2h Frost (and Frostmourne) megathread

Good point.

I don’t know how to break this to you.
But no

Although it would be nice if frost dks could use shadowmourne again.

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Shadowmourne could have been a skin for Frostmourne if we got it back in Legion I think, but I would prefer it if we got the real Frostmourne of course.

The whole frostmourne thing has been gone over. Its not a frost weapon. Plus it was stated that Arthas’ soul was consumed by the blade as soon as he touched it. Most of the attacks that Arthas used were unholy and shadow damage. Raising the dead, spreading diseases and so on. He really didnt use that much frost abilities. He used remorseless winter the most and then what… the frost spirits?

Why would Frost have gotten 2 weapons that did unholy things or shadow damage?

Yeah, you guys missed to boat on what I meant. I agree.

In swtor people can equip lightsaber hilts that are on the level of frostmourne. Like you can equip Darth Malgus’ lightsaber and put whatever color crystal and mods in it you want. It doesn’t make it less cool.

Anyway, have fun keeping Kelliste entertained.

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Sorry I didn’t reply to that one sooner, but even though I kinda see his point, that’s another story like you said sadly enough. So we need to save that for another discussion in this case. Like you said, I’m just focusing on 2h Frost and Frostmourne for this topic.

I play swtor I know the system well. I play it when wow frustrates me enough that i need a break.

You guys really need to learn what unique means. It doesn’t mean cool.

Um, that is what we’ve been saying the entire time.


No you haven’t.

yOu GUyS NeEd tO LeArn WHaT uNiques mEAns.

Really? Unique =/= cool. Thanks for the heads up. God you are annoying.

You know what people mean by the context of the conversation. Don’t be a putz.


I don’t know what “putz” means, but I feel Kelliste has been trying to be a killjoy while sounding smart time and time again. All that served to do is annoy every last one of us instead…

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You guys have the argument of “it’s cool it wouldn’t hurt anything” and upweapon uniqueness was brought up and since it would hurt the weapon you try to skirt around it saying no it wouldn’t or “that’s not what we are talking about”.

Is Ashbringer Unique when every paladin has it now? How about any of the artifacts? DK starting sword?

Even if we wouldn’t “own” the actual weapon people running around with the skin makes it less unique. It’s why people didn’t want the artifacts because it would ruin iconic weapons, and it did apexactly that.

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And why exactly does “uniqueness” matter?

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Because Blizzard wants to keep some stuff unique. they have done it with multiple things. The kings armor looks cool but it’s unique to that character.

In hindsight, of course I should have been more specific, why does “uniqueness” matter to you? What purpose does keeping things “unique” serve?

Why are you constantly arguing against it? Is it the same reasons as Blizzard?


What does this even mean???

In lore, yes. Uniqueness in video game customization tab is completely irrelevant. Ashbringer is an awesomely-designed weapon and the number of people having it is irrelevant to how much I enjoy using it. Restating this concept for the 100th time, of course.

I see the sword used by several people, including numerous NPC’s considering it is the standard blade of an Ebon Knight, yet it is still just as awesome to use.

Again, this is the “Daddy said it!” argument. This doesn’t actually explain why anybody should care about the concept of uniqueness on this subject.


Why should anyone care what you guys find cool?