22 Aug Evoker Raid

Talking about all bosses.

They significantly out gear the content - they have an average of 5 ilevles higher than most similar groups.

This is not a clear indicator of problem.

Fastest Kazzara kill, 1:44.

Compared to that meme run, 24 seconds.


Doesn’t change the fact that the meme group are still over geared compared to that group.

A 1:30 kill is still before the circle channel - :man_shrugging:

Moreover - these same people are not doing this in mythic - and they are all mythic players in pretty sure

Do you just not know how mythic lockouts work or something?

If you kill a boss in under a min - wouldn’t you do that instead of waisting your lockout on a comp that will be more challenging to complete?

You’ve made the assumption that this is a problem with higher difficulties - with no evidence.

You don’t ditch your guild to go run a meme raid with a bunch of other people you’re unlikely to play with again, even if it’s going to net you some quick kills on early to mid bosses. Especially because it’s quite clear going into this there are bosses this cheese won’t outright one shot, making them likely not possible such as Sarkareth and Echo.

The only evidence needed is that the scaling of the spec as you add more to a comp isn’t linear. The cause of that is a few very specific and unnecessary interactions with breath of eons and ebon might, and the fix is removing those interactions which affects nobody but the people who would be doing this.

So the cheese doesn’t work at higher levels….

My point exactly

wouldn’t work at levels people are willing to dedicate time to.

If they were willing to prog, I’d wager a lot faster than a real guild on average.

Still betting meme comp = faster 9/9 clear, than a proper comp for the average guild. (If the average guild even gets CE at all.)

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Is this relative when they put gear even the second place groups?

Now if they had lower item level where it was truly progression - you’d have a point

But that was never the point. Like ok sure you can use a lot of evokers and cheese a the first 7 bosses of the raid to death with zero skill or learning of mechanics required, if you somehow don’t see that as a problem then let me continue.

This can be scaled down to achieve scaled down, but also problematic results. Sure you need 15+ evokers to kill a boss, how many do you need to skip a phase? 4? That’s a problem.

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Not that many people have CE, (mine is on Rashok for reference.) Should have it down next week. But still I envision a meme comp progressing faster at this point. But not many people have geared evokers to pull it off or the inclination to learn how the spec works.

Still think that meme comp if left untouched will be the play in the next RWF or even in current prog. (Again, not all guilds have CE.) As for rounding up that many evokers and ones willing to progress, say a month until CE is attained, is a far harder challenge.

Oh, and nerfbat may happen, rendering it all meaningless.

There is no evidence of this.

That’s the problem.

Could it be a problem? Sure.

But this post doesn’t actually show that it is a problem.

If they don’t do anything to it, I’d say a high chance a RWF guild wins with such a comp. Maybe only 4 people have legendary instead of all of them. Time investment, hedging bets.

People sell mythic clears - especially high end guilds.

Yet we havnt seen what you are claiming.

And people easily clear heroic, and this meme run didn’t happen on day one. It’s more rounding up willing people, (that have evokers.) And since mythic isn’t a joke, drastically altering the comp for maybe a min faster kill time (if people have the characters) isn’t really worth it.

Oh, and dread reprog to get all the timings worked out.

You’re making a bunch of excuses why it’s not feasible to do this in mythic…

While saying it’s the best thing to do in mythic.

Can’t have it both ways

It is feasible to do on mythic, but I wager at this point, there’s not enough people with the inclination to try.

It’s like that 30 second Remnant of Ner’zhul kill with mass venthyr moonkins. (But this doesn’t feel as limited.)

And yet… based on the current publicly available logs it is.

There was an actual example of a mythic kill using what you just described :man_shrugging:

It takes less than 2 weeks to level and gear an evoker. Especially if you have gold to spend .

This is week 1.

Literal week 1.

So not surprised that there’s no mythic meme runs yet.

So who tried with mass evokers and failed on mythic?

Again - so you are complaining about something when we don’t have the data yet to verify it?

This has been - and will continue to be - the only point that matters