Exactly Shezmu, like you said, it’s not the equipment that defines the character at all. And I wouldn’t mind not getting Frostmourne as much if it wasn’t for the artifact system. But since we got cheated out of Frostmourne so hard, just to make Frost DW, then all bets are off now. And like you said too, saying Frostmourne alone is more special than the other artifacts is just a complete joke now.
The big question here Kelliste is “We don’t know”. We don’t know how the Nathrezim got the items. We don’t know why they worshipped the Old Gods. Why they were helping the Legion. We don’t even know where Mal’ganis is. It’s possible they were the race that came before the Draenei since Xal’atath mentioned there was a race working with the Naaru before the Draenei.
What were the Nathrezim before they became Demons? There’s a huge hole in the lore here which we don’t know yet, and which will be interesting to learn. We can’t call it horrible storytelling until the story is told. I hope we learn soon though!
While the Helm (and perhaps Frostmourne) being forged in the Shadowlands is a Retcon, I think it’ll be a good one that better defines the lore eventually. Evidently the very concept of runes originates from Torghast as well. That’s pretty big considering that the Titans are fond of Runes too.
The characters I listed aren’t just a weapon. Tirion didn’t have his own designed armor, same weapon, Thrall also basically gave everything up but it also destroyed the uniqueness of the weapon like I had already stated.
Not if everyone is running around with copies of his stuff.
What part are you responding to? Are you implying that Frostmourne is literally the only thing that made Arthas unique?
The story that has been told so far is bad with certain properties Blizzard has introduced with the announcement of this expansion.
This is the exact type of reason why I like to give more information but no one ever reads it, and when I create a smaller post people change words. I said stuff, not Frostmourne. His story isn’t even really unique either with what they were doing with Sylvanas.
You responded directly to my post that was exclusively about Frostmourne and are now claiming that you weren’t referring to Frostmourne, so that’s a thing I guess. Also I don’t see what it is about Sylvanus’s story is aping from Arthas. Sylvanus doesn’t even fit the same general fallen hero archetype, let alone all the specifics.
It was not exclusively about Frostmourne.
Whatever, I’ll bite. What other equipment of his was I talking about in this thread about Frostmourne?
Toys = only Frostmourne?
I support Frostmourne for transmog and 2h transmog over Dual Weild so frost can have that 2 hander fantasy back
That’s such a reach that Dhalsim would have trouble with it but even if hypothetically I did mean literally all his gear it wouldn’t change my point. Good characters are not defined by their equipment.
But you know what? Dealing with all your circular reasoning, non sequiturs, and red herrings is exhausting. I think I’m done. Have fun, I’ll respond to other people in the thread.
Well you did say toys which is plural. Not my fault. Plus we aren’t talking about his story, it’s all the same universe. If you had 20 people that looked like him he no longer is unique. No one has even attempted to address this just hand wave it away.
Yeah, dealing with Kelliste constantly is such a headache. So it’s not worth arguing with her. Sadly though, when I tried ignoring her, she didn’t stop at all. She just doesn’t know when to quit and wants to constantly have the last word. Draith shut her up good once though, I just hope that if it comes down to that, we can do just that again.
I hate to break it to you but that is probably never going to happen because of the science behind weapon speed vs animation. It’s not a bad thing, though. Transmog being out of the equation means we’re only left with either getting 2H Frost back or not getting it back. No substitutes. No workarounds. No mogs. We either use 2H’s or we don’t.
And you don’t know how to stop talking trash.
you really shouldn’t pester him about it and just move on
2h transmog actual 2h back ill take anything back as long as I can have choice
i hope we can get this through to them cuz being limited in what i can wouild is the pits. also for other classes as well