The real reason for this is because if you place enough points in tanking you get an armour bonus and default threat from really just being in the area an attacks. I myself have tried the 2h thing on mobs and the duel wield thing i can hold threat but my healer has to work quite a bit from me taking more than needed damage. Id drop group if I were you and a tank was doing this.
I actually let my friend tank a dungeon as DW, since he’s leveling as DW fury. Needless to say after he realzied he was getting murdered extremely quick, he threw his shield back on.
People don’t realize that shields make a huge difference, especially around the SM level. A shield alone is like 19-20% damage reduction.
Because Threat
THIS! A group needed a tank for stocks, about half way through they legit asked if they could poach me from my guild because I was actually tanking and the raid team they’re assembling lacks someone who wants to tank.
/Said no but they’re on my friend list
Why not?
Bloodrage gives you your sunder armor. Charge + bloodrage gives you even more
Oh my sweet, summer child.
I mean the old “wait for 3 sunders” rule was great and all but when i learned to tank the first time around in Vanilla I had 2 arcane POM pyro mages in my guild who would pull before I got a charge off.
I learned to hold threat in a trial by fire (fairly literally ) and it made me a better tank. You do not improve if your skills are never challenged or sharpened. Shields up ladies.
Threat generation is fine in the early levels with sword and board provided the tank pulls. If however the tank is trying to generate threat on multiple mobs by doing damage, then there’s your problem.
EDIT: Threat not rage, sorry
It matters because the shield provides you extra armor. Like you said 2 hander and one hander doesn’t matter, Demo/battle shout is used to generate threat on mobs and sunder/revenge/shield slam is used on single targets. So why use a 2 hander which doesn’t really help with threat generation (if you have no rage use bloodrage and/or charge) and makes you take more damage?
0 reason to ever use a shield until at least after SM, it is just worse.
2h tanking early to mid level dungeons is fine. For SM, especially with whirlwind weapons and sweeping strikes, I’d argue it’s optimal–things die too fast to even inflict noteworthy damage. Outside of the BRSs, you can pull it off even in the 60 dungeons, with a patient group and coordination.
it was a thing on private servers so it has carried over.the only down fall is they demand all the 2nd weapons.
i have been told by warriors dont roll on the 2hd weapon drop even tho im enhancement and can uise it .it creates a bad meta for dungeons.
Less you be spaming cleave runs in SM two hander be faster clears.
Also more threat. Currently in SM with 2h tank we be burning down arm in less than 20 mins x.x
It was a thing during original vanilla.
i dont remember that but then again i only rolled with friends this time around im solo maybe thats it.
You’re saying you can spam Demo Shout while tanking. Not if you don’t have the rage for it. You’re backtracking on your previous comments. Also, post on your warrior.
Blood rage is on a cooldown, it should not be up for every pull or your DPS suck, every other pull is more realistic. Also, I forgot that there are newbs that spec arms for leveling and have tactical mastery.
Even though 2h fury is better in every single way to level with.
why would you dual wield tank over 2h tanking with the massive hit reduction incurred by dual wielding? pretty much guaranteed huge threat loss, you’re better off just using a shield (but 2h is better at low levels anyway for reasons I’ve already discussed ITT)
using a 2h gives you way more rage…how exactly does demo/battle shout generate rage? Unless you mean the passive rage intake from taking damage, but even then I guarantee you my 2h white swings give me more rage than I’d get if I was using a shield. I’ve done both.
2h = more damage = more threat = mobs die faster = less damage taken as a whole = less healer mana spent = faster run = more xp. This is how it works until I’d say probably early end game dungeons.
until the mobs actually start hitting hard enough to need the extra armor from a shield, it’s literally not worth using a sword and shield for any reason unless you need to hold your healer’s hand