22 Aug Evoker Raid


if you dont want to click.

Working as intended


Yeah someone else already linked it lol.

This was bound to happen, imo.

There’s nothing that prevents you from bringing more than one.


Dang I am late to the party. Sorry for the repost.

But just saw how they averaged 20-30 seconds per heroic raid fight.


I wonder what Blizzard will do to fix it, without killing Aug lol


Yeah, it was mentioned.

there was an all druid raid and an all paladin raid , who cares


The link provided, I’m sure that timestamp means the Heroic Encounter took only 20 seconds.

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Did the all druid and all paladin raids clear heroic raids in under 20 seconds per fight?

Its not that its an all aug raid. Its that an all aug raid blew up content in a fraction of the time. With specs doing 1 million + dps


14 venthyr boomkins and Remnant of Ner’zhul on Mythic.

some ultra low kill time too.


If you like that, check out 25 windwalkers deleting the first boss:


i am just saying that some beardnecks break the game and all the forum is crying wolf


Thats more of a tier set exploit/shenanigans though? Edit : And it was hotfixed from what I gather.

All I am saying is that aug evokers are insanely overtuned atm.


What’s the average kill time of other groups of entirely 445 geared organized raiders? Need to know that to see how it compares.

Edit: looks like 2-2:30ish after some light digging

There’s a huge difference between a spec-breaking interaction like the monk issue, which can be fixed to prevent stacking, because monks don’t get broken when their abilities don’t stack with other players of their spec.

With Aug however, the whole point is to buff other players. If you can’t stack multiple buffs on players you run into a situation like disc priests where having two in the raid makes them less effective.

That would just make for a frustrating experience that would mean limiting a raid to one Aug which would mean that Blizzard just made a spec that’s harder to get into a group than tank or feral druid. Not ideal.

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I can assure you its not 20 seconds. They did 24 million dps to kill in 20 seconds for about 500 million total.

If we want to be conservative on our timing estimates, and say that each person would be doing 175k…which would put them in the top 20 all time before this…That is 4.2 million dps for the raid…which is about 1m 19 seconds. But that includes the tank doing 175k as well.

So this would be every single person in the raid doing a top 20 previously recorded time, at the same time. My guess is closer to 2m.

I see you found it yourself.

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Yeah I just think it’s good to have a reference point so it’s easy to see just how much more powerful it is

Or just have each aug only buffs their party. Or buffs X amount of people in a non stacking way.

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That means that one Aug can’t support a whole raid, making it mandatory to bring multiple. Opposite problem.

To be honest, I think they have created a massive problem that they probably won’t ever fix. Could actually be irredeemable, based on the amount of problems it causes versus the amount if solves.


Easiest answer would probably be to cap the number of Aug buffs you can have at one time…or cap the benefit you can get from buffs to what would be provided by 2 or 3 evokers

Only if they allow balancing to be completely horrible.

I mean, yeah. Its why I was against support classes in WoW.