2h Frost (and Frostmourne) megathread

I honestly feel like some of the stuff Blizz is doing isn’t as bad as Disney with Star Wars in that regard, but I see your point here I think. And on the bright side, we could try to convince the devs to let us use the Forge of Domination to repair the Helm of Domination, and truly reforge Frostmourne, all for Bolvar to use of course.

I doubt they will reforge frostmourne in the lore it would still make a great transmog though.

I agree. Also to those that say Bolvar would not use Frostmourne he has been frozen in ice since the end of Wrath with dealing with essences of both lichkings in his head. Who knows what they has done to the man. He might very well use it he might not. The point is we really do not know what he is like now that he is walking about. He could be Arthas 2.0 I am finding it intresting that so far the Lich King as we know it was first Ner’zhul and now two different paladins. Arthas and now Bolvar.

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Still feels like being able to do that and get tmogs as a reward for that would help heal that massive wound left from the Twin Blades and Legion though at least.
And Vedist, I think it’s just Ner’zhul left in the helmet, not Arthas. But you have a point either way.

I just feel that the helm of domination is mostly neutral can be used for good or bad frostmourne not so much. It really only has value as a transmog piece to look cool.

Well, they have already set a lot of it in stone. Spirit realm for mortals, no way in other than death, no way out, until now since the barrier has been broken between worlds.

The Burning Legion was formed because Sargeras has a campaign against the Old Gods and ultimately the Void Lords, if the Nathrezim can just pass through barriers willy nilly then they should have been able to take their army straight to the void lords to stop them from sending Old Gods into our universe.

It really doesnt make much sense. It all also brings up yet another question, if these items are from the Shadowlands and its their connection to the shadowlands that broke the barrier, why didnt the destruction of Frostmourne shatter it? It was at the same place, it housed countless souls that were now free, its now from the shadowlands. But something that allows the wearer to control the undead with a one, possibly 2 souls in it creates this big hole in the barrier?

This is the problem with retcons. Just look at how many questions come up just from one change of where the LK stuff came from and then it leads down this rabbit hole of more and more questions that need to be answered.

breaking the helm with the power that she used to do it prolly is what opened the way

I do agree with you. Retconning lore brings up a whole lot of new questions. About things happened. You have said before this is just crappy writing to make a new xpac. While I do not quite agree with you I think Bellular said it best in one of his lore videos. What do you when you kill off all of your big bads in a game. You have to make more. Look at what blizzard has done to Sylvanas. How they changed her. I am hopeful they do not go the full Disney route with their lore.

But if they do that means they can make more money by selling new lore books and what not. Either way in my hopes that blizzard will stop messing up lore and characters that are known to be well liked.

Edit: Here is a question with Blizzard opening up Death Knights for allied races dose anyone wonder if the lightforged Drani can be Death Knights. Considering what they are they can be shadow priest how is that working for lore?

Another questoin if the Naruu can create light undead like Calia Menethil will there be a new class of Light Knights? Basicly Deathknights but that use light magics instead of what the DKs use.

I can’t say for DKs, but I think lore-wise they would rarely be shadow priests, if any are at all.

Like Undead priests are almost all shadow, because using holy magic not only physically hurts them, but allows them to feel/taste themselves rotting, so few practice it.

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Yes but the option is there as a character. So who knows. We know that the flavor text of the Light Forged Drani that they are infused with the light. And should not be able to be shadow priest but again it is an option.

In unlocking of the Mag’Har orcs you learn some orcs turned to the light and became Light Forged orcs. So sometime I expect to see them popping up as a allied race.

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If we’re getting Orc Paladins in that case, that could be pretty awesome. Maybe they can appear with High Elves and Ogres in a future xpac as some new allied races. And whatever else we can get too. I would like dragon-related races though if possible, maybe player-sized Drakonids if possible.

Well my point is. With lightforged drani being able to be shadow priest. Would that mean light undead like Calia Menethil could they become a new form of Death Knight. Like dk’s but with holy powers. I know paladins kinda take up that role right now. But itis a possibility that a new type of Death Knight one that uses the light could come about.

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What about the void lords? Other elemental areas like the Firelands? The light since it kind of seems like it isnt so righteous? Looked like there was water corruption this expansion that could have carried over to the realm of water to cleanse.

I know they want to finish Sylvanas before anything else, but its just piss poor writing. Lightforged into Death Knights is one of those lore things where they would be in constant pain or they would just not be Lightforged anymore. What actually happens to the Lightforged when they die? Dont they explode with light? Does their body stick around to be raised? Does the Light stick around after that point? If so its not like the LK would even care and would do it anyways since its probably pretty clear that it wasnt just Bolvar wearing the helm and there was still Ner’zhul/Arthas in the helm.

But they had places to go. Sylvanas was already going the direction of being a type of Lich Queen, the LK would still have a role to play and so on.

Say life failed against the void lords and everyone ended up in the Shadowlands as a new WoW title. We know almost nothing of the Shadowlands and it could have really went anywhere within that realm. We have only really dealt with the reality realm and part of the firelands. The Emerald Dream, realms of all the other elements. Might be other realms higher than that as well since Arcane, one would guess, has to come from somewhere along with Death, Life, and Fel. There is also the Light and Void, Shadowlands.

Sounds pretty interesting. I don’t know if we would have those after all or not, but if they’re ever made a thing, I would like to see what could be made up for them. But I don’t know how those would work myself honestly since normally, the light won’t accept Death Knights. Oh well, hope we can figure something out here sometime.

Well that we can answer in the War Campign story we kill a lightforged drani and he just falls to the ground saying his service was done and it was time to rest or something.

Same could be said for The Maw, Ashbringer, Apocalypse, Doom Hammer, Warglaive of Azzinoth, The Ashkandi and all of the other Iconic weapon. But you know they still gave them to us. I do not think its too much to ask to let Frost Dk’s Have their version of Ashbringer. Not the greatvalue brand toothpicks we got.

And before we start this argument. Frostmourne would have been given to frost DKs. Since we got the reforged swords from it. If they had chosen to give it to dks it would have gone to Frost spec.

Arthas started out as a Death Knight But then his soul merged with Ner’zhul
and he became the Lich King. He did absorb souls but most of the attacks he used were frost, even the name Frostmourne says it all.


I can tell you how they had monks balanced. 2h ww monks hit harder. Dw hit faster. Before they forced monks, dks, and enhancement into dw(yes I did see some enhancement shamans with 2h) that is what they did. When looking at monks the guides that I saw literally said the only difference between 2h and dw was about 200-400 dmg. So they had monks ww monks pretty balanced.

But this is not what the op wanted he wanted to stay way from the balance talk and just stick with 2h Frost and Frostmourne.


Except they made frost DW and the Lich King uses both frost and unholy magic in ICC, so by design it would have gone to unholy if they hadn’t given Apocalypse instead.

He used a mix of frost and unholy magic. And his wc3 character was unholy.

If they had not made frost dw then it would have gone to us. Or we would have gotten Shadowmourne.

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Why would they have given you a weapon that was already obtainable by death knights?