2 manning heroics in blues? not good for the game

Dungeon finder gave 2 emblems of frost for your first random heroic, and 2 emblems of triumph for every one after that. That, plus foregoing the daily heroic limit meant a lot more emblems. You could actually fully gear yourself out.

And of course just the convenience of doing way more dungeons thanks to dungeon finder.


Our guild group mostly did 25s and I was pugging 10s on the weekend, typically wasted, so I might have been making assumptions that 2 heals weren’t the norm. This would have been during ICC.

Hope you have a good healer friend that is willing to go through dungeons at a significantly slower pace because you won’t invite DPS.

At least invite DPS that won’t compete for your gear. Use your head, homie. :thinking:


You will still be able to gear yourself out with the previous tier rather quickly with the current system. And even be able to afford some current tier after doing the daily for a bit.

Daily heroic will always award the best badge available, and heroic bosses will drop the previous tier badge.

and to be clear im not saying this shouldn’t possible ever, I just don’t think heroics should be 2 mannable in the first tier with mostly blues. like if you get ulduar and TOC gear sure that’s how gear should work/scale you up

Personally, I’m less interested in gearing myself and more interested in doing what I enjoy. And I loved Wrath dungeons. So I’m not happy about stupid, pointless, tedious barriers and landmines to get to what I enjoy.


people 1 heal 10 mans now.

People 1 healed 25 man normal fights in wrath and cata, I remember Vodka had a trial for new healers where they made them 1 heal some heroic fight in dragon soul.

Healing is not that intense in wrath minus a fight or two

Remember when Cataclysm Heroics came out and all the Wrathbabies whined about how they were too hard and they needed to be dumbed down? Good times.


every phase brought new badge gear in tbc

It’s more efficient to do raids than to get 3-5 badges for 20min of effort vs 20 badges from 2 lockouts of naxx

its been a hot minute since ive had to think of LK raid comps as well.

but you are doing it with someone else and the group was made the stupidest way possible so its a hot thing for the game OP!


It will take a while 2man.

Grab a clothie dps…Shazam every one is happy.


The incentive is time. If you cut the time in half, there’s the incentive. Also the RDF had the “luck of the draw buff”. I mean, the tank here is doing 5.4k dps and taking almost no damage, imagine what a dps could do?


ah, it’s been a while since the LQHs pulled that one out.


One of the reason’s retail had had problems is that they have made most of the content too hard this expansion, at least in terms of raids.

People are doing them at 77 rofl.

These heroics are actually a joke.

But I mean we knew that.

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Don’t you need to be 80 to enter a heroic?


Unless it was just changed.

We have been doing at 77 on beta for while.

I think it was changed weeks ago.

no, that was tbc heroics - can check the patch notes at the top of the forum