22 Aug Evoker Raid

Let me see this.brb.

Whats funny is you wont ever really see this in any serious raid comp, its a streamer that set it up and the forums are latching onto it like its proof of the second coming.

Of course making a spec with one of the most powerful opening bursts stronger and stacking it in their favor is gonna lead to some shenanigans, but this is an exception not the norm.

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Betrayer. :dracthyr_cry_animated:

Heā€™s not worth arguing with. Heā€™s either trolling or doesnā€™t have any understanding of what heā€™s talking about.

I was a fool ;-; I miss my small fuzzy boy.

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Ok,I donā€™t see it with my evoker but maybe if i was grouped,so far they are about the same in dps just augvoker has better heals for some reason.

ROFL, seems like Nyā€™alotha with the tanks.

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So as usual you dont have a valid opinion rofl

There is no support option or icon to pin for raids and dungeons yet, so itā€™s a free for all.

The only real damage I can do in open world content is with my 30 sec cooldown aoe. The rest is mediocre at best. We do poo for damage, because itā€™s not our role.

Personally, itā€™s the most boring support spec Iā€™ve ever played.

Iā€™d argue 2.

1 would screw over any casual groups where two Augs end up in a group together, 2 allows minor stacking without allowing it to get silly.

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:joy: My bad man, Iā€™d just woke up and thought you said they didnā€™t stack

Heres the Log. Its all in heroic

24 second kill time on Kazzara
15 second kill time on Assault

Donā€™t worry guys, this spec is going to be changed to be a standard dps spec in 11.0.

But isnā€™t this a bug?, Iā€™m positive in Preheats interview with the Evoker Developer on the PTR they stacked Aug as well and the response was the buffs shouldnā€™t stack on each other.

Two Augmentation Evoker cannot buff the same player with Ebon Might and all.

Personally I think itā€™s a bug that obviously some how made it onto live rather then being fixed in the PTR.

Because literally thatā€™s what they did, they stacked Aug on the PTR and it wasnā€™t supposed to interact that way so groups wouldnā€™t have Augmentation as a mandatory must have.

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I have no clue how this heavily reported bug that was brought up in an interview ā€œsome howā€ made it to live.

Things happen, human error?, but yeah 100% sure this was mentioned to the Evoker Developer.

Clearly a huge oversight allowing this to reach live servers.

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I am sorry, I was being a bit sarcastic in a way that doesnā€™t translate well.

It made it through so many points of failure that the only conclusion I can reach is that it was intended to make it to live in this format to see what would happen.

Otherwise it involves what, every single person on the team having an independent form of human error?

Bicep doing his community work, love it.

Itā€™ll be addressed. Iā€™ll be surprised if it lasts past Tuesday. Kind of a non-issue really.

Well I donā€™t know why or how, but yeah this was pretty much done on the PTR, and pretty sure was fixed on the PTR, how itā€™s on live is anyoneā€™s guess :man_shrugging:t4:.

But Ebon Might shouldnā€™t be able to stack.

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