That in and of itself is not a problem. Heck that’s what Trekkies LIKE about the Klingons. It’s who it’s aimed against that makes it problematic.
Never said it was. That’s one of the reasons why I like orcs.
I just keep noticing that some people are under the impression that like… post-internment camp the orcs have somehow completely revamped their culture, when in reality, nothing really changed, they just promised themselves to not give into the bloodhaze.
Blizz just needs to tune the “muh honor” aspect, but the savegery, war, power metal, that was always there.
Yeah just butcher his way through their civilian population and hold them hostage for a mad woman. Who could’ve foreseen Sylvanas doing something crazy?
How cool would it be if there were some elves from every faction that kind of wanted to enjoy all being elves together and formed a Pan-Elven League?
runs off to watch as things burn down around her post
@OP I agree with you on the fact that doing the bronze dragon go back in time thing to see Teldrassil or even leaving it behind and coming back to it at 110 to see if burn after creating a new character and it being home for a while–well, it just …hurts.
I remember when I first started playing the game just sitting in Darnassus for hours at a time–looking at the temple and Haidene (that’s the statue of the NE priestess there.) I remember running around and exploring all the little nooks and crannies, and just being completely in awe of the combination of wood and stone. I kept wondering if they commissioned dwarves to help with the stonework or if, out there somewhere, there are these amazing night elven stone carvers that we’ve never heard about. I like to imagine it’s the latter, but I bet there are some great stories out there about dwarves teaching the elves new tricks.
And while the tree itself has its own storied and terrible past (short lived though that tree has been,) the beauty and grandeur of Teldrassil, for me, was something I never saw matched anywhere else. And so…its being gone leaves me with a sobering sadness. I do hope there will be new wonders to see, though, and I’m certain we’ll see many of them in Shadowlands.
Yep, he did that.* If you’ll revise your accusations to that, I’ve got no argument with you.
*Well, he sometimes tried to spare civilians, sort of, but eh, that part’s not worth insisting on.
I guess he wasn’t trying to set up for genocide but it was just a happy little side effect of his fun time hewing elves that did him no wrong to pieces in their homes because “lmao we might be attacked in the future”.
God damn BfA is awful.
You’ll be hard pressed to find Orc fans that are seriously happy with how things turned out this expansion.
I don’t think anybody liked this expansion - period. Lore wise it is awful.
You ever read the classic description of the Orcs? That’s where people got it from.
This is (sadly) probably a good thing.
Actually I have not
The savage, green-skinned Orcs are one of the most prolific races of Azeroth. They are commonly believed to be brutal and mindless, possessing no humanity or empathy for other races. Born on the hellish world of Draenor, the Orcs were brought into the kingdom of Stormwind through the dimensional gateway known as the Dark Portal and forced to wage war on the Humans. Although few are aware of their history, the Orcs once cultivated a noble, Shamanistic society on the world of Draenor. Tragically, the proud Orc clans were corrupted by the Burning Legion and used as pawns in the Legion's invasion of Azeroth. The Orcs managed to rebel, however, and they were ultimately able to help turn the tide against their demon masters. Led by the young Warchief, Thrall, the Orcs have reclaimed their strength and honor. Now, the Orcs stand ready to fight not for the sake of conquest, but for their right to survive in their adopted world.
Not the text I was looking for but you can make a classic Orc and read their race profile in game.
Also not the format I wanted that in.
Even if any of those blurbs directly call them “peaceful”, we’ve had tons of in-game stuff (not even books) expand on them and clearly show them as the classic fantasy barbarian archetype. So my point kinda still stands.
Perhaps the word “savage” just automatically gives people bad vibes, but I personally don’t use it in a strictly negative way.
The issue is people don’t mind Barbarian culture against the bad races. It’s when it’s done against the draenei, alliance, or other “good” races in over the top ways.
I would assume to keep up the façade, and still needed them to prologue the conflict as long as possible. Just letting them die for no reason may have fed death in the short term, but it would have shortened the conflict considerably. I mean, did people not notice that every single one of her tactics throughout all of BfA ONLY make sense if her prioritize were to keep the war prolongued and escalated as long as possible? Even her recruitment of the Horde ARs was in service of her bolstering the potential body count; because she knew the Alliance would have to follow suit.
And … no. She didn’t care about Orgrimmar. Considering the actions of the Darkshore Horde, I’m not even sure she cared about doing anythiing but pissing off the NEs enough to attack that region. Why else would you put ONLY the Bilgewater and Forsaken of all races there? The most antagonistic Horde races for the NEs. Those soldiers placed there were meant to do two things: Trigger the NEs, and kill off as many of them that come running before they died themselves. Hell, even the raising of the Undead NEs was apparently just in service to that.
Man, I wonder what Belmont and Faranel think of being sacrificial lambs?
I pretty much enjoyed both the Kul Tiras and the Zandalar storylines. Kul Tiras resolved a gaping wound that had been opened since Reign of Chaos. And Hordeside gave us the rise of a new Troll figure to fill the gap left by Vol’-jin.
Well, we have highborne. So, while they are not quite night elves, but they’ve managed to come to acceptance of each other. Not to mention that there is still princess Aszune turned into stone and her heart was taken somewhere from Dalaran by Vashj. (check essence of Aszune)
gl hf
I really miss the Undercity. The circular layout, the heavy thematics, the wild and witchy characters. It was bad enough when the charmingly rundown Brill was replaced with a alchemical shrine to Sylvanas, but now my undead characters feel untethered. More lost than ever.
Oh yea baby, are you feeling that faction pride now? oh dont mind that your warchief killed lots of your soldiers for her selfish goals and declared “you are nothing” just “wait and see” where this train to nowhere take us, dont mind that the loyalist choice didnt amount to squat because thats not “the story we wanted to tell”.
I reckon you would feel better if there were some kind of reassurance that your faction is going to get satisfying development however…err yea that would be kinda stale by the date you receive something, it took the goblins around 10 years for them to receive a faction leader that doesnt treat them like crap but dont worry! instead for some reason the succesor that is being groomed for your faction is… Calia! which doesnt have… anything in common with the fantasy of the forsaken besides being undead, yep sounds pretty nice to me!
Dont mind the snark i know the forsaken got hit hard with the exp and getting set up with calia feels more than a double whammy than a plus.