$25 (taxes in) a month is just too much, i just cancelled my subscription

whatever , theyre just making it easier for competition to rise up. maybe well finally see good mmos pop up :wink:

Where is this checkbox? I went through each page leading to the one where i press subscribe and I didn’t see it anywhere. Is this only for CC payments? I pay via PayPal->CC.

Can be retailer % increase due to COVID and lowered business.

Can be due to low interest in time cards cause surplus is stock = lost revenue.

I said “they should make it”, not “it exists.”

Ah alrighty. I miss understood.

At fifty cents a day I can’t think of a cheaper way to get entertainment.

they added wow tokens for poor people yet most don’t put in the effort to grind gold

they haven’t changed either

and we are taxed on top of that rate anyways

Not everyone wants to turn WoW into a job though. I play at my own pace and I hate grinding for stuff. Also, if everyone did it would increase demand for buying tokens which would cause it to skyrocket in gold price.

I’d prefer “socialist healthcare” to the US “health care is for rich people only” policy. If you think US health care is so great, you have never been poor or disabled.

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Just to let you know there are some places out there that sell WoW subscription, I’ve been buying mine for about 11-12 for the past year and a half. Otherwise it’s about 16 including tax, Ga/ \ / \ivo - Y’re’W

Imagine a country that gets free healthcare crying about a few extra bucks. Mkay

How can someone sell it for lower than the price blizzard themselves change for it? Stolen game time cards?

That sounds so fishy

It’s that or make more money, if neither of those options are available I suggest finding a free to play game

It’s not always as easy as just finding an alternative. I do own a few paid, but no sub games that I really enjoy. However, half of the reason I play this game is because I want to play with my friends.

Netflix, Crave / HBO, Disney Plus, Elder Scrolls Online, FFXIV. I get what your saying but for sure there is many alternatives and they arent the only gig in town. Its very bold of Blizz imo.

Because you personally didn’t like FF no one can compare it to WoW? That makes zero sense. They’re both RPG MMOs, competing for the same customers with similar systems.

You know it’s about game cards because you would research something before just saying i quit
 right? Or did you just read the title like I said you did.

Or are you a 50 something anti masker that’s just ready to hate the world. Lol

Understandable but not something blizzard or any subscription game thinks about. this is in the end a business and as much as it might be harsh the bottom line and shareholders are all that matters. If they lower the sub prices you can expect them to get more aggressive with microtransactions to make up for the loss in revenue