Faded Gods (Horde/Kil’Jaeden)
Hello! We are a semi-casual raiding guild that really enjoys playing and having fun together! We’re a chill, laid back group with a solid sense of humor, but want to get content done in a timely manner. We are currently 10/10 H and 2/10 M. We just started semi-casual/semi-hardcore mythic prog last weekend and killed Huntsman in 9 pulls with most of those pulls being with 19 people.
Raid Schedule:
Sat/Sun 6-8PST
Weekly Events
M+ Night (on Fortified weeks) - Thursday 9 PST
RBG/PvP Night (on Tyrannical weeks) - Thursday 8 or 9 PST
All of our events (raids/m+ nights/pvp) are done with sign ups through discord. We have several others who push keys or do transmog runs during the week on various nights/times.
Raid Roster Needs:
We could add a few more dps and back up healers/tanks to our raid pool. We are open to casual players looking to be alternates as well. Preference currently would be toward hunters, mages, boomies, ret pally as well as people who have back up heals/tank specs or characters.
Add me on BNet bark#11701 or our GM matt407#1959