There is no justifiable reason Wrath heroics should be so easy that a tank and healer can 2 man them at the launch of the expansion, and yet that is exactly what is happening now on the beta.
People in pre bis blues are two-manning…this means the heroics need buffs, possibly even more than the naxx ones.
For those of you who disagree and think this is ‘gatekeeping’ by making things a little harder…guess what…if tanks and a healer can 2 man heroics, guess who isn’t going to get invited to any groups? All the DPS…
and this is with OR without RDF. If a tank and healer can 2 man the heroics they will do that and never use RDF and be less incentivized to invite DPS, because guess what? they will get all the gold, gems, orbs, and epics for themselves. They might even start “selling” spots. Easy doesn’t necessarily mean accessible, it might make things worse. Needing 3 DPS should be the bare minimum difficulty. We aren’t talking Heroic Magisters Terrace or Blood Furnace here, but the the mobs need to pack more of a punch.
Blizzard, we need a buff to the heroics. If you don’t want to make the heroics cumbersome, you don’t need to necessarily buff the trash mobs, but at least buff the bosses so that they need 3 DPS to kill before the healer goes oom. Or add a faster enrage timer.
+100% health, +50% damage, +30% attack speed, and faster cooldowns on their mechanics.
This should be something both ANTI RDF and Pro RDf people can get behind, because whatever side of the coin you fall on, it won’t matter if the tanks and heals are doing the stuff alone, the two least played and most needed specs will leave the DPS out to dry. And this is coming from a tank player. I will 100% not invite DPS if I can get all the items myself. I’d much rather though, have a fun experience with 5 people that requires bare minimum CC and decent attention.