2h Frost (and Frostmourne) megathread

Because frostmourne is dead, there weren’t a million dks running around with it on their backs like ashbringer.
Honestly not surprised by your low effort response :grin:

Not every sword is Frostmourne






No, they were running around with its rather large pieces on their waists. And I mean Ashbringer was incinerated by a demon god and dipped in a pool of fel sludge.

What point are you even attempting to make?


My point was things can stay significant even if lots of people have them. Lightsabers are as if not more significant to Star Wars than frostmourne is to wow and dks.


Not really? Not every Dk has a frostmourne. You’re comparison is way off and from a different universe entirely. Honestly I’d prefer blizzard focus on class design and not this rubbish but we got forum trolls screwing that up to.

Not every paladin had ashbringer in legion in lore gameplay doesn’t match the story no one needs to have frostmourne in lore. Star Wars may be a different universe but the point about things being significant is still valid in my view.


So, therefore, it no longer holds significance. It’s dead and gone in lore, so an appearance would have no problems.

This is what bad bait looks like. Friendly reminder not to take it.


Exactly, and therein lies it’s significance. Frostmourne was shattered with Arthas’ death, a very significant event in the game. A cheap replica to appease people wanting to run around with it shouldn’t be made. The fact that it remains one of a kind and was shattered adds to its significance. No DK is worthy of wielding the same blade Arthas did. Its just kind of silly. Maybe it’s just because Wrath and Arthas have had such an impact on the World of Warcraft that it deserves to be preserved that way.

What is this even referring to?

Wrong. Lightsabers are used by all Jedi and Sith, and yet Lightsabers are still extremely awesome to watch in action. They are arguably even more awesome to use ourselves, which is the point of wanting Frostmourne. It isn’t about “uniqueness” or looking different. We want our own character to look visually attractive to us. Just like I would love nothing more than to use a dual-saber even if everybody else used one. They’re definitively awesome.

^ Flag and forget.


Every artifact is “one of a kind”.

We’re literally wielding its fragments as Frost, and if you’re going to make the argument about “soul corruption”, then that is obviously, horrendously voided by the fact that Death Knights are the epitome of soul corruption and death incarnate. Other than that, whatever metric you’re trying to establish on the matter is completely subjective.


My goodness let me help you.

There you go, now next one.

Frostmournes are not used by all DKs.
You following yet?
You’ve got a whole game full of models to make your character look “cool”. Heck they’re even adding shadowmourne and other legendaries to that pool, but the point is Frostmourne is too unique to be treated that way.

And then we took it and made two dinky swords out of it.

Apocalypse is pretty much just Frostmourne 2. It’s really not one-of-a-kind.

“No Paladin is worthy of wielding the same blade Tirion did.”
“No Shaman is worthy of wielding the same hammer Thrall did.”

Again, all of these arguments would be perfectly valid had Legion and the Artifact system not happened, but they did. They’ve already opened Pandora’s Box, it’s too late for “BUT IT’S IMPORTANT IN LORE” to work.


The point is that doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter if one person or millions have it it’s still signifiant if the design is good.


didnt they bring back meme sword with charages?

isnt there a dk arthas skin thing with charges that you can run around with?

i say we bug them till they add it


I say go for it, but blizzard won’t pay any attention to these forums. Especially due to the kind of “discussion” and people that post here.
But go for it, more power to you.


I don’t even know I’m supposed to be “following” at this point.

And not one of them is Frostmourne.

That’s an axe, and one that isn’t Frostmourne.

I don’t know why you keep circling back to this. Every artifact is “unique”. Your point here is moot.



… like 2H Frost and Frostmourne?


Read it slowly, not here to help with reading comprehension.

we are reading and it only reads 1 way to us




Good god, these guys will never stop using whatever excuse they can pull, even ones that are all rendered completely moot, null, and void, ever since Legion, the Artifact system, and Shadowmourne. Every single Death Knight artifact even helps render the arguments against getting Frostmourne moot even more, even as just a skin, no matter if the real deal comes back or not.