2h Frost (and Frostmourne) megathread

Wait, what happened with the EU getting close to what again? I don’t think I understand sadly.

The Star Wars extended universe got pretty stupid, with lots of super weapons and clones. I was not referring to the European Union if that’s what you thought.

You should see the reviews for the new movie, it’s a dumpster fire basically changing the force.

Oh, oops. Sorry about that. Wish you were a bit more specific cause of how “EU” was used to mean multiple stuff.
And another thing, I found a VERY good quote to share from a High Elf thread, and I think it can apply to far more than just there. Just wanna share this with everyone supporting this thread too. I’ll leave a link to the original as well to see where it came from, hope the OP of that post doesn’t mind. And I also hope people find this a very good one too.


I completely lost interest after the prequel trilogy. I can’t even watch the originals anymore. :frowning:

I think it’s more childish to put your fingers in your ears and ignore what people are actually saying while just calling people contrarians and trying to shut people up by flagging.

The Nathrezim always being demons hasn’t even been addressed after the other person in the thread assumed they were something else before they were demons instead of looking it up. I just typed in Nathrezim in google, read the wiki and it told me where it got its information (World of Warcraft Chronicle Volume 1 page 21) so I looked that up and low and behold it talked about the rise of the demons and the Nathrezim were one of the intelligent demons born from the twisting nether.

This is not being a contrarian, this is just presenting facts that show that the forge being in the Shadowlands, and the Nathrezim being the creators of the Lich King armor and weapon, don’t fit together.

The first 3 had their problems, but these newer ones arent written well.

At least there is no jar jar.

Yeah, how he went from the comedy relief character, basically being an idiot, to holding a seat on the senate is weird. Could have been answered, but I didn’t care to pay attention.

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I think he was supposed to be a stand in for padme and palpatine wanted padme off the planet because jar jar could be manipulated into proposing to give him emergency powers or something like that. don’t know why they chose hike though.

its weird, and went down the toilet, kind of like how the wow story is going down the toilet. I wouldn’t be surprised if they change it that Arthas wasn’t the Lich King but it was actually King Varian.

Arthas and varian mind swaped while sparing and that’s why arthas was evil and varian was so nice /s

Even though I liked Jar Jar, can we please get back on topic? This wasn’t supposed to be about Star Wars anyway. But I think Palpetine tricked everyone into giving him emergency powers, using them to enlist the clones as a cover. And Kelliste, that one’s way too absurd, even for the current writing team.

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Lol I think we’ve hit a wall on the topic the only thing is do you think 2 h should come back I do and do you think frostmourne would be ruined by coming back for transmog purposes I don’t. I don’t think they’re is going to be much convincing going on though.

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The point in saying that, was I was told the writers could do whatever they wanted to their story like changing past details. I still wouldn’t put it past them if it helped them push the story forward because they don’t know how to do it.

Since Sylvanas has the help of the jailer she could have just pinned down Bolvar and shot a magical arrow into the sky. Right now he’s really just a burned paladin and I he is probably just going to have knowledge to provide. Who knows he might just make a pact with someone in Maldraxxas and not need the helm anymore to control the scourge and change him forever. Could even make him more powerful than Arthas LK because it’s a direct link and not basically stealing the power of that realm. It would build upon the existing story, instead of changing the past.

I wouldn’t even be surprised if the forge doesn’t make it into the game to be completely honest.

Yeah, I’m worried about that as well. We need people to start focusing on positive feedback for how 2h Frost and Frostmourne can work again. I need to get going to my grandma’s birthday party also, so I hope you have a good one out there dude.

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I just really don’t see any importance or significance for Frostmourne. It’s story has ended just like Arthas.

2h has already been addressed and multiple solutions were put out there.

Yeah, I have to agree with this point.

The problem with bringing back stuff every time you destroy it is that it becomes meaningless.

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if ol frosty is meaningless then nobody will mind if we can mog it or make it a toy that sucks the souls out of critters and other low level mobs


I would prefer a mog far more, but either way, you have a very good point too.