2004-06 players were bad

The whole argument that the raids are easy now because everyone back then was bad is pig-headed, arrogant and completely false. Some of the top guilds took it very seriously and would be near on par with top guilds of today. You had to fight for your spot, fill out applications bigger then that of most jobs and be consistent or you would be dropped for someone who will perform.

The real issue is a complete numbers game. by 1.12 MC was simple due to nerfs to content / buffs to mana regen, threat, gear, talents and abilities. It’s just lazy development to not account for this, making 5 of the 6 phases irrelevant. Even some private servers took the effort to roll it out patch by patch correctly, with much less resources at their disposal.


Step 1: Say vanilla was harder for a year
Step 2: vanilla launches and all content is crushed in 5 days effortlessly
Step 3: Back peddle and blame it on the patch version

The games difficulty pre patch or not is a joke compared to today.
Move along.


To be fair, most players in 2019 are bad as well.

The biggest difference 15 years later is availability of information. You can find your class’s best talent selection and optimal rotation in a matter of minutes.


I imagine if any Expansion was re-released, even TBC in it’s final patch form, Karazhan would be cleared and Gruul and Magtheridon would be dead in 6 days. It’s no big deal yo. Enjoy the game. We have like 5 more phases to get through!


Except back then no one was able to practice fights on the PTR, addons weren’t written before the patch they were built during the raid progression, everything in WoW was new for most people. You’ve been playing retail for years, there’s all sorts of guides and videos on how to do everything from stand during a boss fight to leveling professions. None of that existed for WoW before 2004. Yes fights are more complex today, because more people have been playing the game longer so they have mastered the basics.


It’s actually nuts to me how people cling to that concept. Watch old pvp videos and even early arena videos. Most of the stuff you see would be very easily countered by modern players simply because the concepts are now known by everyone not just a select few players.

Wasn’t it also in vanilla that these “very skilled players” thought warrior was garbage and demanded buffs, but one person actually knew how to play the class and it ended up needing a nerf after he showed the community?


Go look up False equivalence fallacy. Pretty much everything your crowd is spewing is exactly that. Pretending 1.12 was 1.3 and equal in difficulty is absurd.


I never said it was as difficult as the mechanics are today. What it did have was gear check progression that required time to obtain and made a lot of the preceding content relevant (Crafting, Dungeons and weekly grinds of easier bosses). What I’m pointing out is using the final patch as a blanket for all content is a bad idea that makes most of the end game content a push over.

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If you think “raid mechanic complexity” is the only definition of difficulty, that just shows how much of a retail drone you are :slight_smile:


Vanilla is a joke, we all knew it, we all have seen it now. Everyone is on the same page. Just stop. Dont try to sound smart.


I’ve noticed that instances are relatively faceroll, too. I remember a time when we genuinely though we needed CC not to wipe.

Perhaps that was in the days before we used key binds, and were still using click-to-move. :joy:

Comparing top 2006 players to players that have been playing the game for many years is not equal.

The level of noobness in random dungeons leveling up with people that never played vanilla is more accurate. I can tell you, there is a lot of struggle.


True, luckily for us someone came along and invented the internet and gaming guides in 2007.

It’s because getting gear means nothing in BFA as it’s drip fed to you weekly with minimal effort. The only way to challenge the player is make more fire to not stand in. That’s ok and all, classic is a different beast, a more traditional RPG where obtaining upgrades is a huge part of the game.

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Isn’t the reason they did 1.12 because they didn’t have the full patch data for other patches and didn’t want to guess?

There was a dedicated keybind menu yet no one ever thought to use binds other than the number row. That’s how bad people were.

Im sorry, you dont have a clue what you are talking about.
Enjoy your easier watered down game version though. All the best.
Passive Aggresive Smiley Face

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Says the Demon Hunter

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Thats right says me

I bet you think a 1908 and 1927 Model T produced the exact same ride. Troll elsewhere.

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