2h Frost (and Frostmourne) megathread

The Ashbringer has always looked stupid.
People’s use of transmog is not indicative of what people think is cool.
I used the legion challenge mode skins for years straight. They’re still cool, but I used them so much that I just want to use something else.

If the barometer for what you think is cool is “what other people do”, you’re in for an incredibly boring white bread life.

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anybody can explain me the rotation and opener in single target DK FROST 2H vermin pls?

I don’t need a Frostmourne replica, I just need Runeblades that don’t look like boat paddles as thick as my leg. I use almost nothing but Vanilla 2h sword transmogs due to this issue.

Remember that Primus’ Runeblade you handled, but never got to use, in Maldraxxus? Why aren’t we getting more Runeblades to at least use for transmog? Frostmourne is a fantastic template, but I’ll take any reasonable stand-ins.

Also, holy crap does Frost suck. I feel like I do more DPS as Blood. Needs big time work.


I won’t.
We were ruthlessly screwed over so that Blizzard could charge a premium years down the line.


We Death Knights definitely should have gotten that Runeblade as a transmog for going Maldraxxus…