2,000 Echoes of Ny’alotha

You’re really complaining already, huh

Good thing there are several other easy sources to earn them right?

so when does this come out?

It’s active now.

i dont see it? Or am i being trolled / not looking in the right direction

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i just bought 4, definitely there. They were the second one on mothers list for me.

When can we do this

When can wr purchase these

It’s up already.

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I mean… not sure that’s an answer right?

“It’s pretty easy if you ignore the hard ones.”?

If they were all like focusing iris - not sure we would’ve even needed a catch up mechanic (i.e. activities you would likely otherwise be doing anyways).

and only gives 3 corruption resistance

The only really annoying ones are like… the EP one, everything else is current content.

Well 2k x 10 or 12?

All the while, blowing your savings for the actual corruption itself (which incidentally therein lies the problem).

The nazjatar rep ones, nazjatar follower one, uldum/vale reps… no one wants to do those multiple times.

Even the nyalotha raid one is frustrating if your intent is to grind out the currency on multiple toons. Same with pvp and arena.

Well, i’ll give you naz and rustbolt.

But uldum/vale are current content, no one might WANT to do them again, but revered doesn’t take much.

They should have just lowered the requirements honestly. Revered to honored if you already have rank 3, etc. Maybe have the EP one drop in ny’a too.

It’s not there for me either.

I have 18k echoes and nothing useful to spend them on.

Will anything ever satisfy you people? I mean you can FARM echos and get well over 2k a week from doing normal things like dailies/invasions.

I bought like 4 or 5 of them yesterday plus got one from doing vision. Did they hotfix a change within the past 12 hours or so?

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Except that this was a fix that people complained that their ALTS cloaks would never be able to catch up with the current system. So rather than just removing the cap on cores from visions, they dropped it onto a currency that is relatively limited and slow to grind.

First you need essences, then you need a max cloak, then you need corruptions, and now you have to spend your echoes on cloak upgrades.

There is no logic to why it was tied to echoes.


Not true. You can purchase unlimited cores until u are caught up. You can still earn 2 per week until caught up. Then one per week.

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