It’s almost like they want to sell tokens.
They aren’t bad they just aren’t better than any other set you can farm up for free.
Token prices were up over 300k and since the t3 armor dropped they’ve dipped as low as 260k. It’s sad people will drop so much money on ancient mogs with hideous dated textures.
It really is sad that people are willing to buy tokens for it. Tokens will probably dip to 220k in a week or two imo because people need 2.8 mil for a full set.
I hope Blizz changes the cost of T3
Gotta love when folks say it’s an outdated set and doesn’t look that good, but turns heads whenever it is seen lol
It’s not outdated sets. Most still hold up well.
Bring back Argent Dawn tabard for the love of God blizz!!
It’s so true!!!
turns on Predator title
I’m not even upset about the gold sink, makes sense it’d be expensive and I have enough gold for it, I was also ready to farm even more gold once rumors of T3 returning were floating around. It’s the feat requirement that puts me off wanting to get the Druid & Priest set.
Sucks too, I like those two the most.
Reduce price by 90% OR let us unlock old nax which is still in the games code.
And you grossly overpaid. Cause the BMAH is a terrible game feature that shouldn’t have existed in the first place.
I think it’s funny they say the price is intentional because “Some people paid millions for their tier 3”
Okay, and?
I paid 525,000g to upgrade my heirlooms to level 100, then you reduced the price of the heirloom upgrade token like 90% on the PTR a day later. You didn’t refund me that money. I spent like 450,000g more than the people who bought the heirloom upgrades after the change, but I didn’t see that money returned to me.
Prices change, and that’s what happens. That’s what Blizzard constantly tells us when they make changes like the heirloom price change or any other item’s price change. So why on earth is Tier 3 being treated differently?
Note: This is coming from someone who finds Tier 3 butt ugly and I have no intention on ever crafting it even if they made it cheaper. I just find the hypocrisy annoying.
That’s quite a bit of gold for what is a bunch of pretty mid sets… outside of the warlock and shaman sets.
At this point I think lowering the price wouldn’t be a real option as a lot of people will be upset that they spent X amount of gold and blablabla, the solution I see to this problem is to make it dropable from bosses and linked to the account, for example, get 20 or 30 clearing all the bosses, this would cause it to be relatively cheaper, since 2 paths are created, the first is that if you don’t want to wait you spend the 2.8m, and the second is that if you are patient, you can complete a T3 every X months in a much cheaper way, where in the end you only have to pay for materials such as undeath metal, or make there a weekly mission that gives you a complete piece “for free” each week delivering X amount of stones or similar, this would apply to what I mentioned above, if you don’t want to wait, look for someone who has the achievement, or if you don’t mind waiting 7 or 8 weeks to get those pieces without spending gold, there are easy ways to solve this problem, however we do not know if they really want to access these options.
I would like to believe that they are going to change it, I would venture to say that most of the people who talk about the return of T3 are in the form of complaints about the excessive amount of gold that you have to spend and the RNG that exists to be able to complete only 1 set, It really is excessive what they have done and I hope that we are building enough pressure to see changes in the short term.
I don’t see the price changing at least anytime soon.
Grats to anyone who got their T3 from this.
Highly unlikely. You would be surprised by the amount of people who either dont know transmog exists,dont bother to change how they look for personal preference or are a hodgepodge of some pieces mogged and alot are still current unmogged. Also I am a keen people watcher and a lot I do come across in High end to mid level gear are like that also quite a few dont seem to buy enchants or gems which is fine each to there own my point is If everyone had access to Tier 3 you would be flat out seeing more than 10 people in Valdrakken rocking it and within a month if were all able too people would go back to there prior or something different. Only the dedicated Tier 3 lovers will keep that on a Character for more than a month.
It’s not even worth it half the skins r ugly
I make about 400,000 gold a month just via doing the dragonriding wq’s each week on 15 toons. Sure it’s a bit tedious, but it’s definitely a reliable low effort way to make gold.
Are your alts all 70 now from this? I bet you can do the races in your sleep now.