That is…absurd? What the hell is the drop chance? Has Blizzard even hinted at what it might be?
People NEED to stop blaming WoD and Legion for this. It was SEVEN YEARS AGO
There have been multiple massive gold sinks since then that have drained anyone who wasn’t just naturally good at making gold (and those who are good at making gold and really wanted the T3 probably already have it from the BMAH)
The words in the interview that took place almost 2 weeks ago say the following:
‘‘Hypothetically speaking, if this were to be a thing in the game, we would take a much more judicious approach to availability of these crafts as to opposed to something like ZG. It should take significant investment and dedication as well as a bit of a gold sink to get all of this together so that ideally people feel like they have more control over chasing the appearances that they want from some legacy content. But someone who already got it all from the Black Market Auction House isn’t looking at this and saying ‘well that sucks and I feel like my investment has been devalued by this change’.’’
I agree that it must require dedication to obtain them, but after seeing all this issue of RNG and Gold farm that you have to do, it seems to me that they got out of hand, it is simply excessive that they have gone to an extreme that is quite unrealistic for an average player, and even difficult for a more active player willing to do something like this, there must be a balance, because what they have done leaves out a large percentage of active players who, directly seeing the RNG and the amount of gold necessary to create only 1 T3, get discouraged and prefer it better going to do something else, it’s like they just did it in the worst way they could think of to get out of the way of all the players asking for an alternative to get T3, unfortunately it doesn’t look like we’re going to see fixes, not even the council is discussing the poor implementation of this T3, it’s discouraging to see this situation.
They’ve just shifted it from one extreme to another it seems. It’s painfully obvious that the people who brought this “system” into existence never gave it a second thought. It feels like it was a 15 second “hey we should bring back T3” comment in some team meeting, and this is what we got.
Blizzard really needs to start applying logic and common sense to concepts before they release this broken trash.
What hurts me the most about all this is that they have not said anything at least to know that they listened to us and will make changes, and the WoW council has not discussed this issue either, they are supposed to help us with ours suggestions and problems to reach the devs more easily, however there is silence for 1 week, I will continue to support each post related to this since I really want to see changes that make us reach a more reasonable point, however everything saddens me, the silence of the council saddens me, I am sad not to see blizzard indicate that they will make changes and sad that there are people who think that players who complain is because they want everything for free, when that is not the reality and they minimize our complaints to that we are just crying because it is not easy to obtain, no one expected that if it came back it would be free or easy, but also no one expected that it would be locked with RNG to get at least 1 lamented piece and then gold farm 2.8m for the weaves and 1m more creating a mandatory material with someone who already has full T3.
I was willing to spend the 2.4m that I would need buying the weaves if there was a weekly quest like the one we had with the bracers, but it doesn’t exist, the simple fact of thinking that the same thing will happen to me as the player above where he still does not get anything discourages me because I need 6 lamented pieces, and in my realm I think there are not many who have T3, so it would cost me in the end 3.4m at best, for now I will skip T3 until there is a solution to these problems , if one day we are heard.
Devil’s Advocate here:
It’s not predatory, in the sense that it’s only “a lot” of gold if you’re trying to do it in (sic) a weekend.
Yes, I got 2 pieces in the original Naxx 1.0, and completed my set with the other 6 pieces from the BMAH for a mere 400k or so.
But that also took almost TEN YEARS.
Because although I completed my set from the BMAH, that also means I LOST a lot of those auctions. And it’s not like they’re up every day. You have to wait. And then lose. And then wait. And then lose. It’s entirely possible to wait 2 years to win any single piece you want.
Now… instead of whining about how expensive 2.8M is to get the set RIGHT NOW, let’s talk about what the daily breakdown is to craft that set over (let’s be generous) just 5 years.
I’m not even going to bother with the math because I already know: it’s trivial.
The problem isn’t that it’s expensive. The problem is YOU’RE IMPATIENT.
The real problem is that they removed the raid from classic in the first place, and then implemented it in BMAH and now they look at how much it cost in BMAH to create this method, it’s not a problem of impatience as you have commented, yes, they fought for years and spent millions of gold getting the T3, why aren’t they asking that blizzard have created an HD version or remake of T3 for them to better define that you took advantage of it before and allow everyone to have free access to the original version with a farm method like any other tier set in the game?
I don’t understand why they are trying so hard to continue arguing that because they spent X million for X years then it must continue to be this way, the method of obtaining it had in the past should have been in the past, the focus of this new method should have been to bring T3 to more players without having to spend millions of gold and on top of that fighting with RNG, not repeating the same thing as BMAH, I find it incredible that after 1 week of discussing this topic the point or the complaints are still not understood.
I’m not sure that’s refuting my post.
When it comes to old/rare items, I’ve been saying for a LONG time now that EVERYTHING should have a path to come back after 5 years-- but that it should never be as simple as just putting it on a vendor. Don’t make it a sub-1% drop-type thing, but don’t just hand it out, either.
So it seems Blizzard err’d on the side of caution here, but I’m not TOTALLY convinced they did the thing wrong.
Again, I may have “only” spent 400k instead of 2,8M, but it took me TEN YEARS.
If people are bothered by that 2.8M price tag, guess what? You too can have your set for much cheaper! You just have to wait TEN YEARS.
Now… especially in today’s WoW: how many people are willing to do that??
imo, there should be a way to work on acquiring the mats that, the more TIME it takes, the CHEAPER it is. Like how Alchemists do transmutes, but can only do one a day. Very often, you can just BUY the end result if you’re in a hurry. But if you want to take the time to do all the xmutes yourself… you get all the mats for free.
