2h Frost (and Frostmourne) megathread

Feeding on the souls of demons =/= feeding on the souls of other beings.
Demons don’t die permanently, and from that is what we were facing at thetime. In other aspects, Bolvar prefers to abide the balance.
Let alone i am not giving up my twin blades to Bolvar. He can suck it.

Regarding demons, I got the impression that demons didn’t die permanently because Eonar healed/resurrected them while in the Twisting Nether. Since Eonar no longer works for Sargeras, it’s not clear to me that this still happens. (For example, people seem to think that Archimonde is permanently dead due to the events at Antorus, even though he wasn’t killed in the Twisting Nether.) Isn’t this one of the main reasons we needed to go to Argus and liberate the Pantheon? Because in order to defeat the Legion, we had to cut off their infinite supply of troops?

Further, with Sargeras’s imprisonment and the liberation of the Pantheon, I don’t think it’s even clear anymore that demons still go to the Twisting Nether when they die.

Has anyone seen a post-Legion source on these points?

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We were sent to the paladin order hall.


The demons have always resurrected in the twisted nether when they die. Eonar had nothing to do with it.

To get another horsemen. Not to eat his soul. It just happened that Paladins would not have taken kindly to us taking Tyrion

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I agree, in addition. IF 2H frost ever makes a return, I would like to transmog my Legion Artifact 1H to look like a 2H, I really like one of my mage tower appearances for Frost with one of my transmogs…


Hmm…you may be right. Can’t remember where I heard that.

Wowpedia cites to sources indicating that demon resurrection is linked to Argus’s world soul:

Well, never mind about Eonar, then. I must have been mis-remembering.

Do you think Bolvar thought we wouldn’t have to kill people? You have to kill a minimum of four paladins. I think it’s actually six, but it’s been a long time since I did the encounter.

Not to mention that each zombie you animate requires a soul to animate it – and you animated a whole metric truck ton of zambies.

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Killing =/= eating their souls.
As for zombies, who is to say where they come from or what souls you pull or whether or not you’re just animating bones?

The swords are soul eating weapons, Broflake. I’ve provided the source. Not to mention that Grand Master Siegesmith Corvus confirms it.


Oh yes… that will do nicely!

Return after you’ve fed your blade another feast of souls and we will make it the most powerful weapon that’s ever existed!

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Hey, I choose whether or not to eat them.
I hit them with a sword and I figure “ima let this one go.”

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Are you talking about headcanon, like personal roleplay story stuff?


Naw, I am just joshing with you dude.

Alright sorry, homie. We get all kinds of types on the DK forums, so I’m never quite sure what I’m dealing with.

Its all good. In the end, we like smashing people in the faceand sicking zombies on em

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I said that Bolvar threatened the people who came to talk to him. He gave them a choice. Staying forever could just mean “because one of my death knights” or “ill just trap you here in an icy tomb”. What does he have that would steal souls anyways?

Bolvar and the Lich King are also 2 different people. The Lich King is Ner’zhul. You might point to Arthas defeating him or making his voice but a whisper, but Arthas lost his soul to Frostmourne right when he picked it up. How he was able to beat Ner’zhul in anything other than Frostmourne is a complete mystery. Not only that when you are doing your Frost Dk artifact quest you have to subdue the spirits still within the fragments, even if they are just echos or fragments. Both Arthas and Ner’zhul are in there.

Its really easy to pick and choose things, but if they dont fit the rest of the puzzle maybe those things dont belong.

His powers? His hammer? The Frozen Throne? He outright tells mageybois that they’ll be turned into zambies, and that requires soul trapping them.

Subsequently, the following was stated by Chris Metzen at a BlizzCon 2010 lore panel:

Q. I have a question regarding the storyline of Ner’zhul: is he finished, or what’s going on with that?
A. "Yes. Yeah, Ner’zhul is done. He served us well in that capacity, but really the Lich King idea… really has the ultimate expression, you know, as Arthas or whatever. Ner’zhul’s done."[65]


The Lich King was an amalgam of Arthas and Ner’zhul, they even say “Now we are one.” when Arthas puts on the helm. Ner’zhul was then “defeated” and Arthas fully became The Lich King.

It is unknown how much of them remained inside the helm, if any. It certainly wasn’t just Bolvar acting during Legion. Though with the helm soon to be broken, that is useless information anyway.

I’m not sure there even is a Lich King anymore, or if Bolvar is still affected by it. He may be back to his normal self.

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Oh look I called what you were going to reply with and addressed it before you said it.

You have that many answers followed by a question mark? The Frozen Throne was just a prizon, he was in Ice when he made those threats so not a lot that his hammer could do unless he was controlling someone like Ner’zhul was and cast his hammer out of the ice which somehow acts like Frostmourne.

Mindless minion of the scourge suggests that their corpses will just be animated.

Arthas was devoured by Frostmourne, cant really defeat a soul that is trapped in an item when your soul is trapped in a completely different item, or did Blizzard and their writers completely forget about that detail?

Oh brother… We ALL have tried to explain how that could work, or how things can be worked around in the past. And Blizz didn’t forget anything too… I really wish there was an ignore feature like in the old forums so we don’t have to go through this so many times at all.