I bet you’d love that Bobby.
ill always scream this, im just disappointed its a gold sink than a time sink, i dunno how to make 2.8mil, and i dont wanna buy that many tokens
dude, you just want this to be buy a token buy the item. I know people who spent 2 million just for 1 piece on the bmah, these people are wild lol, its not enough that its back. You literally need it spoon fed to you.
nah its already been figured out this has been basically a lose for everyone except adderalled brand new casual kids kids from twitch, think about it the last drop was weak these kids are probably goin wild for a handout. I just dont think people who obtain the items this way deserve the drop dead gorgeous acheivment. Prior to this it said, anyone who had this PRIOR to 10.1.5 can craft this. So now someone can have tier3 mike making them the set day 2 and they just get this acheivment ? can Dks use the plate or can evokers use the mail for these items ? i can understand if someone had over 4 out of the 8 pieces and then got the last 3 via this way getting it, but someone getting it purely through work orders or something shouldnt get this acheivment.
someone in another thread said u could use the stuff on other chars like priest on warlock so i imagine evokers can use the mail and dk vice versa
they could use it with the og or bmah set, this set i thought the items were bound to hunter or shaman for mail. the older tier 3 items i know u can wear on whatever
dunno, i imagine theyre not bound to classes. i hope theyre not bound to classes, thatd be kinda whack, spending 2.8mil on warr and u cant even use it on paly or dk
The last time I bought a piece was my shoulders for 2.3 million alone, and it wasn’t even a high population server. YMMV
If it was warrior or paladin shoulders ya that makes sense. Also people use bots and RMT sites and second accounts to snag up very sought after pieces on low pop realms.
Blizzard should drop a zero from the vendor material cost.
this idea i like admittedly even if id rather a time dump. then id be able to afford pieces other than the wrists
I have gone through over 10 RNG for the T3 pieces from the vendor, running Naxx on 5 alts, and have received 0. Other than the bracers. So I think by the time I can even receive grime pieces I’ll have gained 2.8mil gold .
I really just want the shoulders and helm, I can live without the rest.
Might just get the secret mount this week instead
I been more focused on selling on the AH, it’s a mean game of babysitting cause you get undercutted so fast.
This is a pure vanity thing for me tho, I don’t see myself even using them. I think they’re still class locked as well, so I can’t even redeem them on this character.
They are not class locked for transmog. The token is BoA so if you create T3 War shoulders on your warrior (you can only create T3 shoulders for warrior on a warrior) all of your plate characters can mog the shoulders.
I find it incredible that at this point these types of comments are still being read where it is mentioned that because X person bought X piece for X million gold then this makes it cheaper and if we complain it’s because we want it for free, no, it doesn’t work like that, the idea of making this available again in another method is not that they were BMAH 2.0, it was to return these T3 to where they should be, like any other tier set in the game, I never expected to get it when logging in or in the first week, not at all, I expected it to be weeks or 2-3 months getting this T3, the cost of 2.8m is excessive, but I could have passed it up if I didn’t have to pay about another 1m gold creating the undeath metal and then adding that the lamented pieces have excessive RNG as well, this isn’t difficulty and persistence, it’s a very discarded way of keeping the player playing every day for something they want, it’s the equivalent of putting a piece of meat and a dog on a treadmill trying to grab it to eat it.
If it was only RNG but not such an excessive one I would accept it, if there was no RNG and the price was only 2.8m without having to pay extra expenses creating other material I would accept it, let’s stop saying that in BMAH it was more expensive so this is fine, no, it is not, the reset has not given a weekly mission where they grant you another piece, they have not reduced the RNG either, this “return” of T3 is horrible and shame on them.
That’s exactly the same sentiment I share as well. Rng and no gold sink (at least not to the degree its at rn) or gold sink and no rng. Pick one and stick with it.
I must admit that I have been known to multibox a realm’s BMAH for multiple T3 pieces on the same day.
Oh dear…then I guess I’m DEFINITELY ignoring this whole shebang. I refuse to level a druid. I’ve always hated the class on a personal level and I’m not going to power-level one just to do this even if I were to delete it after.
BMAH is at least still an option…for now. =(
I have that gold there’s absolutely no way. I would spend that on something so ugly. It would have to be the best outfit Ever to drop that kind of gold… Looking at you current outfit i’m wearing
As of today, I’ve turned in over 225 dented helmets. I’ve gotten 5 Phylacterweave and 220 gray/green trash helmets to vendor. Still no luck getting a lamented piece
Thats nice!
Okay so I got the shoulders, I was thinking 56k. Not over 500k xD nevermind im not gonna do this, I don’t have any prior attachment to this mog, so it’s just a “I bought wow tokens” Look to me haha.
ill just attempt to re-earn it in a hardcore classic like a cool kid!
WOW! I thought I had bad luck it took me 7ish tries on shoulders haha. Hope it gets better