I suppose that’s true. Even I was like But I wear mail, we still good fam?
I mean, the phrase “howling about Honor” makes it pretty clear that she was mostly talking about the Orcs/Trolls/Tauren element of the Horde.
I would partly disagree with you. The existence of the night elves is not only the decline of their species and the slow loss of what they have been at their core. Of course, as they were designed, they were and still are actually the strongest race in Azeroth. They are a born leader race, with all the advantages that can only exist. Immortality, magically formidable talent, physical strength, skill, high cultural civilization, powerful enchantments, mastered almost any magic.
Of course, they had to leave a few feathers, let’s face it, if that were still all in play, the other races would be unnecessary, but the fall of a race of this size also requires a certain grace, which a Tolkien handled much better as a reference. Blizz rather uses the hammer here, and has shown once again that they don’t believe in nuances.
And the point is, if entropy is the driving element of Warcraft, it should also cover all other races and not just the races that Blizzard hopes will have the greatest impact. Ultimately, the decision to sacrifice the night elves was made because blizzard knows that - although not everyone player - many like the night elves and that it will have a longer lasting effect. That was the whole point.
Truth be told, hardly any race has empathy for any others. Elves and Trolls in particular have antipathy even towards minor varriances in their own species.
Can’t really blame the races as a whole. Seems there’s always something or someone who wants want to wipe a race out for Reasons. Azeroth is a pretty hostile place to live if you stop and think about it
Unfortunately nothing it can be done from the player-base side in the same way the Alliance players can’t fight Anduin and Jaina cringeness
Many nelves players give their race feats that are more headcanon than actual lore:
- Being great mages when in Cataclysm everyone was making fun of their outdated use of magic.
- Most believe the Wild God of Hyjal should be backing them 24/7 but only Cenarius have been show to care about them
- Over hyping Tyrande as she could wipe out the Horde single-handedly which ofc she can’t and besides that hatred should be targeted to Sylvanas and maybe the ghost of Saurfang
While I do agree being exterminated horrible to advance the plot of Sylvanas is a horrible thing, the Nelves still got a better treatment than most of the other races when they got their Teldrassil moment.
-Nelves defeat in the novel a good war was really hard fought and their skeleton crew was able to fight an army of Orcs, Taurens and Forsakens even when being lead by the Screecher and Saurfang
-Their army of sentinels is still intact and the recent book references it as a powerful force(while the Zandalaris were attacked by the same tactic and yet their army is almost non existent)
Meanwhile Orcs, Trolls, Goblins, Draeneis are just killed in masses on dungeons and sometimes as a joke, though honestly I wish this wasn’t the normative for any playable race as cold war conflicts will be more interesting and less casualties in both sides.
As I mentioned previously, this has been the norm in Blizzard for many playable races and I do feel sympathy that nothing is worst to see the writers create a huge problem that is just forgotten later.
However seeing people like Liira and Elasana (to name some examples) harassing people and outright saying “we are the only ones that suffered yours doesn’t count for x and y reason” is just toxicity that I can’t and won’t support(ironically also downplaying the tragic events of other playable races is exactly what Blizzard does). But I’m happy to see you aren’t in that wagon and offer my apologies for being harsh.
I think everyone would like that, after all Blizzard sacrifice non human races stories and land to give it to humans which imo are the worst thing in WoW and that says something as writing interesting human characters is like failing at a tutorial at a facebook game.
Hmmm I never thought of it this way… interesting.
Blizzard has in the past try really hard for to keep the “Humans vs Orcs” stay as the prime relevant faction story, while other races sit in the sides… not by popularity but because they are very…um… zealous with the story they want players to focus on… without sacrificing their main Humans vs Orcs WC faction Plot?
They are “painfully aware that elves of all their WoW types and the non-human races are by default VERY popular with a lot of its fan player base” so I guess I can see how they might use them to draw attention to the narrative they want us to play on… maybe?
If that is not it? I think this problem could be cause by a few things (IMO):
They are staying to close to WC-RTS games and the story that is meant for an RTS Faction game. Where RPGMMO’s stories tend to have to evolve beyond that…
As talented as writhers can be… now a days modern writers tend to write self-inserts or their personal preference into stories and don’t get me wrong, some are really good, but this can become painfully obvious to a point that it starts to annoy/tired the reader/consumer as it sometimes damages the narrative or the throws of course the whole Fantasy or Sci-fi main plot instead of enrich it.
Stories as good as they might be don’t always translate well to games… it takes time and a lot of work to get a story right that translate well with the game.
At least these are my speculation…
Anyway, I hope SL story turns out awesome to be honest… a lot of…um… “important stuff” is running with that one…
BUT THIS TIME: I got my back up plans (thank god I found other good story MMO) just in case: FF14, ESO and maybe GW2 or SWTOR depending if they release new story content by the time I’m done with SL good or bad.
That’s not how Genn and the Worgen themselves feel. They felt a debt of grattitude for the Night Elves’ rescue of their people and joined with them on the Darkshore Warfront.
Or maybe because it’s not fun to have your favorite race in a video game -and i quote - genocided.
I know it’s twelve days later but damn. That was one insane post trying to paint a broad brush over a large amount of people who basically just didn’t want to have their favorite race’s genocide used as a plot device for crazy undead lady.
It’s funny that the Night Elves’ genocide and complete destruction was used to give Saurfang 4 cinematics, and Sylvanas her own expansion.
But the Night Elves literally got NOTHING, NOTHING out of it ever. The only thing they got is being told that Sylvanas is not evil and that their revenge will be nothing else than tickling an undead archer a bit.
It’s so disgusting when I type it out, and yet Horde players somehow try to defend this.
Yeah, you still don’t know what this means.
- Zones gone
- Population gone
- Leaders gone crazy according to blizz
- Capital city gone
- Genociders and murderers of the race got away with everything and are being celebrated as heroes
That’s completely destroyed beyond recovery.
Still there.
Still there
Boo Hoo
Your head canon.
So, I’ll repeat:
Destroyed or in horde’s hands
Remember the war of thorns?
She’s repeatedly described as such.
What head canon its literally all over the place, in the story and from blizz statements
Still there
Night Elves are still around. In game and in the story. Therefor, still there.
Nope. That’s you repeating 1 thing over and over believing it to be true when the ingame dialog etc. indicates it’s just an assumption on your part.
It literally isn’t.
Now let’s talk about your misuse of the word literally:
You say Night Elves got literally nothing. This is patently false. But even better is your next sentence immediately following the above:
So, they got something. Might not be what you wanted but you got something.
Oh, I’m aware of how Genn and them feel. My point is, I, like many others are tired of every other post being derailed into a Woo is me, kaldorei have been completly exterminated nonsense we get from certain posters constantly.
So you want as many threads as you can make to be woe for Gilneas instead?
Don’t get me wrong, I’m tired of the doomsaying as well, but your flavor isn’t any more palatable.
But not night elf lands anymore, idk what you’re trying to say.
A handful of them as refugees
Yes she is, she is described as consumed by vengeance too, and many other indications that she is acting wrong.
Devs said that Sylvanas isnt evil and that tyrande got her revenge, the story says that saurfang and the Horde are innocent and Slyvanas got away anyway.
Never said that, nor claimed I wanted that. Just tired of every thread being derailed by these rabid NE fans calling for the extermination of the horde.
Nobody is doing that, just Horde posters and people like you who want to invalidate Night Elf fans complaints.
Most just want their zones back, possibly a new home and Sylvanas brought to justice, but all of those things were denied.