2021 blizzard doesn't own TBC


You aren’t serious, are you?

Close…but they made a game that would work with 10 million players. It was never going to work with so few players.

Yup, not even gonna waste my time on Wrath because of the buggy janky unmanaged mess that it’s Classic TBC. I am glad we got decent scripting for PvE tho, it’s 10x better than the private tbc realms, so that is good!

As for the PvP experience; private server engine plays 99.5% like true TBC, but this Classic Tbc is maybe 92% correct, it’s got a lot of tilting bugs that sadly would have actually been handled already if this were a private server.


Oh look, a druid complaining about other classes being able to get arena gear xD

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I swear some of you people who go on about changes ruining the game didn’t even actually play BC

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I mean, many of the changes they’re shoving down our throats are bad. Like not at all good unless you want the game to be more like retail.

I waited over 10 years for TBC. Not nu-Blizzard’s redesign of it.

Not saying I want changes, but sitting there saying “the game is ruined because there’s been changes regarding rating requirements on gear” when there were rating requirements on arena gear in original BC just makes OP look like an idiot

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I’m not sure how they could say that with a straight face. There were a ton of changes to Classic. Of course #NoChanges won’t work if you do #63Changes.

They tried starting Classic under the #NoChanges philosophy as much as possible. The devs were very forthcoming with what they were doing, as well as with the why’s and how’s. Yeah, it wasn’t perfect. I thought they did a good job, though.

Aftet launch, any change that wasn’t a bug fix was a response to how playeres were playing. Since they needed to make some significant changes, they moved away from attempting # NoChanges to #SomeChanges.

As I’ve said, player behavior will affect change.

One month later…

You :clap: Are :clap: Still :clap: Playing :clap: This :clap: Game :clap:

Sorry to say but it doesn’t matter what the spiritual heirs of the game say. Blizzard owns the code, the servers, the IP, the contracts and everything else.

Remember the Golden Rule: He who has the gold, makes the rules.


The changes were driven by Blizzard greed.

Wait, what?

All the PvP changes, changes to instance caps… Chronoboon… How do those tie into “Blizzard greed”?

Only good one was Chronoboon.

PvP changes was, well who knows, its all kinda screwed up.
Instance changes, who knows but thats not an issue.

Store Mount.
Gating SSC/TK.


This is player-driven.

Blizzard is a business. Not cashing in on a market is what folks call “stupid” in the business world.

It’s a collector’s edition bonus… It’s not a new concept to WoW or even TBC.


Please, enlighten the masses on how Blizz changed anything due to some form of greed?

If you say, “boosts!” I’m gonna have to stop you right there. If they were doing it for greed, then why am I only allowed to do it once on my account? I’d be more than happy to throw money at them so I can get another boost. I’m fairly sure there are a lot of others who’d do the same.

I work a lot of hours and my time is limited. The boost was nice to have, except I screwed up and used it on a dps class because I got overexcited to try out a lock.

I’ve leveled a rogue 1-61, a mage 1-70, and now a paladin 1-65. If I could’ve boosted the paladin, Blizz wouldn’t be able to take my money fast enough.

So, if they’re so greedy … I’m waiting for them to accept my $$$.

Care to provide me any other ways they’re so greedy?


Nah. Not going to bother if this is your position.

Bots are a problem because Blizz does nothing about it. Boosts then become Bots, and a nice little loop here to drop some $$ in Blizz pockets.

Its a joke.

Based on the comment I just posted, I guess they are stupid for not cashing in on a market. :man_shrugging:

Boost - Bot Account.
Ban the Bot (eventually).
Bot creates another account, and buys a boost.

And on we go.