Because the other 2 abilities that are part of Frosts core rotation, The non builder abilities that cant just be spammed mindlessly, Hit for 15k-20k without any of the giga modifers to help them out
The issue of no damage outside pillar of frost isnt an issue of obliterate not hitting hard enough, its an issue of mainly froststrike not hitting hard enough, And also Howling blast
congratulations on literally just retyping out what i literally just said 5 posts above. At least youre catching on though, even if slowly its a step further than kelliste ever got
But its not… Yes the threads exist talking about lack of sustain. But the only individuals who attempt to suggest killing machine or obliterate are the issue is kelliste. None of the high rated/xp dks such as myself flark pizzadawg or mes think thats the issue
All of them would tell you the lack of sustain outside of pillar is a result from our spender modifiers being to powerful and our spenders being to dependent on picking them up to see the numbers blizz thinks are acceptable
No crap, But thats my point, 2h cant use the talent without sacrificing a runeforge, and DW the spec that can use this talent still suffers from the exact same issue 2h suffers from because of the same talent. Blizzard going into Dragonflight had to tune froststrikes numeric value with a 100% buff talent being considered. You cant buff froststrike to hit for an average of 50k for example as a baseline because then with all the modifiers and cds we have you could end up froststriking for 250k+ because of shattering blade. The only way you resolve this is to buff froststrike by an equal amount that you nerf shattering blade. It wont have literally any effect on what your maxed out froststrike will achieve but it will impact the froststrikes you see on a regular basis inside and outside pillar of frost and thats whats important. Thats whats gonna make fdk feel like it does no damage outside of pillar to feeling like it still has the potential to move healthbars without cds
When it comes to frosts sustain non CD damage, Froststrike, Howling blast, And remorseless winter are the emphasis, And all 3 of those have INSANE UBER GIGA modifiers.
So to recap, No its not obliterate. Get that corrupted kelliste idea out of your head immediately. The issue is the overtuning of Icebreaker, Shattering blade. And the existence of 3 giga damage increases to remorseless winter as talents
Nerf the % increase that literally all of these talents grant us and buff all the core by the same % as the nerf. Bam FDK sustain damage doesnt feel useless anymore outside pillar literally problem solved the math dont lie
Imagine unironically thinking youll ever find yourself in a situation where you have both 2 stacks of killing machine built, And also 0 runes and 0 runic power
LOL literally stop trolling bro the situation you described will unironically never happen
And worst case scenario, Youre rune starved and runic power starved. You have 2 killing machines stacked. You just simply wait for the runes to recharge and use them when its available. Also refer to my buff horn of winter in this very unlikely event as the resolution to this very weak argument you just tried to make
No, thats the answer i gave you, a skeptical mid tier DK with slightly above basic understanding of their spec, To show you just how baseless your issues with fatal fixation truly are. You tried to make the argument we’re just going to be runestarved, which is not only over exaggerated, But is also literally why i decided to remind you that we still have talents in our talent tree to remedy this imaginary problem YOU CAME UP WITH that just simply are ignored and not played because we currently suffer from more of a feast problem than a famine problem. If these changes put us more in a famine state than a feast state, The first logical conclusion you would draw would be to make the resource generating talent blizzard added in the tree, more appealing to pick. Which promotes build diversity, Which is exactly what theyre going for when they baked in MOTFW and Remorseless winter into our core kit.
Blizzard wants ALL of the talents to have their purposes. Horn of winter serves no purpose in a feast meta. And it provides no dps increase either. Simple solution is wait until famine meta, See if its picked then, and if its still not picked then either replace it or buff it
Youre mocking yourself at this point
Which is very good for the damage throughput of the specialization we play.
“oh the ret rework is just gonna let u do more damage and live longer”
“all this really does is give u an extra damage proc to use”
Trying to over simplify things to make them sound insignificant is a rather lazy way to go about arguing against me. Incase you couldnt tell i am fully prepared to write you entire thesis’ on why you are incorrect about these issues. I tried to stress that you should do the same in writing why you think obliteration will remain poorly designed and flawed but seeing that you havent done that yet it leads me to assume you just spew stuff from your behind
You realize deathcoil doesnt trigger UF. Perhaps i overestimated your general dk knowledge afterall
Itd be even worse if you were attempting to refer to glacial advance