26/30 people in my AB match are bots



Edit: surround the link with `

ya multiboxing like that is also against tos; go away

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Make a DK and join AB queue, if there are not ATLEAST 20 bots in your match I will delete this thread.

And here you go, straight to the ad hominems, all because you are incorrect about something you claimed to be knowledgeable about?

I’m simply asking for proof and not vague speculations. When you’re accusing others of botting so definitively, you should be pretty sure that they actually are. Speculations and hunches are not concrete enough, sorry to say. There’s a reason Blizzard takes a considerable amount of time to ban botters. They have to use powerful technology to detect bots, which they’ve been open about numerous times in the past.

Let me know if you’d like to resume the discussion without spewing ad hominems.

No one is arguing it isn’t. Please read my replies.

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Just for clarity, I’m not against you. I’ve seen the bots in every match, but at the same time you’re asking your doubters to prove the point you’re claiming. That’s an easy Hitchen’s Razor.

That’s speculation on your part. Try again on proving that I’m wrong.

This right here. This is it bois. Bloomsday taking everything Blizzard says at their word. I actually laughed out loud.

The powerful technology you speak of? Yes, that’s known as an outsourced worker from India being paid $2 an hour.


Burden of proof is on you to prove that you’re right, which you’ve not done.

I dont care to prove it to anyone. If I have to prove there are 20 bots in my AB game we’ve already lost WoW.

I don’t really care about this game anymore, mostly because of how infested with bots it is.
Im going to go work out, maybe someone else will post the proof people need since they cant make a DK and join AB queue themselves…?


Can you get in “trouble” for false reporting? Because I’m just spam reporting any DK who looks the least bit suspicious now after having an AB where half the team was DKs on their mounts running back and forth in our spawn.


Careful, bloomsday is going to ask you for proof :clown_face:

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Every bot will do these things:

When they are dead, they do not move as ghosts.
They will instantly mount with all the other DK bots.
They will walk tile for tile with every other bot.
They DO NOT MOVE in combat.
2 bots fighting eachother DO NOT MOVE in melee.
Half of them are from Whitemane.
Alot of them path through water with water walking but get stuck on eachother

At the end of the day, we don’t have to prove anything.

Bloomsday always shills for Blizzard and always will. Bots will always be in WoW and their numbers will always grow. Blizzard will never do anything meaningful about the bots because they don’t want the bots to go.

These are the facts, and when you come to terms with them, you realize all the time spent in this thread was wasted.

On that note, I have been wasting my time in here.

Btw, Bloomsday is such a shill, he’d tell you to prove this video is of players botting:



They’re bots.

They all follow the exact same path, they’re all DK’s and they do NOT move even a single inch from that exact path (unless they enter combat). They die, and they run that exact path over and over again, regardless of how many are dead or alive. They run the path without following each other, it’s a script and they’re bots.


yeah this thread was mostly to ask if since everyone i see is botting, can i just bot while im afk as well?

Everyone says its against TOS but that can’t be if 80% of the population in my battlegrounds is doing it.


Eeeeeh……. I don’t think so. Starting a match and the first thing people do is call each other names is just a sign of whats to come. If you think those people aren’t toxic in other aspects then I’m sorry to let you down :s. But yes, the gatekeeping here is bad also…. Jt dungeon gatekeeping, just mentality.

No no, it’s clearly just a very, very VERY precise human following the exact same path, not deviating in the slightest, manually, across 10 clients with such insane human reflexes that he can keep them within a few pixels of each other.


Noticed this last night, a good majority of people in the bgs atm are bots.


league players flame people that do bad. I dont really mind this, i know its probably not healthy, but If i’m the sole reason our whole team loses, i would expect flame.

Just like in WoW, if youre dps is unreasonably low, or you die every pull or wipe your group all the time, you probably are getting flammed. Thats just how team based play works with people you don’t know.

We live in different games then lol. People don’t just flame you for being bad, and honestly, you shouldn’t be wasting time typing flaming others like that when you could be playing. League players flame anything and anyone that moves? 4/0 and the games win con and take blue to snowball your lead? Jungle flames you and into your game meanwhile being 0/10 themselves.

“Just how it works” is a poop excuse to a very toxic mentality and way of doing things as well, regardless of context.