29 March "Tuning" AKA nerfs

Marksman has always been the pet free spec. Argument is moot.

Warlocks have had sac since vanilla, and it was MOSTLY a very strong pick until Blizzard decided to actively destroy it. Argument is moot.


yeah making it more in line and not a forced pick is so bad right. u can still use it. you one of those meter simming people who act like you can’t play something if it isn’t top damage lol.

The same can be said for Lone Wolf but no Marksman is going to choose to run a pet in competitive content, UNLESS it is just significantly better damage. Warlocks will always prefer Sac in PVP regardless of the damage and it’s arguably better to not have to deal with a pet in a lot of PvE content, especially when that pet interacts with zero talents in the spec trees. Demonology is a pet spec, the others are not based around the pet in any way.

Edit: Sac is fairly accessible in affliction because of the layout but I would argue it should be moved up even higher to be made more accessible for both specs that aren’t pet oriented.


And there it is…

after looking over your interactions on the post its safe to say people are not mad they just reported a typical troll. do you even read what you write? or is it just letter vomit you produce. you have failed to offer anything of meaning to the conversation. now you act all shocked Pikachu face and play the victim…the hypocrisy is rank


THEY JUST DONT PLAY THE GAME, Blizzarre just sit reading ppl crying in forums and reedit forums and apply nerfs based just in crying forums bro

It is very easy to tell Aredea has never read a book in their life. I have to dumb myself down to read their childish speak.

You just can’t reason with or break through to actual idiots.

^ The absolute irony of this druid using the word “intelligent”. LMAO.

Just flag his posts as trolling and move on. Not worth the energy.


Is destro broken or something just did a dungeon with a destro lock doing head and shoulders damage above everyone else, never seen this before this expansion.

Destro is solid in high keys and its single target is very high in sims. It can’t reproduce those numbers in a raid environment due to all the movement required. Its not really overperforming anywhere that i can tell, but i could be wrong.


Had a big discussion about this in the warlock disc for kalamazi, and I still say destro is doing solidly now sims or otherwise. Mythic fights I’ve seen them doing fabulously compared to demo or aff, but that’s purely anecdotal but destro has always been the more power house spec. We were weak at the start of the expac because we had absolutely crap gear, but that’s changed a decent bit.


It does good in 2 keys, Algethars and Nokoud (specifically where high mob counts are pulled and rain of fire can do big aoe numbers as result). All other keys its mediocre to average in (though its 2 target’ish damage profile can be good on some keys like RLP also since a few of the bosses are 2 target). It also does solid boss damage which is a selling point (which doesn’t exactly translate to overall damage though).

If you were doing a key other than AA or Nokoud and a Destro lock dominated the meters overall, then quite frankly the other players were undergeared compared to the Warlock, or just bad, or afk.

Nah, im an experienced player it was a 21 SMBG, i do it mutiple times a week everyone in the group was 2800+ io the warlock was doing 115k overall others 90k, in a pug with normal pull to pull damage.

Btw mediocre and average means the same thing.

I googled Mediocre vs Average and here is what came up:

" Average is something that meets the standards . Mediocre is something that is sub-standard"

Also, maybe you guys were afk’ing on the small spider pulls, but SBG isn’t really a stand-out destro key. It does some solid 2 target damage on a few of the bosses but its not a great key for it to be that far ahead of everything else as you experienced. It should be a lot closer. So again I’m going to go with player skill level / gear disparity. Esp if ur playing sub you should be owning that key.

What was the overall. You’d have to go to warcraftlogs to check disparity in classes on specific dungeons

As I said he did 115k overall we did 90k, every pull he was head and shoulders above and pulling 100k+ on bosses. Never seen destro in dungeons before the patch and now they come up doing 20% more damage than everybody.

DeathKnight forums are over there points

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