2021 blizzard doesn't own TBC

This game was made by an entirely different set of principles and developers at a time when Blizzard actually stuck to the “gameplay first” design philosophy.

I don’t consider the people at blizzard nowadays to be anything but the rights holders to the burning crusade and all rights associated with it. 2021 blizzard is a completely different company and they didn’t create tbc classic. It is the only reason i play wow anymore. Retail is a huge pile of trash.

Is it any wonder that blizzard in 2021 is changing the game for the worse? 2007 blizzard would never have done the things that 2021 blizzard is doing. Rating requirements for gear, reducing arena teams to 0 rating, horde favoritism in all aspects of the game changes as well as a few more.

So they may own the rights to tbc but it isn’t their game. They may help destroy the legacy of tbc, as they have done for retail wow, but for now I can rest easy that we have this relic of a time when blizzard was a great mmo developer.


newsflash: in 2007, there were ratings requirements. (s3 and s4)

But I agree with the sentiment which is why after TBC, I’ll be moving back to TBC pservers unless they go fresh TBC. The best expansion that is so very replayable.

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The game isn’t perfect, but I’m still having fun.

The devs have been making changes tonadapt to the way players are playing now. Overall, people aren’t playing the game as it was originally intended.

I’d be willing to bet that if the sweaties would chill out, we’d see fewer changes.


How are they changing the game for the worse?

I agree. Retail lost me awhile ago when it turned into a single player collection game with a multiplayer lobby, and I haven’t been impressed with any of their TBCC some changes. They do not feel at all like the original game and it’s obvious the old developers are gone. Not that I expected a lot. It’s unfortunate.


Exactly this! ^^^^


what is you point? the letter from within the game show the mastery used from TBC onward.

I find it funny how many people are bashing Blizzard, but if Blizz just up and threw in the towel … I wonder how they’d feel then?

Proud of themselves?

Happy they messed it up for everyone else because they did nothing but complain?

Angry because Blizz isn’t going to continue supporting it?

I could come up with more, but I’m tired and thinking out loud.

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You won the award for the dumbest question ever in the world…of warcraft.

They’ve managed to kill the game on their own so fast that it is unreal. BFA, Shadowlands, WC3:Reforged, Diablo: Immortal… now TBC Classic. Too many stinkers in a row.

Why would they think it is a good idea to add a bunch of dumb extra retail crap into Classic ? How come Vanilla get to be a ‘museum piece’ but TBC gets turned into an abomination ?


Considering we got FvF merc mode lite and about 4-5 changes to pvp queues based on crying I’d say that we’d still see changes with more to come.

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Can you answer it for me then

Not just based in crying… The game’s gotta function appropriately for most players.

Since people are playing differently today than they did then, changes will be needed.


Game was meant to be museum pieces not retail. Nobody told a bunch of sweaties to roll on one faction or follow metas like some slaves. They didn’t change classic vanilla this much so why do that with TBC?

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You would not comprehend it anyway, so why would I bother? :joy:

Ah so no answer, got it.

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Because they said #NoChanges didn’t work. It didn’t work primarily because of the sweaties.

It’s also their game.


That’s what I keep saying and people keep saying “The players are different”. It somehow wasn’t a year ago though…

Classic did have some changes and people hated the min max stuff but to me the core of the game felt like it used to. That’s all I really want here but it’s morphing into something else “for the new playerbase” while telling the old loyal playerbase to like it or leave. It’s really annoying. I personally say something because I care.


Nope, definitely have an answer, but I don’t feel like explaining it to a room temperature IQ.

Arguably, both sides are same thing to each other.

The only changes I’d really advocate for are bug fixes and to patch up exploits.

However, since things aren’t working as well as desired, I do support other changes when needed.