2h Frost (and Frostmourne) megathread

Man, Arthas’ lore was a rollercoaster.


Even though Arthas’s soul was in Frostmourne, he didn’t wind up a mere ghoul since he almost always had Frostmourne in his hands. But you’re right that even after devouring souls, Frostmourne was still capable of releasing them to create Death Knights. Besides, like you said, without souls, the reanimated corpse would just me a mindless zombie, or even a mere ghoul.

No, its a contradiction. Frostmourne ate his soul so there was no soul in the mortal vessel for Ner’zhul to merge with. Its like saying you and your friend is hanging out together but you are at Burger King and he is at McDonalds.

You are saying it ate his soul, but again, its nowhere said his soul was WITHIN the sword.

You are looking literally to a statement that his soul went inside the frostmourne, and is pure metaphorically meaning the sword corrupted his soul and bind him to the Lich king.

Nevertheless, even if the sword ate his soul, literally, it went right into his body again anyway, because the sol can get out if he wish so.

nowhere is said it had to merge ner’zhul soul and arthas body only, it meant to merge both souls in one body

What do you think gorged on his soul means? It means it ate his soul.

Its a soul eating sword. Not a soul corrupting sword. Wow, just wow.

like i said, you can interprete the way you want, feast, gorge mean it feed on it, corrupting, its nowhere said it completely devour it, and especially, nowhere is said his soul was literally within the sword, this is your assumption

Causa again, he could not think or move without a soul

but even if it was the case, even if she ate it and was inside of the sword, the soul simple returned to his body, like we saw souls inside the sword being put in a body later.

No. Im not going to interpret because then you are left with “which interpretation is correct”.

No, its not an assumption. Its what it says. Its a soul eating sword and it gorged on his soul. And again, the demons that created it had to protect themselves from it so that their souls would return to the twisting nether, and even when they were creating it they didnt want their souls to be trapped by the sword.

It however says nowhere that his soul was put back into his body. For someone who talks alot about things not saying something when it actually says that exact thing, have listed a lot that nothing actually says.

Its like when people were talking about how the LK stuff could have been created in the Shadowlands at the Forge. First they said the demons went there to create it, which makes no sense and that door was shut by Blizzard who stated that demons dont go there. So then they went to “it was stolen” but right in the book in the class hall it says “demon-forged runeblade”. You are doing that same thing.

Oh its an interpretation, oh it doesnt say that and on and on and on. Its not even really up for debate. Its a contradiction in the story. These things are rife in WoW lore. Stories being completely changed, things taken out, whole zones being changed or removed, new story that doesnt follow what was already established. The Red Shirt Guy from Blizzcon years ago pointed one out that stumped the devs up on stage.

The story of Arthas and the Lich King is no exception to this. Its full of them as well. This is what happens when you have different writers that dont communicate.

you are assuming because its literally say the undead need his soul or it will be an mindless zombie

and its literally said the soul of the ner’zhul merged with arthas soul

that is canon lore right there.

how can arthas even walk and think without a soul? this is what make no sense, the thing about gorge and feed is all metaphorically.

the body needs a soul, to do all he did, he would be a mindless zombie without one

and to his soul merge with the lich king soul they ha to be both in united

i understand there is tons of retcons and inconsistency in wow lore nowadays but this isn’t one of then rly.

So then Frostmourne didnt eat his soul? Even though it is said that it did? So more inconsistencies that you are trying to explain away like so many other people have with other things that just dont work out?

So it ate his soul, but he needed a soul imperfectly attached to his body, which would mean his soul is in 2 places at once? Or maybe there is something special about the Lich King when he was looking for a mortal vessel that the rules dont apply that way? Maybe something was added later on when the lore was already established that goes against what happened?

The part of the soul needing to be imperfectly attached to the body has no citation, and in fact the entire paragraph has a citation back to the forums and it doesnt lead to any page. So I would say that isnt actually canon or even official.

You can speculate what it means to have your soul trapped between life and death which is what it says in an official book World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1. But it could just mean your soul is not part of your body, and not in the afterlife which Arthas soul being in Frostmourne would meet that criteria.

Not to mention, that your explanation about an undead needing a soul attached, is applied to mindless zombies and ghouls as well.

