2h Frost (and Frostmourne) megathread


from the thread

I mean Apocalypse and the Maw of the Damned were also hideously powerful and corruptive weapons in the same vein and player DKs used them without issue. Same for Warlocks using artifacts like Ulthanesh or the Scepter of Sargeras. Hell, in 8.3 we’ll be using weapons so choke-full of Void juju that without specialized protection, merely wielding them imposes crippling penalties and effects, which hasn’t been the case for any weapon before that I know of. I see no lore reason as to why Frostmourne would be so off-limits, especially since like the Warglaives using them would be gameplay over lore.

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The Maw of the Damned wasn’t corrupting, it just took life force but the grip prevents it from doing so to the user. It was meant for one purpose, to drain Kil’jaedens life four earned because the creator was obsessed with him. Kil’jaeden was told of this, and stopped him, ripping the creators soul from his body and binding it to his own skull then having it fused to the weapon to be in an eternal state of hunger. The more the weapon would feed the more hungry the soul trapped inside would become.

That’s basically an overview.

The artifact system, when it was announced, people were voicing their concerns that it would make the weapons less then they were and they were right. Every ret paladin had the ashbringer and so on and so on. It lost any luster it had to many people that it just became another weapon. Blizzard gave in to people that wanted these weapons and it absolutely ruined them. It was this weapon with a rich history and background turned into a chest to store power to be released after Sargeras stabbed Azeroth.

Even a transmog option would mean we would have to own Frostmourne at some point to unlock it. If it’s just turned into a toy for a visual then it hurts its uniqueness, being the weapon of Arthas and it’s history by being turned into a toy. People think 1h weapons are toys for some stupid reason, what would they think of actually using a toy?

Just leave Frostmourne dead. It’s story is done and people are going to be able to transmog Shadowmourne. Its getting old that people think they have an argument for its return, but it’s not even a good argument. This reopening of a book to write more story when there are no more pages left won’t get anyone anywhere.

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I don’t think she’s gonna listen at all. One of the other guys said it was like talking to a parrot, but I feel it’s like a broken record and a brick wall at the same time. So we should just do what he did and not bother with her anymore and ignore her. I think that’s best also since it saves us the headaches of having to argue with her. I wish there was an “ignore” button also on this forum, like on the previous version, cause I’m tired of these arguments as well here.

I’m not sure you understand my point.

I don’t want it to be meaningless. It’s a compelling story device, and an interesting story that is over.

Bringing it back will make it meaningless, and I don’t want it to be meaningless.

If you disagree, that’s fine. We don’t have to agree, but let’s be clear that we are disagreeing.

You dont even have an argument which is the point.

I think this post is a very true one about how many of us 2h Frost supporters feel like right now and thought it would be best if I share this here. Hope others get to see this one too. I’m very glad he wrote this as well.

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You do understand that most of the conflict is created by 2h supporters that just want it their way and creating falsities to try to justify the return of it like saying it was always better?

You do understand that people saying “DW was better” in response to that doesnt mean someone is anti-2h? If they just added 2h back right now, just lifted the weapon restrictions, with the damage being so close as a baseline, DW would still be better due to the mechanics of the spec. There is no getting around this. Cry about how people are anti-2h all you want, and how 2h supporters are this persecuted class (which they arent) and how dare someone ruin my fun!

2h has already been solved. There really isnt anywhere left to go with it. Its Blizzards choice now. Do they allow it to come back and shut some people up on the forums that they dont look at in the first place and possibly get rid of DW in the process because it would be marginally better so why even bother getting 2 weapons, resulting in just prot warriors and pallies to use 1h str dps weapons? Or do they not because overall its not important and they have more on their table like getting people to stop complaining about how bad the classes got after Legion, and how all the RNG is hurting the game, and how the GCD changes suck even after they said “get used to it, it will be fine” and its still bad, how gearing isnt straight forward and you constantly have to be simming if you really want to push content.

I dont even think its an issue for them, and them saying “we would like to” is just another way for them to say “we would like to, but we arent”.

To be honest, this topic has been brought up ad nauseam since before I can remember. Constantly threads about it instead of talking about more pressing issues with the class, drowning out the rest of the forum.

The people that make these threads seem to think they’re special and/or play the victim.

There’s historical precedent on why they removed 2h frost, and they have also talked about why they haven’t brought it back.

Stop acting like a victim lol.

Sometimes I wish I had DW in Blood so I could use two runeforges at once.

Speaking of Runeforges, I think they need some reworking and new rune forges added to the DKs as well honestly. We currently have just the same three, and it started to feel kinda stale to tell you the truth.

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I support this 100%


As Do I. I believe that we need 2h frost back and that blizzard can bring back frostmourne by having us take it to the smith that created it at the forge of damnation.


I look forward to Two Handed Frost’s return.



That’s exactly what I was trying to say too. But give the real Frostmourne to Bolvar for his appearance as an ally in the final raid, while we get tmogs and the ability to unlock other versions too of course.

Bolvar would never wish to use a weapon that drains souls because that is exactly what Arthas was doing in the past. It would be completely against the very reason he took the mantle of Lich King.

As for frostmourne, it is not coming back.
Maybe they’ll give us the ability to fuse our blades of the fallen prince into a frostmourne look alike but we won’t ever get the weapon back.

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They have been told over and over that its not in Bolvars nature that he would even want to use it. It stops souls from getting to the afterlife, and he was pretty upset that the balance of life and death was messed with. Even threatened the people who came to talk to him about if he was the one whispering to Vol’jin.

Other people have even talked about Arthas killing Sylv and how that wouldnt be fitting because he is kind of the cause of all of this along with frostmourne. He messed that chick up.

There are many others fitting to kill Syl on both sides. Nothing even really happened with Bolvar for him to go after her, not like Tyrande or Genn, both of which lost their homes because of. Genn even lost his son because of her and Tyrande lost a good portion of her people. Not to mention the people on the horde side that would want her head.

Bolvar just had his hat broken.

someone who didn’t pay any attention to the blades of the fallen prince acquisition quest where he specifically commands us to capture souls. And also led you to the Maw of the Damned. And Apocalypse.

tl;dr: you have no idea and are wrong.


Listen to the voice line.

“You are empty inside. Just like me.
Bolvar is not the holy paladin anymore. Cope with the change.

Late game Bolvar quote edit:


“You may prove more worthy of the sword THAN THE LAST MAGE WHO CAME TO CLAIM IT.
“Should you succeed, the blade is yours. But if you should fail… YOU WILL BECOME A MINDLESS MINION OF THE SCOURGE. Do not expect my protection.

“Even when consumed by Frostmourne, the soul of Magroth refused to give up the light. SHOW HIM THE ERROR OF HIS WAYS.

“It is done. From the shards of Frostmourne the Twin Blades are born. SOON THEY SHALL FEED UPON THE SOULS OF MY ENEMIES.


So, you know who used her alts to mass report my post because it had nothing but truth that utterly destroyed her argument. Here are the bullet points.


This is going to be good.