the planet and a preexisting plot-line involving a Nathrezim working with Sylvanas… makes this conversation ridiculous and pointless.
Honestly, you’re making it seem like they’re the ONLY demons that may trick us. There can be OTHER demons that can do just that, that would have PRETENDED to have worked with the Nathrezim. But I still like my idea better of restoring the real deal in exchange for powerless replicas, while Bolvar gets the real deal.
It doesn’t matter whether you’re asking for the original or a replica, it has only been associated with one character in the entire history of WoW and XxSephirothxX running around with a replica cheapens the association of the weapon with the Lich King. We are not the Lich King.
Yes and they were artifact weapons. Blizzard has on at least one occasion mentioned that it isn’t happening.
Frostmourne would have been Unholy’s weapon if they had wanted to give it to them, but I believe during Legion Alpha they talked about why it wasn’t, plus the whole it being shattered thing.
Ashbringer was given to the paladin after Tirion’s death and Thrall gave up Doomhammer willingly. Neither one of them are evil, soul-sucking weapons either and Apocalypse was invented for Legion.
It makes good sense why they wouldn’t give the DK character a cursed runeblade.
They’re gonna treat Apocalypse, the Blades of the Fallen Prince, Maw of the Damned, and Shadowmourne as far weaker and not evil and cursed weapons of unimaginable power and destruction, that can never be as bad or worse than Frostmourne, when their own lore states the EXACT OPPOSITE! God dammit the amount of hypocrisy here is unbelievable…
i do agree that the apocalypse is better than frostmourne (lore and power speaking) but not graphic looking, apocalypse basic appearence is dumb and thats expected from a multi-appearence epic weapon that comes out of nowhere…
yet, lore justification didnt stopped blizzard to giving the glaives of azzinoth to demon hunter, which makes no god lore sense at all…so the whole, frostmourne is gone argument dont work for me, and also frostmourne is in our bags as dks all along, they just changed the weapon form to adapt to frost mechanic format, if frost dks were like they used to be with both 2H and 1H weapons im sure the fallen blades would not take frostmourne appearence for the artifact.
all we are asking for is something we rightfully deserves, if paladins can get ashbringer which can be considered as the same value or even more considering that weapon destroyed frostmourne, then why we cant get frostmourne?
Maw doesnt have any corruption tied to it through the book that I could see and I read the entire thing. The metal steals the life force of whoever it touches but the grip protects the user. Kil’jaeden got word of the attack planned on him and stopped it, trapped the guys soul in his own skull and fused it with the axe.
The story of the Blades of the Prince is just that of Frostmourne. It doesnt say it corrupts the wielders and in fact, you have to subdue the spirits of Arthas and Ner’zhul basically making you ruler over the weapon.
Apocalypse drove people mad, incited fear, spread disease and in the right hands, destroyed worlds. Mostly it sounded like the weapon wasnt used as a weapon, but more like an opened pandoras box, just letting its magics do their work. It seems like it is only useful on weaker minds since it didnt work on the Nathrezim. Aegwynn broke this influence that it had on Laith, but I highly doubt she could have saved Arthas if she had the chance.
Apocalypse is probably the closest weapon to Frostmourne in what it can do.
Shadowmourne didnt achieve much of anything. Its life pretty much exists in ICC, after that who knows. It also goes into talking about the Lich King being I guess insulted “Who is to say that the Lich King wouldn’t simple annihilate - or control - the maker for their impudence in mimicking his most treasured possession.” They talked about what Shadowmourne might do but really who knows. Bolvar might use that weapon since its still out there.
A mimick of Frostmourne for the Lich King wannabe.
The point is, they aren’t giving DKs frostmourne. It’s been asked since wrath and Blizzard has said no. Apocalypse is literally Frostmourne reinvented out of thin air and given its own story.
apocalypse influence destroyed worlds alone, and when it was holded by a weak guy it managed to thread aegewynn life and she was the guardian of tirisfal at that point, she managed to make that guy flee away and then apocalypse dropped at the ground, yet she couldnt afford to destroy it, the weapon was too much for the guardian to handle.
Frostmourne at the hands of arthas the nerzhul champion after feasting on thousand of souls managed to become amazing powerfull…but apocalypse did not need all this shenanigan to get more powerfull and still managed amazing stuff, if i have to say something then apocalypse IS more powerfull than frostmourne
thats a valid argument, but that was before the artifacts showed off…and there´s a problem with that, we DID get frostmourne, the twin blades of the fallen prince ARE frostmourne, in a completely inferior design YES but STILL FROSTMOURNE.
Oh, and every time that apocalypse changed hands by the Nathrezim they made it more powerful, adding their own, I guess you can call it charm. So it’s not like it was brutally awesom from the start, not quite that awesome at the moment either but that’s probably just gameplay stuff.
thats true, and we cant say how powerfull both frostmourne and apocalypse were at the beggining of their journey…yet i still thinks apocalypse accomplished more by destroying worlds and not needing to be wielded by a powerfull individual like frostmourne felt obligated to for to actually do something.