2h Frost (and Frostmourne) megathread

Well it seems we’ve gained traction. Confirmed 2h in SL. Lets just hope its what we remember and not some con of just “heres a penny take it or leave it.”

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You are months behind… months. And so far its been a “heres a penny, take it or leave it” type of scenario.

Well, 2 pennies, there is a new 2h obliterate animation.

You have to wonder what the developers were thinking when they made a useless weak character like this & decided to call him death knight. I have one of each character - perhaps my disgust is because I didn’t expected more than this. Don’t bother making one. If wow doesn’t want you to play a character they should just delete it.

They were one of the strongest that the devs wanted to nerf but the playerbase kept saying “no they are fine” so they didnt. The new devs just suck.

Woooh! Frostmourne mega thread LIIIIIIVE!
Commits to necromancy

Also… yeah give Frostmourne or I’m stealing the paladins Ashbringer next expac.

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I love this thread.

Blizzard will save us soon I can feel it….

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While I do want and hope they add frostmourne…

some part of me wants Remornia more.

By this point eh i dont care if they add frostmourne for us or not, But what i will say is more runeblades that are very akin to frostmourne should exist

A lot of the runeblades we have now unfortuneatly are just very ugly, have really flat textures and colors, Or have some other weird thing going on that makes the weapon just look bad like weird spikes or W/E

What makes frostmourne so cool, is that even though it has weird fantasy things going on with the blade, It still at the very least KINDA looks like a normal sword, Where its very pointy at the tip and double edged. No weird blunt spikes, Just sharp thin blade

They go to hard on the fantasy aspect of the game at times. Sometimes having swords that actually look like metal, and like a real sword is simply cooler than having some big sword with spikes and a eyeball looking around or some quirky weird design

Same goes for armor, Sometimes the armor is just to flashy, Or fantasy based when it could be as simple looking as the Lich Kings armor, Matte colors, Very little or even No glowing effects, Just hollowed out depressing looking skulls

Stuff that looks more “serious” sometimes is a lot more awesome and cool than when they try to make something look super flashy and extravagant


I would even settle for a scaled up version of the frost artifact weapons to be used as a 2h appearance. Slight hilt to blade ratio fix and they would make great 2h weps.


the secret one could def work as a 2h and the completed story skin could be used as well

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Frost DK’s were robbed in Legion we got toothpicks instead of Frostmourne the fact they used “class fantasy” as an excuse was absurd and hypocritical!


.* Looks at all the goat heads. *

Yeah why do we not get proper frostmourne but paladins get their sword?


Amazing question, someone at blizzard got REAL excited at the prospect of Frost DK becoming an exclusively dual wielding spec

Thats the most simple answer, And we all know how big of a mistake that was

Be glad though, As cool as it would be to have, You dont see many rets using the ashbringer anymore, reason being is it means nothing since everyone is able to easily obtain it

Frostmourne would immediately lose all of its “cool” factor if every single DK and their moms were running around with it

Edit: And if something like frostmourne ever made its way into a DKs hands, it should be through some sort of challenge mode like the mage tower for example to bar it away from being obtained by a handful of players who arent good enough to have it

Thats the only way to can attach “value” to an item or transmog its just the way our brains work

For it to be prestigious and awed at, not everyone can have it

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A potential fix to reintroducing Frostmourne would be to make the Legion Frost Artifacts combinable to create a 2H variant thereof. Just make a few new skins and make them unlockable through the same achievements.

Of course, the easiest way would be to just give DKs a unique class quest to reforge & empower it by bringing together elements from the Maw & Maldraxxus. The Primus could guide us throughout the process & offer more of an insight into the nature of Mourneblades since it was his knowledge that first allowed Frostmourne to be made.

But this time, we can essentially cleanse it of the Jailer’s taint & make it a true weapon rather than an instrument of corruption.

Genuinely i just dont think frostmourne should be added for us to obtain, Like said, when more players obtain it, it will lose its cool. Unless its gated behind very very hard content, or limited time content and at that point you might as well just not

It would probably just be better to add more runeblades very similar to frostmourne for us to use instead. I mean they have been uping their game on adding class specific items into the game, as low quality as some of those things might be

Ideally we just in time keep getting tons of different looking rune blades axes polearms etc, and that they look a bit more “realistic” than what we already have, by realistic i mean like an actual blade, Not some big THICC sword with wild spikes and eyeballs

Frostmourne looked like a real sword, except the spikey bits and the goat head, but neither of those were to excessive to the point it ruined the sword


Nah. we have the PERFECT reason for any DK to run around with Frostmourne now. Said DK jumped into and alternate timeline and stole it.

The way the Ashbringer was framed was YOU specifically got it. Which doesn’t well work in an MMO. Now if we knew all the paladins with it were running around with an alt one… makes it easier to see.

What we ALL want is the status of HAVING Frostmourne. However we all want to make our DKs unique so we will gravitate to whatever runeblade we think looks good for them.

So yes we SHOULD get Frostmourne. After Shadowlands nothing is sacred anymore, The way they treated Sylvanas and Arthas proves that beyond doubt.
But we ALSO SHOULD get more runeblades as well. More class aesthetic = GOOD!

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No, it wouldn’t.


I’m surprised no one’s mentioned the D4 pack they’re selling which gives Invincible as a mount and Helm of Domination / Frostmourne as trophies. You don’t get to use it as a weapon but it’s still kind of funny that they’re trying to entice people with it in D4 but won’t give it to WoW players who have been asking for it forever.

This would be great. I’d still like Frostmourne, but I’d be happy with this too since a lot of the 1H skins would look great as 2H and some are fairly close to Frostmourne in looks.

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Ya, it would

Ashbringer was one of the coolest weapons in the game, Got added for all rets, Now nobody cares about it and its hardly used

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