2h DK PVE Concerns

So i’ve been playing mine for awhile now and I absolutely hate Breath builds, so i’ve gone 2h oblit, and out of all the buffs, and everything else talked about I found it odd there’s one thing I haven’t really noticed being mentioned

Why are we not talking about damage ranged on Obliterate itself? Why in a raid am I -critting- Oblits with a range of 20k crits up to 130k crits? Why is there 0 consistency? While we’re on it, why is the 4 pc bonus so bad? 15% chance to not taking my KM proc? who cares, don’t have runes left to use the proc that got left over most the time anyways unless it procs very early.

Looking at the changes being made, nothing is being done to address some of these issues, you wouldn’t have a 110k range on a crit from a single ability, and the 4pc needs some more thought put into it, amazing how other classes get raw stats and frdk gets told to look at their KM proc sometimes not go away while they have no runes to spend on it anyways


Because people dont want the big shiny number to go away. If it wasnt tied to Obliterate it would be talked about, but since its “big obliterate crits” no one cares.

Why do they talk about Remorseless Winter needing 3 talents to be worth it, but Obliterate needs more talents to be worth it? Its because its Obliterate, the people on this forum are so biased towards Obliterate its just sad.

Are you reading the same feedback threads as I am? Almost every one is calling for less reliance on Pillar to do meaningful damage.

It’s the same with BoS. People don’t want most of their damage tied to a 2min cooldown.


I’ve complained about this exact thing multiple times and my suggestion has been to tack another passive onto MotFW to make Obliterate always deal Frost damage.

Or just change the base ability to be Frost damage.


Because there was too many in RW, blizzard agreed. Yup big obliterates are fun, more news at 11.

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I mean if people REALLY want Obliterate to deal Physical Damage with greater base damage instead of Frostreaper, there really should have been a choice node for it.

Frostreaper baseline is nice in all but I unironically kind of miss Obliterate dealing Physical Damage.

Except it still takes 3 talents for RW so what in the world are you talking about? People werent counting RW in part of those 3 talents.

People dont read the changes that are happening, more news at 11.

If that happens then the obliteration talent needs redesigned. At the end of BFA it was in the -10000’s dps compared to icecap and breath. Pathetic for a capstone talent. Obliterate just felt dog water to press on top of all that. Frostreaper is just awesome and a great step in the right direction.

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Ah so we’ve gained nothing. Not even a spare talent point? Got it.

What are you even arguing for? People complained that it took 3 talents to make RW to be worth it, you probably did as well at some point, and it still takes 3 talents.

Just stirring the pot because you have nothing better to do like always.

It used to take 4 to fully max out the ability including the point needed to take the ability. The ability is now baseline thus gaining a point.

Yes I did, good of you to notice. You did the opposite. We know which direction blizz went with though.

Haha the audacity for you to call someone else a pot stirrer then say ‘you have nothing else to do’ when you practically pay your account for the sole reason of posting here.

Well played sir, well played!

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No one counted the original point. So what are you arguing for?

I did, it took up a talent point. Now it doesn’t.

So what are you arguing for? And I dont care if you did or not. It was a guess because you all blur together parroting each other with no real original comments. Time and time again its “it takes 3 talents to make RW worth it”. No one counted the first forced talent.

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There it is again for clarification. Have a good one.

Good for you, but in making RW worth it, implies that you have to take that talent point.

So again, why start this nonsense?

It requires 3 for ‘full power’ those same three are still there but they have moved up the tree. Playing full power RW is less punishing now.

The reason is because I felt like discussing something on a discussion forum.


Yes… to make a forced talent worth it. Like I said earlier. those 3 talents are still there. You still need 3 talents to make it worth it whether its baseline or not.

So what are you arguing for?

I’m not sure how familiar you are with the spec, but frostreaper makes km obliterate do frost damage which scales with mastery and ignores armor because it’s magic not physical. That’s why you see a non km oblit hit for peanuts and then a km crit for over 100k. This leads to high ceiling and low floors because if they bring up the base physical damage the ceiling will blow up way too high. On top of that the build is designed around doing most of your damage in your PoF window where it has crazy str modifiers. This leads to a high burst DPS cycle of crazy high burst followed by very low down.

There is no right answer for this issue. It’s a matter of tastes, some like sustain damage profiles and some like burst driven profiles. And different raid bosses favor each. Typically 1m burst does well in raid because there is always intermissions, breaks, or mechanics where you can’t have up time.

The 4pc is really based on rng of your rune refreshers. Consuming km or spending RP has a chance of refreshing a rune, so it’s just luck if you have runes for the follow up km. I think this is potentially going to be an issue with the upcoming 10.0.7 changes that let you stack km procs. We will be rune starved, and then trying to add soul reaper to the window which costs a rune but is filling the slot of froststrike in the rotation.

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Just a thought. In dk class tree. Would love an auto attack has a chance to proc a shambler zombie that explodes base on spec.

Frost shambler explodes frost damage with aoe applications of razorice.

Unholy shambler explodes diseases and put one wound on targets.

Blood shambler explodes healing a portion of explodes damage to dk.

I really miss this effect from legion. It was why I enjoyed unholy for awhile when I see a zombie shambler proc and smashed into targets doing shadow damages. So I thought maybe bring that back for the class.

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