Yeah and you know full well I wasn’t saying this was a moon launch and was giving an example that it’s usually the harder things that are worth it.
Take every collecting activity there is. MTG cards, baseball cards, stamps, coins, pokemon cards. Whatever…
No one cares about the commons.
They only care about the rares.
Take away the rares and there’s nothing left, no one cares.
This game has been taking away the rares.
I dunno if we fall under that category just yet
Nothing new there, this is standard practice in MMO’s. Stretching out minimum effort content is good for the investment/returns ratio.
I admit, I am a bit concerned by how little the amount of bronze tokens drops from activities. I’m going to do my best to collect all sets regardless
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Especially with 1.5 million people without power in FL. Prob just a drop in the bucket subscriber wise but I can see even in my huge guild a big dent in people missing… Including myself now.
Preach. This whole xpac is just a let down. Im thinking they started developing this, Metzen swooped in, saw how bad is what they are cooking, minimised the effort and shifted it towards next xpac leaving TWW to be a stepping stone.
Raid is totaly out of tune bosses being target dummies with 3 mechanics. M+ 12s are insanely hard compared to 11s. Delves are less fun Torghast with vault gear. Zones are plain boring and no fun stories in them. Oh and ANNIVERSARY event where we got “Ashes of Al’Ar blue lookalike” and suprise its a store mount that doesnt resemble Ashes at all.
But u see people in comments who are defending all this to have their grand troll “gatcha” moment on forums, this is why Blizz can do this over and over.
Shadowlands was B team and currency grind town. Guess when they got out to do next expansion? TWW.
I don’t know if this true but man it feels like a shadowlands repeat with how bad these currency decisions have been.
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You have up to January to complete it. You have all the time.
It’s even time gated, you wont fall behind.
Nope? Can’t actually.
Yeah you do? If you don’t log in every day? Are you okay?
The patch is coming out in less then 2 weeks.
What is on the PTR now would normally be indicactive of what will make it to live.
The people who design this stuff need to get over themselves, and start designing the game for ALL customers, that’s IF they want to stay employed.
Blizz doesn’t know another way. Unfortunately, innovation, for whatever reason, left blizz a long time ago.
Wow-head had a post that listed the rewards for the various activities that reward these new coins.
Don’t remember the exact numbers, but they are very low.
for the sets its 60 40 then 20
and after the 100 tokens we get a boost for then in activities
Maybe they will drop the whole “we care about our community” charade and just put the sets up in the shop for 25.00 a pop.
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Its not hard at all, they dont owe you for giving them things.
It’s not new content and people aren’t asking for a free handout their asking them not to make it an unnecessary chore. And they most certainly own a player that has stayed with their game for 20yrs quite a bit as they are the reason the game continues to make them money.
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There’s a PTR forum
Go to forum give feedback, also give feedback and suggestions in the PTR as well! Sure they may not change things right away but I’ve seen stuff change that seemed a bit underwhelming and in need of attention in regards to reward structures and completion of things.
Of course there’s complaints it’s wow and it’s the next thing blizz announced.
I read the article and the event and they reduce the costs needed to get the 2nd and beyond sets . I figured and assumed it’d take two or three weeks to attain the first set. How people rage at that is beyond reasonable comprehension.
It’s a friggin mmo and old one at that it’s a game based around the long haul. This genre isn’t meant to be play one day ok you have all the rewards for this multi week or month event!
Good lord .
Didn’t MoP remix have a currency acquisition adjustment once launched as well due to it feeling bad. I hope they just increase it for the anniversary prior to going live(insert are we out of beta yet joke here).
Just keep it simple and fun. No need to complicate this.