2,000 Echoes of Ny’alotha


Let’s just hope you weren’t planning on using those echoes for essences or corruptions themselves.

The problem in my opinion, is everyone is saving for BiS corruptions.

No one is going to spend the echoes on cores because it’ll just keep you behind in terms of dps


Balance is subjective. There will always be a meta. Things like AP and BiS mitigate the need to have an alt army. They have told you this.

lol complains about warlocks in pvp then says balance is subjective. Balance has never been less subjective as it is in BfA pvp.

They’ve also admitted AP is a mistake and that they’re not going to do it again.

Its a system designed for the player metrics rather than for the players. Sadly there is no mage tower to keep us motivated this time. I do not think this will work to make players come back. Most of my friends are done with bfa and so am I. Its over Blizzard.


the vendor already made one rotation. we know when the next bis item is coming.

and getting the bis corruptions only helps if you can equip them.


Yes. They’ve learned that players really just want to sit afk in garrisons and collect free gear from mission tables.

You claimed only bad players are concerned about fotm rerolling. Which is untrue. Pick any xpac, any tier and their will be fotm.

Fotm existing is not an issue, but that does not mean it needs to be enabled, like it was in WoD, to vastly conflate the power difference between players that want to play a main compared to players that want fotm/ alt armies.

And that’s okay. A game cannot cater to everyone.

And it’s true as you continue to make my point for me. Only the very top players do this regularly and it’s not a good enough reason to block alt progress.

WoD didn’t enable it. It functioned the same way as most expansions. BfA is the odd man out by making the game super unfriendly for alts, especially in the last patch.

So is it bad players? Or top players? Pick one. You literally contradict yourself.

And your alts progress is not blocked. It just won’t be as powerful as my main, that I’ve played this entire tier, in a weekend.

Remind me which other expansions rewarded raid gear, including mythic or millions of gold for afking in a garrison at the mission board?

Or had thousands of bans for honor buddy botting bgs/ ashran?

I enjoyed it to some degree. I liked the questing while leveling, even though we lost power as we leveled. I liked Mechagon that was a blast with the jet packs. It’s just that there was to many systems. Azerite, essences, corruption, the cloak. When I finally gave up on all that junk and just played what I liked BFA was much better. Shadowlands can’t come fast enough.

Do you have to max your cloak first before getting cores? Much more fun to kill N’Zoth than to do visions.

They’re never satisfied, though. That’s why Blizzard needs to grow a spine.

The people who wanted Void Elves to LOOK like High Elves are already demanding that they actually BE High Elves. (I figured that would happen, but was thinking it would take at least a year.)

The people wanted to be able to buy Cores are now complaining that the ridiculously low price is too high.


They will NEVER be satisfied. Constantly caving in to them accomplishes nothing, except encouraging them to whine even louder, because they think that’s how they get their way. (And they’re right.)


I’m glad they gave us another catch up route, I just wish they hadn’t tied yet another thing to Echoes.

2000 Echoes isn’t a ridiculous amount, but every Echo adds up when you’re trying to save up for your BiS Corruptions to roll around as well.

My Resto Druid main uses Masterful 3 Corruption. Those are 5000 Echoes each, and only 20 Corruption. Even without a ton of Cores I can still run seven Masterful Corruptions on her. That’s a LOT of Echoes. Now I’m also going to be spending 2000-4000 Echoes per week on Malefic Cores. I mean… I don’t mind farming for things I want but that’s a LOT of farming.

I just kind of wish they’d either increase the amount of Echoes we get, or maybe tie the Malefic Cores to something else. Maybe just let us earn them through Visions, or add them as a reward for the major Assault each week.

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So running some numbers here.

You can get roughly ~50k coalescing visions if you go ham and do all of the daily content + assaults. Meaning it should take you about 3 weeks to get cloak to rank 15.

Your alt will start with a -10k echo deficit (assuming you need to buy 4 rank 3 essences).

Luckily those same assaults you were doing reduces that to only -4k (1k echoes 2x per week x3 weeks for the assaults).

Now during this time you were doing visions - let’s assume each run is minimally successful w/o a carry and includes Thrall (granted thrall may not be required for quest but assuming best case).

Rank 1-5 is just first area so 250*5 = 1250 - lowers your essence deficit to -2750 echoes.

Rank 6 is 1 bonus area I believe so 250+125=375 lowers deficit to -2375 echoes.

Rank 7,8 require 2 bonus areas each so (250+125+125)*2=1000 lowers deficit to -1375 echoes.

Rank 9,10,11 each require full clears so 750*3=2250 echoes reducing deficit to 125 echoes.

So you will get your essences for “free” (i.e. just visions + assaults) echo currency at roughly rank ~12. Probably around 10 or 11 if you include heroic darkshore and LFR.

Finishing out the math though

Rank 12, 13, 14, 15 assume full clears (since you need lost areas assuming you can do lower areas and boss) - so 4*750 = 3000 echoes.

In this time, roughly 21 emmisaries will have come and gone so 21*250 = 5,250. I didn’t include this since it isn’t “free” (as in outside of normal cloak upgrade activities) - but still worth noting. This brings total to ~8250 in surplus by the time your done.

This does not take into account any of the other sources, but it also assumes your vision runs will go perfect each time (no failed attempts).

Your mileage will vary on the other sources given that you still actually need to be farming gear throughout all of this (that leg of progression still exists Blizz - just an fyi) and I’m assuming you aren’t just being carried through visions or heroics from day 1.

So basically the first 3 weeks of your alt will be spent spamming dailies/assaults/etc. just to get that cloak to a semi-competitive state. It should leave you with 4 rank 3 essences (minimum needed) and likely at least enough to purchase 1 corruption.

Good luck playing your main during this time though as this assumes going pretty ham on farming currency/running visions.

So is it better than nothing. Sure. Does it leave a lot to be desired still? Absolutely.

Oh by the way, If you didn’t play at all in 8.2 you are still just SoL depending on which essence grinds you need to do - but that is a whole other debacle.

Then why even worry about it?

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I made this character very recently and got his essences through normal means, except for Conflict & Strife which I did buy with Echoes since I didn’t feel like doing Arena again.

But the essences are pretty easy to get. No need to buy them, for the most part.

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This depends on what you need.

Pretty sure no one wants to grind out the pvp ones again or the rep ones or the raid currency based ones.

The post clearly said there’s no limit.

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Blizz really needs to hire some new game mechanics designers… Just allow for more than one per week from Visions. Not rocket science. Now on top of waiting on dam mother corruption rotation I got to time when I buy these day upgrades to catch up. Big yikes. Just come back just to be turned off by everything about this tier.

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Top players do it, bad players worry about it. Learn to read.

Every expansion has had reasonable catchup in its last tier. If you want to be intentionally shortsighted that’s up to you.