They have to do something, they can’t just leave our race in the air like this. It doesn’t make any sense, where could the night elves reside if not in a World Tree or in a place like Darnassus? with the humans? No way. In Ashenvale? For a race so iconic and old, so powerful and ancient you’re telling me we’ll live in a beach coast? It makes no sense.
There’s Mount Hyjal. And they WILL leave the Kaldorie race in the air, just like they left so many others. I’m still salty the kaldorei will get a new home, but the Worgen still aren’t allowed to reclaim theres. Trust me, any race deemed Vicious always gets mistreated by blizz. Be grateful they’re leaving the kaldorei alone for the time being.
Well, given how Shadowlands is playing out, it looks like nobody will get their revenge on Sylvanas.
They are though. They said that tyrande got her revenge in 8.1 and they really meant it.
Hyjal would be good, but blizz really doesn’t care enough
Sad but true by the looks of it, and comments made by the dev team.
Gonna be honest OP made me feel sad for night elves in one post than alot of night elf posters have since i got to these forums.
People like OP and a lot of the nelves from here really killed any good will anyone could feel toward them.
Honestly I wonder who will broke first, the crying and spoiled nelf fanbase that wants to annihilate the Horde or Danuser which is still fixed in writing more stuff for Sylvanas “koOl momenzt”
Can we fire Danuser, so we can finally be rid of his precious waifu? She just sucks everything out of the story at this point. Talk about a character that stuck around WAY too long.
Danuser is just one of many. Golden will continue to shoe-horn Anduin and Jaina at the spotlight at the cost of every other character and Greymane will continue to be muzzled and let’s not forget Afrasiabi is a fan of soul searching quest storylines…We need a revamp in that department.
We really do. Like so many, I’m tired of the self inserts, the moralization that the playerbase sucks for liking certain races, the characters that long overstayed their welcome, etc.
I can’t agree more with your whole comment but especially that part I quoted express perfectly the resentment and cynicism that Blizzard has built up in their own franchise for mishandling their own lore and playing favorites for so long.
Just bravo
They put these cool and interesting races in the game, like Tribal Orcs, led by their elders/Shamans, the trolls with their awesome loa(Bwom is one of my favorite), the Kaldorei and their interactions with their wild gods, worgen…All deemed either monsterous,misunderstood or viscious and the thing they all have in common? Blizzard can’t write them for crap and tells us we suck for liking them.
Sometimes I want to just scream at them and tell them enough the damn human potential and God King Anduin. It’s not what half the playerbase wants, you know?
Ashenvale? I thought all of the Darnassus portals were gone and that Mage portals sent you to Darkshore. It’s been awhile since I tried.
But at least it’s not the rude awakening that you get if you take a portal to Theramore.
The Forsaken and the Gnomes are in that boat as well. As well as any Human who roleplays a Lordaeronian.
Well. I’m talking from a meta perspective. Lordaeron hasn’t been in the hands of the alliance, since Arthas razed it in WC 3. So them rping lordaerians is irrelevant to the topic. And I legit forgot about the gnomes. Who STILL haven’t retaken Gnomeragen after all these years.
Indeed, Blizzard seem to have two heads discussing each other in the direction they want to head at this game. Whether they want humans and friends kid show or a real fantasy and gritty world as we saw in MoP…I guess right now is about favoritism rather than logic.
They do, this is why at the Blizzcon Q&A filter what people can go and what they can ask, this is why we don’t another Red Shirt guy moment despite the Lore is narratively less engaging and even hostile to its players
I didn’t mean to spew any hate towards the entire Horde but to be fair sylvanas was your war chief when our tree burned. And also why do you say that night elfs are spoiled? Have you not looked at how powerful the Zandalari are?
The night elves are an ancient and according to all WoW lore one of the most powerful races in all of azeroth and one of the oldest as well. I never imagined seeing the world tree burn as did many others, not fair to say we’re crying or maybe you just can’t grasp the magnitude of this event.
Let’s for a second pretend that Stormwind burned to the ground, I wonder what would happen then.
Well does it matter really?
Both the Horde and Sylvanas got away with it, and I’m willing to bet that Sylvanas is going to return to the Horde soon. Nobody in the Horde really minded any of Sylvanas’ actions anyway
Why would she return to the horde when she’s making a bid for queen of the underwold?
And after she insulted them all, basically telling them they’re nothing more than animals in armor howling about honor.
I like to think she was mostly talking about Warriors, Paladins, and Death Knights.
Me in the crowd: “Hey! What did she say? That bit… oh. She said toy soldiers wearing plate. I wear cloth. Nm. We good. Those plate wearers are indeed the worst!”