sounds like someone is lonely on retail. guess drooling on your keyboard getting free epics and doing the same dailies over and over isn’t as fun as talking on the classic forums.
Haha. It wasn’t. The pimply faced teenagers of 15 years ago were nothing but white noise that we all ignored.
Now they’re all grown up and don’t realize that there were others people playing at the time that weren’t 15.
I’m not sure what being “bad” (most modern players are terrible too) has to do with pure numbers and gear checks. The content is undertuned, simple as that.
I much prefer the Chuck Norris or even the older Vin Diesel jokes over the Anal jokes.
Someone’s upset retail is dead.
LOL. I hear you on that. But it’s all relative
We should also acknowledge that latency, server stability, and That One Priest Who Still Used Dial-up were legit issues in 2005 that just don’t exist today.
I tough they said it was easier to start from a patch that had everything and go back instead from earlier patches and move forward, I guess they got lazy we got the 1.12 private wow experience instead of the classic or vanilla experience
I did
I never directly insulted anyone.
Sorry, vanilla being an easier game is a fact.
Those of us with disposable income - you know not your generation, didn’t have to worry about it.
I wouldn’t say that the playerbase back in 2004-2006 was “bad,” just that they didn’t need to be all that “good.” The level of actual challenge in raids back then was an absolute joke compared to today. You can’t really tell if someone’s skill level is a 5 vs. a 10 if the raid only challenges you up to a level of 3.
This is one of those issues that could have been picked up on early if they actually tested end game content in the beta to ensure 1.12 patch wouldn’t trivialize older content.
Its not uncommon for people to see their passive agression as noninsulting.
In some ways yes, in others no. Example, having leveled many alts in retail, classic leveling has forced me to be more thoughtful in my pulls. Dungeons the same way. Wipes are more common. I can roll over dungeons in retail like a lawn mower cuts grass. Yet a vc run caused 2 wipes in classic.
As i said, people hold on to their opinions emotionally. Blanket statements are rarely ever true, and insults make you look bad.
Obvious troll by the watered down part. Retail is the definition of watered down. Classes are no longer unique. The only good thing going for retail is the raid mechanics and a very select few QoL issues.
Pretending that if you flame any aspect of classic, you must then by default support all aspects of BFA and retail.
Nice try. Move along.
You just play the forums, troll.
They have to play the forums, retail is a ghost town.
Choose ANY content that’s been on farm for years…even on farm for just months…rerelease it.
Its going to get cleared much faster and by MANY MANY MANY more guilds. That’s not even an argument, its a fact. Its actually so much of a fact that even newly released content was down in 5-8 days.
I agree with that, but my issue is with how obviously the classic experience of gearing up pre-raid BiS / resist gear is completely irrelevant in this iteration of the game.
It isn’t any of these things. Even the “top guilds” were filled with people who didn’t know how their class worked, how raid stacking worked, etc, and were successful because they could put 8+ hrs into a raid, a few nights a week.
Even once WoW hit Ulduar during WotLK, you still had “top guilds” who were getting Top 10 US kills saying stupid things like “If you don’t have a Warrior, you can’t do any of this!” Do not mistake “top guilds” with theorycrafting experts or relevant guides.
People back then really and truly were ignorant of just how vast Vanilla was mechanically. So much of it didn’t carry from expansion to expansion simply because people didn’t know about it and Blizzard stopped continuing it. Imagine craftable AoE stun damage items from Engineering in Legion or BfA that did greater AoE damage than most classes could do in that 1.5 sec period? We’d be spamming that crap.
You needn’t take it so damn personally. The community has collectively grown in 15yrs that cannot be taken back, no matter how much harder the bosses were tuned, how much harder the gear would be to acquire, etc. Without dramatically re-imagining Classic into BfA-turned-Vanilla, with new models, “old” talents that worked better, “old” skills that worked better, and essentially RELAUNCHED the game to make WoW 2.0… all content was going to drop fast.
This cry fest over Rag’s early death is silly, and you’re going to just have to suck up the justified schadenfreude after people were told they’d go crying back to retail over how hard and difficult and extreme Vanilla was. People sucked back in Vanilla compared to even casuals as early as Wrath, much less BfA.