2h Frost (and Frostmourne) megathread

I would like you to find in my posts where I actually said that, and its not just someone else saying it and you taking it as if I said it.

I highly HIGHLY doubt anyone would want to get into anything religious, and is a no no on the forums to begin with.

Kil’jaeden did a number on Ner’zhul because he was tired of him betraying the Burning Legion. Ripped his soul from his body, and did a lot of other stuff to him as well. He was never meant to get a mortal vessel and it was his last act of defiance towards the Burning Legion. What the Nathrezim were doing during all that who knows, but they were tasked in keeping an eye on him and apparently they completely failed.

I really want Frostmourne to make up for Legion still, but I’ll still be very happy if we get both 2h back, and very nice blue rune blades with skulls on them to use too.


At this point that’s what I’m hoping for. With the whole “bringing back the class fantasy” I hope that their old idea of “unholy warrior that uses either 2H or DW with Frost/Blood/Disease powers” comes back…

At the very least I’m hoping for a transmog option that turns my 2 1hs into 1 2H… I think that’s a good middle ground for everyone tbh.

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No, it is not.


They did it for hPals and the Hand of Tyr. What makes them so special? And you’re right. I’m better because I didn’t get corrupted by a smelly orc.


…Well, I guess necroing is thematically correct.


So does Kelliste always come in and derail posts to make it about herself and then play the victim card? Literally ever post I’ve clicked on she does. How annoying. I guess every class forum has one. Like the anti Surv Hunter Bepples crying for ranged survival to come back lol


Read your post and you should be able to answer your own question with relative ease. Who mentioned me? Eh? Oh it’s you… I didn’t come in here saying “this necroed thread is now about me!”.

How about this… stop talking negative about someone, and instead talk about what they have said. Fallacies galore with your group.

Didn’t take you long. You must be really bored. Maybe go and fill out some of those blank boxes under your progress. You’ve accomplished absolutely nothing. Spend less time playing victimized drama queen on the forums and go do something constructive in game.


try not engaging next time just to prove them wrong

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Eh, just going to report you.

But sometimes it’s just hilarious at the hypocrisy and it’s easy to call. This one is just annoying and has been reported.

You have too much of a thin skin to be online. Too much free time and too thin of skin makes for a hilarious combination.


Oh no! What ever shall I do? Unlike you my life doesn’t revolve around the forums. Get a life! Go get good at the game…you’ll be surprised!


It’s more annoying seeing your unpleasant and unwlecomed presence popping up on every post. Just…go away. Nobody likes you.


Nah, it just gets annoying because it’s the same garbage repeated time and time again.

yet your overly inflated dramatic ego can’t help but to keep engaging. You’re the most amusing of troll to feed.

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Telling me to get a life but half of your posts are talking about me… ok I guess?

Somebody has to call out your nonsense. I mean plenty have but your ego just gobbles it up like you probably do a ham sandwich. You love the attention. You probably look like mama june on the other side of that screen so any man paying any attention to you is welcomed right?


Who is mama June?