2.8 Million Gold Per T3 Set! Absurd Pricing! Predatory!

He he yea I got several of my alts to 70 just doing those WQ’s for gold :slight_smile: and yea the normal races are a breeze now

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Whether a set is worth it or not is entirely subjective. I personally think the best looking T3 sets are the Warrior, Druid, Mage, and Priest sets, and that the Hunter and Shaman sets are entirely meh and skippable. But someone else might think the Hunter and Shaman sets are the bees knees and that the Warrior set is hot garbage. :man_shrugging:

I think that sometimes several people omit the small detail that many players use that gold earned to pay for the subscription since they must use the real money they earn in other things, I ask again, why there is no alternative way to get these T3 without having to spend gold but spending weeks going to naxxramas with all your characters to get these materials directly from the bosses? A few posts above yours I mentioned a way they could do these where it would take you 2-3 months to get 1 single T3, but it seems like it’s easier to blame the player for not being able to generate enough gold to pay the same price or even more than those who paid some to get early access to this T3 on BMAH.

The only answer I can come up with is that Blizzard still has some holdover misplaced concerns for “invalidating” what others did in the past to make things available/accessible to people in the present. I personally think that’s foolish, but I’m not the one calling the shots.

I didn’t feel “invalidated” or feel as if my efforts to achieve grand marshal in vanilla were “devalued” when they changed the pvp system and everyone could get the grand marshal/high warlord pvp gear way easier than I did. People asked me if I was upset by it, and the truth is, I wasn’t in the slightest. In fact I was happy that others coming in after me would have an easier time. And personally I think they shouldn’t have made it so difficult to get the OG pvp gear skins now.

As to gold, I am one of those people who pays for my game time with gold, though I do tend to buy tokens in bulk when the price is sub 200k so as to avoid price spikes like we see currently. Do I wish Blizzard would have made T3 accessible again differently? Absolutely. I would have much preferred Blizzard just bringing back original naxx40 with the original loot tables and bringing back Atiesh. Sadly, they went another direction. I only offer my own experiences making gold in the hopes that they might help others who want to make gold (for whatever reason) with minimal effort invested.

Personally I hope they add a path so that you can get T3 without spending so much gold, I’ve read more comments against this method than in favor of it, so I hope this creates some kind of pressure. All gear that was removed from the game because they rework zones or relaunched dungeons/raids should not get preferential treatment and should be returned to the game, regardless of whether or not it makes sense in the game’s story.

With the Corrupted Ashbringer Azmourne they had a perfect excuse to give that transmog back, but they wasted it or it was just a decoration to make fun of those of us who want that transmog, this seems horrible to me from the devs, I don’t know who is behind this Azmourne CA or the return of T3, but they have handled everything in the worst possible way and only benefiting the elitists who obtained it in the past.


The whole system is shete. Spent my day completeing all of the quests and everything required to be able to get the set just to do the crafts it requires you already to have a full set. Meaning you basically need to sit at the BMAH for months in order to be able to craft any of the gear. A huge waste of time. Yeah the Tmog is cool but its not worth this. I get wanting it to be a grind but the fact that you have to grind for a chance at a chance to see the piece and then another chance that it is the armor type you are looking for followed up by then spending hundreds of thousands of gold to get the materials required followed by then spending another hundred thousand gold to get it crafted if there is even someone on your server who can craft it because guess what you cant craft it yourself unless you already have the full set which then you wouldnt need to do any of this grind to get it because you would have already had it.

What’s funny about both of these items is that most of the people with them aren’t the original owners of the accounts. :dracthyr_hehe_animated: Kind of a shame to see them gone forever but it is what it is.

That’s about what I spent on my Priest T3 set. :woman_shrugging:


That is the worst of all, many of these accounts are simply sold because the original owners know that they can get a lot of money and completely forget about WoW, the same thing has happened in other games where there are exclusive skins or items, the difference in these games they have taken measures to reduce the value of these accounts, and it is by returning those skins, but granting a new and exclusive skin to the original owners, they could have done the same thing with T3, granting an HD version or remake of T3 for those who had the FoS, they could do the same with CA or Atiesh but they simply don’t want to or it hasn’t occurred to them

Only overpaid cuz your broke. The instant gratification people need is insane, the set isn’t meant to be obtained with the snap of your fingers.

If you can’t afford the set, or don’t want it then don’t buy it. :man_shrugging:


I think they want classic players to come back for the gold but honestly it’s such a small amount.

Where have i ever demanded that these things should be just handed to you?

Being a stock trader on a fictive marketplace shouldn’t be the prerequisite to obtain things in this game.

I think a simple solution to this entire debacle would be to remove the RNG of getting the Lamented pcs and keep the gold sink, or remove the gold sink and keep the RNG. Having both of these systems in place seems to be too extreme.

The fact that I need to go run Stratholme/Scholomance, despite the fact many here may not mind it, only to trade in my tokens and receive an item I don’t particularly care for is mentally exhausting.

Additionally, at the moment, the gold sink isn’t really even a gold sink. Keep in mind, at the moment, you can have good RNG and sell the excess Lamented pcs of gear you get for millions of gold which completely negates any real costs to receive Tier 3. I’ve also read many forum posts regarding the negative feedback about gatekeeping the patterns to actually make tier 3 by those who acquired tier 3 in the past, but I’ve honestly not seen a majority of these people charging absurd amounts of gold. Sure, a few people have, but it’s not as bad as what some people in the forums make it out to be. (in my personal experience results may vary) So I believe this is a decent balance so as not to completely diminish the value/effort of the set and those who formerly acquired the set (having run old naxx/farming the BMAH).

Overall, the real negatives of this entire system are the pairing of RNG and the Gold Sink. Choose one, leave the gatekeeping system in place, and call it a day. It honestly astonishes me that Team Leads/Devs. can’t use their collective brain power and apply standard common sense/logic to simple systems like these.


I prefer to spend months or weeks fighting RNG than spend so much gold, I already said it in a previous comment, there should be another method where you are for more than 2 months trying to get a single T3

Blizzards needs to do this already!


haha oh nooo!

i can’t believe they’d do this!

I love how it went from pointing and laughing at people that bought it on the BMAH and “Lmao, another +1 to my collection Ill never use :)” to “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 2.8 MILLION GOLD???”

Just farm and sell the new naxx patterns btw you can make that gold real quick


This is actually insanely based. This is literally what they were all doing with a song and a dance not to mention the haha yes get rid of fomo

blizzard gets rid of fomo but makes it so you don’t get it for free

wait not like that


i love this much more then fighting on the BMHA
yes its a gold sink just be glad the item is not 1 million each and need 8 of them

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Always one of these cats in the conversation, great work.

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