Dont make me smite you.
Naw, nlt saying it ik s bad writing, simply that it is a retcon. To my knowledge, the natheezim currently are just upper end demons. So we shall wait and see
Dont make me smite you.
Naw, nlt saying it ik s bad writing, simply that it is a retcon. To my knowledge, the natheezim currently are just upper end demons. So we shall wait and see
Then again, Sageras himself isn’t gone, just imprisoned. So if the Legion does come back or not, we’ll see in time I think. But I would like to see what the Legion will do without Sageras also. However, that’s another topic sadly enough, and this one’s about 2h Frost and Frostmourne. But still, that’s a nice idea to think about.
You were not the only one to get a nice laugh out of that. I just picture a female human death knight talking like daffy saying wabbit season.
Well one of the things keeping the legion out that was put into place at the end of the xpac was the pillars of creation. Well Ashara stole one of them so yea the legion can come back and it probably will with the reasoning that the tide stone was taken so now the legion is back.
Sums up both sides of this thread pretty well.
Except when I say the Nathrezim were always demons which is a fact. It’s stated by blizzard. There is no arguing against it. They were nothing before they were demons.
This talk of demons is honestly extremely boring. There is no point in arguing over boring stories of the past. Shadowlands is coming now. Patch 8.3 releases in one month though. UGH.
Well in the cinematic Bolvar looks like DK frost with 2 hands mace equipped =D
It has to do with the shadowlands.
Would rather have “constructive” exchanges on how to incorporate 2H Frost, Frostmourne, and overall changes to all DK specs. Considering those are important and more engaging subjects. And perhaps even Aunt Southie’s Homemade Chess Banana Pudding.
There’s nothing to incorporate with the first two because Blizzard don’t have any current plans other than they’d “like to” do something with 2h frost and DKs aren’t getting Frostmourne. The third one all can agree on to some extent.
Class changes? Yeah, definitely important and engaging. 2H frost and Frostmourne? To some people.
What is there to talk about? There has already been plenty of suggestions on how to bring back 2h, through transmog and even how to implement the weapon even though its not even important at this point when so many hate the playstyle of Frost.
Frostmournes story is done. Its stated in the artifact weapon book. Not to mention people are just wanting it back sooooo bad that they want to ignore lore to do it. Or they just call it vague, or that retcons arent actually retcons.
So whats left? Its not like people HAVE tried to talk about specs, but it just gets derailed by 2h supporters that think the spec isnt important but getting the weapon back is. So whats the point?
What left is there to actually talk about aside from telling people the actual lore established by Blizzard when they are saying its nebulous or vague, or not retcons, or incomplete. A lot of it isnt, and its changed like the story of Aegwynn for example. Or MANY others that have been changed and its looking that the story of the Lich King is being changed to move the story forward because Blizzard writers dont know what else to do, and possibly dont know the lore. They have access to all these books and information like we do, so there really isnt an excuse.
I hope we get both 2h and Frostmourne
Posting to lend my support for a 2h frost option.
The writer of a story can do whatever they want to do with the story. They can contradict their own details. They can add new, irrelevant concepts to their story.
When general spec changes are brought up in threads that are specifically about 2H Frost, especially when it’s in the form “you shouldn’t get it back until the spec gets redone” which has been confirmed is never going to happen, it should occur to posters that its supporters are going to respond like that.
I would prefer 2 hand frost to a fourth spec. The fourth spec should only be brought into consideration if 2h never comes back. The reason it comes up is as said above if 2 hand frost won’t come back then of course people will look to an alternative in this case a fourth spec.
I’m speculating here, but I suspect that adding 2H to Frost would be less work than adding a completely new spec.
Yeah, I think you’re not alone here at all Sarîel. I think many of us would agree with you on that matter too as a matter of fact.
A writer can do whatever they want? No they can’t. That’s how you lose credibility as a writer and it’s called bad writing. It’s like if Star Wars said Chewbacca actually killed Darth Sidious and it wasn’t Vader that threw him down a shaft.
And these threads that are made don’t say that. Like the one I was talking about they just wanted to talk about the frost spec and people turned it into a 2h thread. They said nothing about 2h coming back after the spec was fixed, however people have said the spec isn’t important and 2h is the real problem of frost.
The eu got close to that although the eu was trash because of it. About frost the spec is important 2h is too but if blizzard finds it impossible to improve frost and balance 2h and dw which I don’t believe will happen, I think having both is perfectly reasonable that considering splitting 2 h frost into its own spec might be worth considering, to ensure both 2h and dw get balanced.