Hello! Looking for an est evening based raid guild as pugging is getting a bit old. Progression doesn’t matter, just looking to hang out and kill stuff. Bonus if you also do rbgs or any pvp content. I haven’t been doing much M+ but willing.
Switching servers is okay but I would like to stay horde.
Pillow Fort is a 10/10 Heroic guild on Mal’Ganis and we are mostly an EST group of individuals that raid Tues/Thurs @8PM EST-11PM EST and do M+ actively as some of our players do have KSM already! We are very active in Discord as well and play other games as a community pretty often. If this is something that intrigues you, please message me in discord @Corey#8854 or on battlnet @Holyhow#1277.
The guild I am a part of might be exactly what you are looking for. Soulhaven is a laid back group of raiders who enjoy playing together and downing content. We are also already on Area-52. We are currently 9/10 H CN and raid Tuesday and Weds 8:30 to 11:00 PM server time.
We are always looking for additional players to add to our roster and have the same mindset as us. If you like, feel free to add me on B.net if you are interested. Would love to have a chat
might be a good fit for you and what you have going on. If you’d like, we are running a heroic CN clear tonight and you are more than welcome to come join us for a trial run! We are expanding our roster to build our numbers and move into mythic CN.
bluu#7164 is my discord, reach out to me if youre interested!