I tried looking up Nyorloth on the official forums and there is zilch, just a few people mentioning his name. So by all means, its like this information just doesnt exist aside from a few people stating it as such and it being on gamepedia.

So what now? The soul attached isnt official, Frostmourne ate his soul, and somehow Ner’zhul and Arthas merged, or Arthas destroyed Ner’zhul or whatever else has been said about it. Sounds like a big bucket of mess to me.

Guys, can we please knock it off? Even though I don’t think you’re right about Arthas having his soul put back in his body after becoming a Death Knight Syegfryed, you’re at least right that Arthas and Ner’zhul merged together. But Arthas being slain undid that merging I think.
But can we please get back on topic about 2h Frost and Frostmourne?

What else is left to say about it though?

I mean seriously, what else is there to say? There are people who just want it, and then people who think if its done it should be done well. Thats really the only place for discussion and its not even a discussion.

nowhere is said the word “eat”, and , it never said his sword was within the sword

again, you are trying to put a literal meaning to the word gorge, its fantasy, they talk like this all the time, its not literally, even if the sword feast on his soul don’t mean it feast on everything

and for the third time, even if the sword ate it, and his soul was inside of it, the soul can single go back to his body.

you are putting too much though in something simple, his soul was in his body, and when he put the helm he merged with en’zhul, end of the history, this is canon

like is said in the wiki, is from a blue post in the oficial forums, is not there anymore because the forums are dead, but it is canon, the only exception being liches.

undeads without souls are mindless, just like the ones sylvanas summon in the undercity attack

it is, tis the very essence of necromancy, to put the soul back into the body, the skill raise ally says that.

because, even if his soul was within the sword, it can return, pretty much like anything he killed with her and resurrected later on

both ways sounds completely ok to me

Just do what I do ignore her and press on. She sees things only how she wants them. She doesn’t want it to change. So she fights it. As I said its a I don’t want it so you can’t have it deal. I know its frustrating but its the best way to deal with her.




Omg not this again. Gorged means to greedily eat, to fill up on. You keep harping on this and you are just wrong.

And yes, I am putting a literal definition to the word gorged because thats what it means. Otherwise we can just interpret anything. It doesnt however mean corrupted, nibbled on, got a taste of, it means eat.

And here is where I will use your argument against you, nowhere does it say that his soul went back into or was attached to his body.

And no, im being realistic. It really doesnt take too much thought to follow the story and find major flaws in it.

Go re-read my post. Im really tired of repeating myself. No the soul attached to the body is not official, it was based on forum posts and is nowhere else to be found and those forum posts arent around either.

And again, nowhere did it say his soul was returned to his body. Literally nowhere.

And if they merged then neither soul would exist on their own anymore right? Meaning Arthas himself couldnt be in the Maw, and there would still be the Arthas/Ner’zhul (Ar’zhul) soul in the helm which would explain Bolvars wishy washy personality. His respect with a threat thrown in. Leave now or stay forever. The LK before wouldnt have really given a choice since death knights, and I would say by extension the Lich King as well, have this need to inflict pain and if they dont can go on a mindless maddened berserker killing spree. Bolvar was never a Death Knight so this desire wouldnt be in him.

Yes, but his soul was fractured.

Nerzhul was in Frostmourne! Arthas’s soul was in Frostmourne! They merged.

I can’t believe you’d actually say Word of God is wrong.

Jesus wept.


Did you not read my post at all? It was a single line of text for crying out loud.

Its also not even said to be where they merged. They merged in the helm, not Frostmourne.

You still also have the problem of if they merged then there is no Arthas and Ner’zhul anymore.

Ner’zhul was in the Helm of Domination though, while Arthas was in Frostmourne. But you’re right BOTH are part of the Plate of the Damned, which Ner’zhul was bound to as a whole.
And Kelliste actually saying even Word of God is wrong!? OMFG! I can’t even- AHGH! :persevere:

This is by far the nerdiest argument ever seen on these forums!

You two should both get a forum achievement for it.

I sure hope 9.0 gives frost 2H. And, if not frostmourne, then a couple more blue runed skull decorated blades to choose from.