29 March "Tuning" AKA nerfs


  • Developers’ notes: We’re modifying the output of Grimoire of Sacrifice to bring it in line with the output of Warlock demons. At the end of the day Warlock is a pet-centric class and while we want there to be an option to opt-out of your pet, we don’t want it to always be the clear answer.
  • Wrathful Minion now increases the damage of Grimoire of Sacrifice by 10% (was 15%).
  • Demonic Inspiration now increases the damage of Grimoire of Sacrifice by 10% (was 15%).
  • Grimoire of Sacrifice damage reduced by 15%.
  • Affliction
    • Developers’ notes: With the removal of less impactful talents in both their class and specialization trees, Affliction received a lot of additional damage options that have increased their damage beyond what was intended. We’re making these adjustments to bring them in line with other damage dealers.
    • Damage done by spells and abilities reduced by 2%.
    • Darkglare damage reduced by 20%.
  • Demonology
    • Developers’ notes: We’re targeting Demonology’s multi-target profile with these adjustments to bring them closer to other damage dealers. We will continue to watch both single-target and multi-target performance, along with the output of new talents and adjustments delivered in 10.0.7, and make further adjustments down the road if needed.
    • Demonic Strength now increases the damage of Felstorm by 300% (was 400%).
    • Dreadbite damage reduced by 10%.

Guess they don’t want the lock community having fun. These are some massive changes to our class. Don’t worry though, the most boring class a la Destro, has not been touched.

I was actually enjoying coming back to playing and this is what we get, a huge huge slap to the face. This is intense.

Ya’ll Remember when Rogues took massive nerfs the 1st week after Standings went live? Nope… I don’t.


I’m 99% sure they pulled this right out the poop shoot.


they give the locks the finger.


Like they sitting there saying “well demo needs more ST” but then nerfs both our ST and aoe at the same time


Absolutely correct. In essence they buff one aspect of our toolkit, then nerf another part of our kit. So… why even give us buffs?

All they are doing is shifting numbers around, 2 steps forward, then 2 steps back.

Devs need to get it together.


I feel very frustrated with these nerfs… why bother playing this stupid class.


I just don’t understand. They’re nerfing our ST too that was just insanely weak.

We were already bottom middle of the pack for higher keys, it looks like they just want people to play destro.

They’re nerfing based off of WCL, there’s no chance that they looked at demo and thought to themselves “this is too strong”


“We rather you don’t play Demo” - Ion.


They’re nerfing like +15 keys because nobody plays this spec in anything higher than a +22 for a reason.

It makes absolutely no sense at all.

My only thoughts about it is maybe they’re nerfing ahead of time for 10.1


I called it weeks back.

Developers note:

We noticed Warlocks doing damage, so we removed all their abilities.


I think this turns ds into a dead talent, it’s already 250% nerfed in pvp now it’s reduced even more. And dreadstalkers was already nerfed by 10% in pvp. Can’t they just put a “doesn’t apply in pvp” tag on these changes?


retarded changes to warlocks for worse, they buff simulation, then they nerf to even worse than before, warlock damage controlled.


I tried my best reporting the bugs on ptr and nothing came of it and then things went live as they were and then the spec gets aura nerfed and they nerfed DGL when it was bugged instead of fixing it.

I think affliction might actually worse now than it was before 10.0.7. I am just over it with these devs.

Enjoy DF everyone I’m going to go play gw2 until 11.0.


yeah so aff in pvp… Guess we just lose a lot of damage then. RIP any “buffs”.

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I actually know a lot of destro locks that use sac, so they got nerfed too.


So what now? Aff dead again? Demo got hit too… back to destro for all content?


Warlock has just been an absolute rollercoaster this tier. We have to learn all 3 specs and variations on each spec to do Mplus and Mythic raiding, okay. Then each spec is shifted in power and the talent tree reworked every month. Great. Now things are in the worst spot they’ve been in after this round of nerfs and for what? Where is the vision for this class? Rain of fire spam for mplus for the tanks that can keep the mobs still? Incredible. It’s not very fun to have the ground shifted from under ya in a game that already demands too much of your time.


looks like affi is gonna be a less than viable mythic plus spec again. oh well good while it lasted


pretty hardcore demo nerfs for a spec that isnt even good


and what is with the notes for the grim sac changes lol. “in line with the output of warlock demons” like people are going to spend a talent point in order to get sidegrade damage but no pet. why even put the talent on the tree if u think having an actual reason to take it is problematic