That seems a better compromise to me.
I think a solid way to combat the time investment would be putting some sort of system in place that guaranteed a piece of T3 every quarter assuming they farmed naxx every week that quarter. 4 pcs of tier/year would take 2 years of running naxx on a single toon every week which seems like a fair time trade off, in my opinion, with today’s wow.
Additionally, the gold sink seems a bit off to me as well, although I do agree some form of gold sink should exist. You said it took you 10 years and 400k to acquire T3. (good for you for sticking to your guns to acquire it btw) However, how many times throughout those 10 years did the gold cap change? People on these forum posts are acting like everyone who had T3 prior to this system spent the current gold cap of 9,999,999 99 99 to acquire T3, and that’s just simply not true. Blizzard seems to have taken this same stance when developing the current systems gold sink. Why can’t we make the vendor item costs (the gold sink) similar to an old school gold cap, especially since they’re from a previous period.
I’d like to hear thoughts on these concepts as I really haven’t seen anyone bring this up as of late.
I don’t think changes in the gold CAP make a difference… when we know (you even said): no one EVER spent gold cap to get a piece of T3. It was never that popular.
Yes, some spent 1-3M. In the journey to get my set, there were many a night I’d see some tool bidding up the items just to get people to spend more (thankfully that doesn’t work on me). But again-- nowhere near gold cap.
I still prefer what I suggest (maybe you did to?) where the items have a substantial cost, but that cost can be negated with a time investment like transmuting things as Alchemists do. Just don’t tie it to a profession and lock people out.
And even I would say 2 years is too long. If you’re chasing an item for a full year??? That’s plenty long. We did that for the “…Long Strange Trip” mount, and now again for the Trading Post Achv. One year is a LOOOONNNNGGGGG time.
I think I’m inclined to agree with you about things that require ~1 year to obtain are generally too time consuming/mentally draining or just outright excessive. However, I was trying to strike a happy medium. I personally believe the gatekeeping system of previous T3 holders being in place isn’t such a far fetched idea. it fits the Ion’s statements about rewarding previous T3 holders HOWEVER, the fact that this system exists with the gold sink, with the time investment (due to the RNG), it’s just too much.
Side Note: Why has there been absolutely zero word on this. I refer back to a former poster’s point that the community council usually brings these things up to the dev team to help address our viewpoints, but in the 40 minutes worth of questions that were asked to team leads and devs most recently had no mention, even in passing, about this system being the cluster that it is. This post has had thousands of views, hundreds of comments/sentiments about the system, and it has consistently been at the top of the ‘General Discussion’ section in the forums. Despite all of this…radio silence
Before I mentioned a possible solution, and that is that the final boss of each wing grants 5 weaves, so that in the end you would get 25 per character and obviously they are linked to the account, after there is a weekly mission that grants you a “free” piece by delivering X amount of stones and other materials, in this way you create a routine that you must do weekly to be able to complete a T3, depending on how many alts you have it can take you more or less time to collecting weaves, but yes or yes it would imply that it takes you approximately 2 months insisting week after week to complete a T3.
Can someone try to contact the user Turkeycat? normally he comments on this kind of stuff in the council, and if possible he did it with a title indicating Naxx and T3, so that the message is better understood and it is not an ambiguous one as he usually does, personally I think that this whole Naxx and T3 thing has already been important enough for the council to speak up and help us reach the devs, because it seems that at the moment we haven’t reached them yet.
There are a lot of questions devs should be asked, why isn’t there a less mentally taxing alternative to getting this T3? For example, by reducing the RNG to a great extent, why not reduce the great cost of creating T3?, because many have stayed with the price of 2.8m, but the reality is that it is more than 3.5m due to materials such as undeath metal, in my previous comment I exposed an alternative that I see as completely viable and reasonable, it does not give away T3 nor does it become excessively difficult, the method that I exposed can coexist with the current one of 2.8m, and well , the most important question, why doesn’t Phylacterweave link to the account? This is something I just don’t understand, if you mess up or get any trying to get a lamented piece it just gets lost or stuck there
imho i don’t think the price should change or the amount needed.
but the discovery rate should have a 100% discovery per week or 2 weeks and the boost is for the first item you open till the 2 weeks are up
At this point I think that the base price of 2.8m is something irreversible, however alternative methods can be created to obtain the weaves as I mentioned above and that it is linked to the account, in this way it ‘‘smoothes’’ the gold farm a bit, if you don’t have time to go with many alts or you want to do it quickly and you have gold left over you buy it, if not then go clean naxx with all your alts every week, I like the idea that the first one you open each week is guaranteed, I wouldn’t see it as viable for 2 weeks, but the first every week sounds good, however, then we have the issue of materials such as undeath metal, many are against the fact that the achievement is necessary to be able to buy the recipe, and I agree, at the beginning when I saw all this in the PTR I thought that all the gold would go to those who own T3, but a lot of the gold goes to weaves, I honestly don’t see the point of this, allocating a very high percentage of gold to an NPC and then another high percentage to one or several players, it should have been one or the other, not both simultaneously.
I’d like to know this as well.
The crying is real
Who’s crying? Most people are literally giving feedback on the system being the way it is. What are your suggestions, or do you not have any?
The system seems good as is. Now you can get T3 without playing the BMAH.